booby-trapping rippers


Well-Known Member
Let me Begin by saying I have a engineering & quality control background. I also realize that booby trapping is very illegal.

So with that being said, I guess Im in need of some electrical advice.

Im trying to booby trap a staircase. Using every other stair as a positive #1 or positive #2. I figured a double pole ten amp breaker won't kill anyone since it takes 11 amps minimum to be fatal. I also considered car battery but it releases hundreds of amps and there is no way to stop the shock.

Now I was going to do 6 stairs. Each having an electrical rubber mat on the stair case, followed by a thick gauge sheet metal painted black to blend in. Each piece of sheet metal will have a bolt that protrudes underneath the staircase. Where I will jump positive #1 to stairs 1, 3 & 5. Positive #2 to 2, 4 & 6.
Now this is obviously a fire hazard to some extent. N I also plan on installing ground rods.

My question is...

With the rubber mats its very unlikely the wood will heat up, correct?

Arcing shouldn't be an issue, correct?

Any positive feedback is greatly appreciated.

Thanks guys.
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I was ripped. I had 4 metal doors, one tied into the framing with 8" lug bolts. Still standing but drilled out locks. I know who it was. A family member who I trusted to help me setup and I payed him very well. But I just found out where he's stashing it. Im going to get it back. 32 lights, 100k GONE.
I realize I have several options.

Most importantly I need to move as soon as possible but I dumped everything into this expansions. I got to get one grow in before I can move. Luckily my veg room was packed and not touched.

I just think about just living there for 10 weeks with my dog and mossberg...

Probably all of the above..

Wifes not too happy about it but don't really have choice.
If you're aware that booby traps are illegal, why would you set up an obvious booby trap? Because you're stupid, that's why. Enjoy prison.

I was looking into trailcams that text pictures when they get movement... Only $100-150 each.

Think I'm gonna do that and just sleep there with my pump...

N yeah, I do want revenge to some extent. Who wouldn't? Ecspecially for what they got..

Hopefully I get it back this weekend tho.

Also considered a half dozen gaurd dogs..

Bottom line is I need to move and never have anyone help again...
Just shoot trespassers and leave the bloodstains on the wall outside. Hell, leave the bodies, maybe with a leg cleanly cut off and a bottle of BBQ sauce next to it and a dirty plate/fork.

A toothpick is also a nice touch.....
I realize I have several options.

Most importantly I need to move as soon as possible but I dumped everything into this expansions. I got to get one grow in before I can move. Luckily my veg room was packed and not touched.

I just think about just living there for 10 weeks with my dog and mossberg...

Probably all of the above..

Wifes not too happy about it but don't really have choice.

If your dog can make sandwiches, it might not be tooo bad.
Get a soft door mat and put a board full of nails under so when they step on mat nails come up thru? If you can disguise so they'll actually step on it.
Then just look for the guy with a new limp.