1) Hey Martin, are you sure you want to give money to bigots? Sorry Mr. Robby that you don't see the principals involved when a man cannot get a meal simply based on the color of ones skin. This place says open to the public and we all should enjoy such. Now come in here with me Robert and protest this unfair behavior.
2) Good for you. I got your back. Great now while I drink my fill of delicious clean water from this white only fountain, you stop all and explain to anyone who complains why I should be able to do so. By the way what are you going to say ?
3) If he seemed interested in conversation, I'd engage. If he seemed like he just wanted to travel and be left alone, I'd leave him alone. He wanted to make you his BFF and wanted you to help him in his fight. He is on his way to sit down at a public diner who will not serve blacks in the front, only in the back. He invites you to join him in walking in the front of the diner to get a meal
4) Encourage him to disavow individual and systemic acts of violence which feature offensive force as a "viable" means.Will this stop him from getting killed violently ? and how do you propose him to go about getting the results MLK seeks ?