Name a country that's better than America

You're a Pollyanna supporter of a corrupt and broken Democratic Party that does not represent you.

You forgot 'who shot JR'
I'm pretty happy with Wyden, Merkley and Defazio. They have very good records as liberal congressmen. Also, without good liberal democrats like them, Republicans would have already dismantled Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Republicans hate Wyden, which is a good thing in my book.

Obama was a decent president, especially when compared to the one before and after him.

So, no, I'm fairly well represented by the Democrats that I've voted for. Too bad that in your cynicism you don't see that there are some very good Democratic congressmen working for the people of this country.

Also, I'm hopeful for the nascent movement that takes Sanders as their leader. I see a lot of good there. Your cynicism will eventually turn on them when the reality of Republican obstruction gets in their way. But I think they are going to be fine and good for the country. Some of them, at least.
holocaust? the palestinian population is growing faster than the jewish population you retarded fuck. you cheapen the actual holocaust that my wife's family went through asshole.
Ah so if it's not a Jewish Holocaust it doesn't count. Gotcha.

Raw population numbers do not address or explain nor do they excuse what's been done to them throughout the last century, primarily at the hands of Jewish Zionists themselves.

But another classic attempt at misdirection by the angry hypocrite.
These Bernouts just don't understand that some words have meanings other than theirs in their own comfortable white WASP lives.
Maybe you would do to learn a little history.

You might start with the Balfour Declaration.

You will realize he's making a fool of you.
I get a chuckle when I hear young people compare what's happening today with what happened in the late 60s and early 70s. Bombings were so common when I was a child we'd see commercials warning against bombs during afternoon cartoons. They'd show a blasting cap sitting on a tree trunk and flash a warning ' if you see this, don't touch it'. The weatherman got no where, and antifa is a weak imitation at best.
Ah so if it's not a Jewish Holocaust it doesn't count. Gotcha.

Raw population numbers do not address or explain nor do they excuse what's been done to them throughout the last century, primarily at the hands of Jewish Zionists themselves.

But another classic attempt at misdirection by the angry hypocrite.

the palestinian population is growing faster than the jewish population. there is no holocaust, that is an imaginary fiction invented by extremists to justify hatred of jews.
I'm pretty happy with Wyden, Merkley and Defazio. They have very good records as liberal congressmen. Also, without good liberal democrats like them, Republicans would have already dismantled Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Republicans hate Wyden, which is a good thing in my book.

Obama was a decent president, especially when compared to the one before and after him.

So, no, I'm fairly well represented by the Democrats that I've voted for. Too bad that in your cynicism you don't see that there are some very good Democratic congressmen working for the people of this country.

Also, I'm hopeful for the nascent movement that takes Sanders as their leader. I see a lot of good there. Your cynicism will eventually turn on them when the reality of Republican obstruction gets in their way. But I think they are going to be fine and good for the country. Some of them, at least.
This is easily the most level headed post I've seen from you in some time.

My fundamental gripe with Democratic Party loyalists is that the party has consistently failed to adequately represent me and my response is to support the Progressive Movement and its nascent leaders.

When we get past the name-calling- something a few of us here seem unable to manage- you will find that out stances on most of the issues themselves aren't actually very different at all.

Our differences lie more in who we think will advance those interests most effectively going forward.
the palestinian population is growing faster than the jewish population. there is no holocaust, that is an imaginary fiction invented by extremists to justify hatred of jews.
Right. So it's okay that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forcibly dispossessed and driven into refugee campus, and at least tens of thousands murdered, if not hundreds of thousands.

You're a sick apologist for apartheid and forcible dispossession.
Ah so if it's not a Jewish Holocaust it doesn't count. Gotcha.

Raw population numbers do not address or explain nor do they excuse what's been done to them throughout the last century, primarily at the hands of Jewish Zionists themselves.

But another classic attempt at misdirection by the angry hypocrite.
If I ask what have you done for the Palestinian community in the last year you would have to lie to answer.
Here let me get two birds one welcome
Maybe you would do to learn a little history.

You might start with the Balfour Declaration.

You will realize he's making a fool of you.
The Palestinian disaster was not equivalent to the Holocaust

Palestinians aren't experiencing South African apartheid

You say these things for dramatic effect without understanding their real effect on the people who have experience with that history.

Speaking of history,

Balfour made that declaration during a time of all-out war against the Ottoman empire. It was an aggressive act of war against the people who were at war against them. It had no real legal basis and isn't why Israel is here today. The holocaust, the Jewish refugee crisis of post-WW2 and the racism expressed by US and Britain towards Palestinians is much more of the basis for the founding if Israel than the Balfour Declaration.
Right. So it's okay that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forcibly dispossessed and driven into refugee campus, and at least tens of thousands murdered, if not hundreds of thousands.

You're a sick apologist for apartheid and forcible dispossession.
garry leech? the guy who says israel should not exist and that hamas, whose stated goal is to kill all jews, will give jews equal rights?

i spit on that shit.
and that's reason enough to just focus on one holocaust only.
sorry about your imaginary holocaust is fake, jew hating retard.

germans in the weimar republic used to blame jews for the loss of WW1. that claim was just as fake but it provided the justification to treat jews like shit, you hitler wannabe little bitch
there is no holocaust, that is an imaginary fiction invented by extremists to justify hatred of jews.


Announcing one of the most explosive indictments of the Zionist State ever published! Here is unprecedented documentation of the horrendous atrocities which the Israelis visit upon the Palestinians; the fact-packed answer to the delusions of Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Falwell, Franklin Graham, William Bennett, George Will, Hitchens, Hanson and the legion of other prominent mercenaries and lapdogs of The Lobby.

Compiled by two elite scholars with impeccable credentials -- Michael Hoffman, a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press, and Moshe Lieberman, a former Hebrew University researcher -- the authors combine their sleuthing skills and erudition to bring the reader an irrefutable dossier of Israeli war crimes in Palestine, profusely illustrated with harrowing photos of the death and destruction which the Zionist war machine has administered as collective punishment upon the entire Palestinian nation.

Nothing like this book has ever seen print! "The Israeli Holocaust Against the Palestinians" is one of the most explosive indictments of the Zionist state ever published, proving conclusively that the Israelis themselves are guilty of a holocaust.

If books can still make a difference--and we believe they can--then "The Israeli Holocaust Against the Palestinians" is a tsunami that will force a sea change in American perceptions of the Middle East crisis.

Hoffman and Lieberman make a devastating case for Israeli criminality, while analyzing with profound insight the ferocious Talmudic racism that fuels the Israeli identification of the Palestinian people as "Amalek," and targets them for the final solution of "total eradication." The authors argue that to pretend that Zionist atrocities have not been systematically perpetrated in Palestine as part of a coherent dogma of eliminationism, constitutes nothing less than "holocaust denial."

Announcing one of the most explosive indictments of the Zionist State ever published! Here is unprecedented documentation of the horrendous atrocities which the Israelis visit upon the Palestinians; the fact-packed answer to the delusions of Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Falwell, Franklin Graham, William Bennett, George Will, Hitchens, Hanson and the legion of other prominent mercenaries and lapdogs of The Lobby.

Compiled by two elite scholars with impeccable credentials -- Michael Hoffman, a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press, and Moshe Lieberman, a former Hebrew University researcher -- the authors combine their sleuthing skills and erudition to bring the reader an irrefutable dossier of Israeli war crimes in Palestine, profusely illustrated with harrowing photos of the death and destruction which the Zionist war machine has administered as collective punishment upon the entire Palestinian nation.

Nothing like this book has ever seen print! "The Israeli Holocaust Against the Palestinians" is one of the most explosive indictments of the Zionist state ever published, proving conclusively that the Israelis themselves are guilty of a holocaust.

If books can still make a difference--and we believe they can--then "The Israeli Holocaust Against the Palestinians" is a tsunami that will force a sea change in American perceptions of the Middle East crisis.

Hoffman and Lieberman make a devastating case for Israeli criminality, while analyzing with profound insight the ferocious Talmudic racism that fuels the Israeli identification of the Palestinian people as "Amalek," and targets them for the final solution of "total eradication." The authors argue that to pretend that Zionist atrocities have not been systematically perpetrated in Palestine as part of a coherent dogma of eliminationism, constitutes nothing less than "holocaust denial."

that would go much better on, ya know, the site y9ou picked out which celebrates hitler's birthday every year by inviting david duke onto the show.

ya holocaust denying skinhead bitch.
that would go much better on, ya know, the site y9ou picked out which celebrates hitler's birthday every year by inviting david duke onto the show.

ya holocaust denying skinhead bitch.
It's still the truth and you can't deny that.

And back to the name-calling because you got nothing but hatred.

You're the closest thing to a skinhead on this site; you spew hate all day long, especially when you're dead wrong.
I get a chuckle when I hear young people compare what's happening today with what happened in the late 60s and early 70s. Bombings were so common when I was a child we'd see commercials warning against bombs during afternoon cartoons. They'd show a blasting cap sitting on a tree trunk and flash a warning ' if you see this, don't touch it'. The weatherman got no where, and antifa is a weak imitation at best.
This is an excellent point. I don't advocate violence against police or anyone else, but you'll notice the police aren't shy about being violent to citizens. Isn't that a violation of American's civil rights?

There's yet another mass shooting in yet another church in the news today, this time in Texas. Our society is coming apart when mass shootings (defined as 4 victims in one incident) occur ON A DAILY BASIS in America now.

Civil disorder and the effects of authoritarianism are already here.

Fascism is the confluence of political authoritarianism and plutocracy. Doesn't that sound like a good description of what's happening right here, right now?

Or does it need to get worse first? Because it will.
It's still the truth and you can't deny that.

i can deny that. and i do deny that. because the palestinian population is growing.

the only reason to call that a holocaust is the same reason why germans blamed jews for their WWI loss. it not only cheapens the real holocaust but it foments hatred towards jews everywhere.

but by all means, continue giving likes to and buddying up to a holocaust denier.