What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member

Hopefully they’ll be there for us when we are shitting out the side of our diapers!
LOL.....funny you say that...

Lil Inda always watches me change his brothers diaper laughing at me.

I always say get your laughs while you can you lil freak....soon you boys will be able to mow the yard....and when daddy gets old you'll be changing my diaper......he's obviously appalled and then says getting old is disgusting and he has no plans to do that.


Well-Known Member
That's what my wife carries. Well one of them, she has a 22, a 25 and a 38 special. Something for every outfit.
Yes my wife has a little Titan 25 auto as well I bought her ....but she always carries the snub ....she likes the power and the fact it will never jam.....the Titan had always worked even though it's just a very cheap purse gun....I took it to a gun smith and had the action worked pearl handles put on and my buddy airbrushed roses on the handles.....it's the gold edition ....got it for her years and years ago ....cool for a cheap purse gun ....no power and accuracy is lacking ....but cool ....lol


Well-Known Member
I fear giving my wife a gun, she nearly threw a guy who tried to rob her bag at the station from the train platform the other day.
I was looking at tiger claws. They are
Made to scratch n collect DNA.
However after much consideration weighing pros and construction of all the weapons. My main fear is that the attacker is gonna take her weapon.

So I bought her pepper spray and taught her to scream and spray it all over herself, especially "down there"
I think this is the only way to stop an attacker.

He's not gonna want some screaming pepper sprayed lunatic in his car and he's definitely not gonna fuck her.


Well-Known Member
When it rains it pours. Just got done with the ball joins on one vehicle and the calipers, rotors and pads needed replacing on another vehicle.View attachment 4052547
View attachment 4052544
Lol, the joys of owning and maintaining multiple vehicles.
I think that's the thing in life I'm the worse at. Really considering how much time and money it takes to maintain stuff I want to buy.
I get spellbound and even if you told me I wouldn't care.
Until later of course.
Having two cars is a must though unfortunately


Well-Known Member
Lol, the joys of owning and maintaining multiple vehicles.
I think that's the thing in life I'm the worse at. Really considering how much time and money it takes to maintain stuff I want to buy.
I get spellbound and even if you told me I wouldn't care.
Until later of course.
Having two cars is a must though unfortunately
Lol. I have 3 vehicles, couple four wheelers and a motorcycle to maintain. My friends also bring their stuff to me.

Its cheaper for me to fix what I have than make car payments. I buy used vehicles cash for around 5 grand and drive them till they fall apart. I don't want any debt.