the politics of fucking little girls: roy moore, the next GOP senator from alabama

will you vote for roy moore, the nazi pedophile?

  • yes, MAGA!

  • no

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irrational hatred in the phrasing of the poll question

he picked up a 14 year old girl AT A CUSTODY HEARING, took her out to the woods, got her drunk, and tried to fuck her. he was 32 years old.

but he only did it "with the mother's permission"


I felt it a moral imperative to do so

if you feel a moral imperative to defend a pedophile nazi, then kill yourself. seriously.

remove the granite monument of the Ten Commandments from the Alabama Supreme Court building

why do you want to base our justice system on religion?

are you literally ISIS?

you are saying that banning "a religion" from public office "is more extreme than hitler"

candidate hitler never suggested banning jews from office, like roy mopore the pedophile wnats to do to muslims.

candidate hitler didn't go as far as calling to outlaw gays either, like roy moore wants to do.
I only chime in once in a skosh on political shit first off. And it alwAys seems your in there somewhere. Your a mulitple handle poster. You like to stir shit up. And you got MAJOR sexual identity problems. Your not a grower. No fukin way. Your a shit pot Obvious as all get out who and what you really is. And your not passing GO nor collecting on this block weaver. Because ive seen and heard your ilk before. Your old news. Used up and kicked around like a dusty ole bottle. Yawn.

pay me $14 and i will let you suck my dick
why are you making this about me dude (rhetorical) that fuckery ain't happening here.....if it did you would at least have facts, names and sources and a nice story with arrest records for me beating that older guys ass.

got any of those names, facts or sources?
roy moore himself said he asked for the mother's permission to fuck little girls, diddler
<hearsay that has yet to go to court>
candidate hitler never suggested banning jews from office, like roy mopore the pedophile wnats to do to muslims.
candidate hitler didn't go as far as calling to outlaw gays either, like roy moore wants to do.
You're right.
But as chancellor he condemned both to death as enemies of the state, skipping that whole awkward banning from office thing.

So you're saying your bias towards calling "roy mopore" "more extreme than hitler" only considers comparing them as candidates? Seriously?

You are unbelievable in your hypocrisy and self interest to deny the religious shield you otherwise prominently display at other times when calling people neo-nazis and anti-semites as you have undeniably demonstrated that here.

You win.
Nothing I can say about you is more incriminating than your own behavior lately. ;)