What did you accomplish today?


Well maybe we stopped to pee ;-).
There's a hollow behind my house, turkey hang in my yard. But only on rainy days for whatever reason.

They will fly to the edge of my property and then walk in. If I spook them, they run like hell back to the edge of the property and fly away from there. Once in a while at sunset, one will fly into one of my oak trees.

They're kinda comical to watch.
The rain spooks them. They have great hearing. The rain on leaves makes a lot of noise. They stick to working fields and other open areas where they can see better.
We were skipping school one day, driving around getting high when all of a sudden a huge flock of turkeys appeared in the road. My buddy fucked with them, revving his engine and reverse brake checking them. The one turkey started attacking his tire. So my buddy got out and threw a tire iron at it. He missed. That turkey fucked his day up. It was quite traumatic lol. I've been leery of turkeys ever since.
A T-ball bat works well on angry geese. I bet it would work on a pissed off turkey.
If you don't want to hurt them too bad, just smack em in the chest where their muscles are the thickest. They'll be sore for sure, but not crippled.
Appalachian mountains.

Wild turkey does have a game taste to it. Some people don't like game taste. I do. If a person doesn't like it a bit of beer when cooking will help.

I like wild turkey more than store bought.

We raise chickens free range and they even have a game taste.

People would think turkey hunting is easy. It kind of is but its kind of not. They have really good eyes and even with camo the slightest movement will spook them. If they had a sense of smell like a deer they would be damn near impossible to kill.
Yeah ive had plenty of dear and elk my uncle hunted, the game taste can be a bit over powering, but its not bad if seasoned right.
Yeah ive had plenty of dear and elk my uncle hunted, the game taste can be a bit over powering, but its not bad if seasoned right.

The gamey taste has a lot to do with the animals diet, when it's harvested (The rut makes this strongest in ungulates) and how the meat is treated after it is taken.

The first two may be out of your control, but the third can make all the difference in the world.
The gamey taste has a lot to do with the animals diet, when it's harvested (The rut makes this strongest in ungulates) and how the meat is treated after it is taken.

The first two may be out of your control, but the third can make all the difference in the world.
How the animal dies can change the taste too. Stress and adrenaline makes the meat gamey also.
I just left Academy sports and outdoors. I found a 500 round box of .22lr for $2.99! I grabbed both of the boxes they had left.

You can’t beat 1000 rounds for $6. Guess who will be shooting every can in sight this weekend?
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What's your favorite plinking rig?
I love shooting my Ruger 10/22 (stainless/synthetic) with 25 round magazines + speedloader.
The speedloader is awesome. Just dump a box in the bin, shake it until they line up in the groove, then turn the crank until the mag is full. EZ-PZ 8)
You can load the magazines by hand, but they don't call em "thumb busters" fer nothin'. :?

I'll see if I can find my bag & get a pic. It's in the garage somewhere...
What's your favorite plinking rig?
I love shooting my Ruger 10/22 (stainless/synthetic) with 25 round magazines + speedloader.
The speedloader is awesome. Just dump a box in the bin, shake it until they line up in the groove, then turn the crank until the mag is full. EZ-PZ 8)
You can load the magazines by hand, but they don't call em "thumb busters" fer nothin'. :?

I'll see if I can find my bag & get a pic. It's in the garage somewhere...

I've got a 10/22 that only has the receiver left as the stock piece.
Green river s/s bull barrel & more Volquartsen stuff than one gun needs.
Also went with the blued Barracuda stock & a 4-10 scope.
A one holer @ 50-75 yds.

I'll try & dig up a pic after work.
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I've got a 10/22 that only has the receiver left as the stock piece.
Green river s/s bull barrel & more Volquartsen stuff than one gun needs.
Also went with the blued Barracuda stock & a 4-10 scope.
A one holer @ 50-75 yds.

I'll try & dig up a pic after work.
I have an old .22 revolver with 8 inch barrel. Its accurate enough to hunt squirrel. Good snake gun too.
What's your favorite plinking rig?
I love shooting my Ruger 10/22 (stainless/synthetic) with 25 round magazines + speedloader.
The speedloader is awesome. Just dump a box in the bin, shake it until they line up in the groove, then turn the crank until the mag is full. EZ-PZ 8)
You can load the magazines by hand, but they don't call em "thumb busters" fer nothin'. :?

I'll see if I can find my bag & get a pic. It's in the garage somewhere...
My step dad has a stock Ruger 10/22, my son has a mosberg 702 plinkser, I have a revolver that can shoot .22lr or .22 mag. And I forget what the other .22 rifle is at the moment(I think it’s a Marlin). But we shoot them all. Plus I have a couple of shotguns, a few other handguns, and an sks but I’m not too found of it.
My step dad has a stock Ruger 10/22, my son has a mosberg 702 plinkser, I have a revolver that can shoot .22lr or .22 mag. And I forget what the other .22 rifle is at the moment(I think it’s a Marlin). But we shoot them all. Plus I have a couple of shotguns, a few other handguns, and an sks but I’m not too found of it.
I never liked my SKS either. To this day, it's the worst trigger pull I've ever tried and the stock looked like it had been dragged behind a truck on a gravel road. Me and a buddy had our trigger assemblies fixed by some guy who put an ad in Shotgun News. They turned out *MUCH* better -- but the gun still isn't very accurate. And it stovepipes a lot, which pisses me off.