booby-trapping rippers

Think I'm gonna do that and just sleep there with my pump...

N yeah, I do want revenge to some extent.
Be sure to consider the consequences for whatever action you decide to take.

A scenario involving weed + multiple crimes + firearms is not likely to end well for you.

I know who did it. 100% sure and im 90% sure it's in his new secret storage locker which I'mma hit... If not it's at another property...

My brother wants to tape him up and water board em til he tells me where it is. I just can't believe your cousin can do that to you.
I've been running 16 Lights by myself for years. From start to finish.

I know I can run 32 Lights by myself if I work 12 hour days 5-6 days a week.

I'm very efficient, backpack sprayers, drippers, trimmers for small buds.

Harvesting is the most work. Which I can do off site with my brothers help.
But in all seriousness guys, I'm trying to laugh but this really hurts, Christmas is coming, electric bills due. Just sucks.

At least my veg room wasn't touched.

My old setup is back up and running. Only 12 lights but it's packed and beautiful. Day 9.
Well since most people wear rubber soled shoes and unless it's wet I don't think it would work. Also the legal implications are quite drastic. Imagine what happens if a LEO walked into it?
I would invest in a really good door and lock.

That's just my opinion,
thats a shitty test, they're hitting the sur door in the strongest point. i'd be hitting it around the top or sides, not directly on the protection plates ...

OP i'm sorry that happened to you man, that's disgusting family could do that to you. is he addicted to hard drugs by any chance? maybe had a big debt and his life was being threatened? i hate people i can't trust. trust is everything. i work hard for my money and the things i have because i believe in karma and hard work builds character. i don't really have much to help but if you need any seeds or something i have that
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Just shoot trespassers and leave the bloodstains on the wall outside. Hell, leave the bodies, maybe with a leg cleanly cut off and a bottle of BBQ sauce next to it and a dirty plate/fork.
is that a picture of you in your avatar
10a/120vac can kill a horse.

200ma/120vac can kill a human

5ma/120vac can stop your heart if it passes through (left hand/right hand)

Just in case you decide to use a breaker running from a box then i wouldn't test it on myself lol.
120 kills because it causes your muscles to constrict and you grab onto the line.

just remember, NEVER draw a line between two hands when working on electrical. Never have ur left hand work as a ground if your right hand has potential power. U only die usually if the power arcs ur heart.
A good web camera, and if you're not worried about who hears anything. A siren, or fireworks. I have a friend that had people keep breaking into his shipping containers stealing tools out in the mountains. They brought oxy acetylene torches and cut into them.. So he then filled the lock/bar setup with concrete which explodes/spits when hit with a torch. And also rigged up class 3 concussion fireworks inside. Blown eardrums.. The people were eventually caught.

Personally. I'd get a few big cans of bear mace and rig those up to go off and when the door is pushed open or with multiple sensors/trip wires to fog the whole damn area. They won't bw able to breather much less see anything to do shit. No harm done.