What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
When I was a yoot I worked for this local cash for cars place. I had nowhere to live so he worked me for room n board and bologna sandwiches, but I digress

He was nuts and all the equipment sucked.

One of his wreckers broke down towing like a Bonneville 88 or something like it.
He sent me to get it, now I'm pulling a tow truck that is also pulling a car through downtown Portland. Never seen it before or again and yes we had a wreck.
Someone didn't expect the third vehicle to be turning and clipped the tail car.

The boss threatened him with a shotgun and the problem went away.

He also had me use a dump truck loaded with smashed cars to tow another set of stacked cars if I remember correctly. This time
The car came off the hitch just as I pulled into the yard. No-one git hurt but that's not because we didn't try

We weren't drunk just stupid.

That dude taught me alot
Mostly that just because you have a boss does not mean you should trust him with yer life.

Finally blew up a fuel tank in our faces
So I left and joined the navy in 86.

Also I finally cleared the main yard of leafs today, just to be on topic


Well-Known Member
What's with the baby powder though?
Blocks the pores?

I've just never heard that one before.
Yeah blocks the pores, so the glass can't get in. And the panty hose grabs most of the the fiber when I wipe with it. I guess if I was mad at the ol' lady I could put it back in her drawer, hmm on second thought I probably shouldn't do that.
Ohh I use the powder trick when I'm hanging densglass .

@Aeroknow have you ever used baby powder to help with fiberglass , you know to keep it out of your skin.


Well-Known Member
Yeah blocks the pores, so the glass can't get in. And the panty hose grabs most of the the fiber when I wipe with it. I guess if I was mad at the ol' lady I could put it back in her drawer, hmm on second thought I probably shouldn't do that.
Ohh I use the powder trick when I'm hanging densglass .

@Aeroknow have you ever used baby powder to help with fiberglass , you know to keep it out of your skin.
Yes! For sure.

Only when i would come prepared knowing i was gonna be messing with allot of insulation that day though. But for the most part, we would just have to hang some batts here and there to continue hanging board, and/or to finish framing, etc. Or, cutting up strips of thermafiber which is the best lol.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
The really dangerous stuff is anything that is non-magnetic. Makes medic extraction a nightmare.
If you have the correct tools they are pretty easy. Hub got a piece of non ferrous metal in his left eye. Luckily when he called me we were on skin and the OR I was in that day was down the street from his duty station. Put some Flourescein in his eye, used the lowest power on the Zeiss, flooded his eye with balanced saline solution and popped it out with a Weck-Cell. Took about 5 minutes and he only needed a patch for 24 hours.

Yeah blocks the pores, so the glass can't get in. And the panty hose grabs most of the the fiber when I wipe with it. I guess if I was mad at the ol' lady I could put it back in her drawer, hmm on second thought I probably shouldn't do that.
Ohh I use the powder trick when I'm hanging densglass .

@Aeroknow have you ever used baby powder to help with fiberglass , you know to keep it out of your skin.
The fiberglass adheres to the exudate from the glands in our reticular dermis. This creates microabrasions. If you put powder on the exudate first the fibers can't adhere.


Well-Known Member
Lol, I'd like to see you come out of my roof covered in baby powder (I think they grind up dead babies to make it) and sweat.