This whole thing is wrapped up in religion. A subject I am not an expert on, but like all important things in life, I take my clues from Pop Culture. In this case Tom Robbins. This quote from Jitterbug Perfume seems applicable.

"If you didn't serve the nasty fellow (God), the Romans would burn your house down. If you did serve him, you were called a Christian and got to burn other people's houses down."

As far as any riots or protests, Buffalo Springfield is my touchstone on that issue. This line from "For What It's Worth" kind of sums it up.

Singing songs and carrying signs
Mostly saying, "hooray for our side"
70 years and the Jews are not leaving Israel. Reality.
Its not about them leaving Israel.

The world gave the Jews some land, that we took away from the Palestinians. Instead of getting on with their neighbours they decided that the Palestinians are worthless (which Jews think anyone who is not a Jew is, after all they are Gods chosen people) and treated them like 2nd class citizens and stealing even more of their land to claim as there own. Talk about segregation they have roads that only Jewish people can use. Gated communities that only Jews can live in
The UN has been complaining about the Jews and the treatment of the Palestinians for over a decade but due to America's love affair with serving the Jewish state (like a slave I might add) are powerless to do much.

What happened to the Jews during the 2nd WW was horrific, Its also educational that it was not just Germany and the Germanic area that had a problem with the religion. France voluntarily turned on and over their Jews and Russia was also killing them off.
What happened to them was horrid but perhaps giving a religion its own small state in such a holy area for different religions was a bad idea in hindsight.

The Jews simply want all of the area for themselves.

What they are doing to the Palestinians is what Hitler did to the Jews. No rights to land, segregation, condemnation etc. Ok they have not introduced labour camps yet but history has a tendency to repeat.

Jerusalem should not be the capital of any religious state. It has to much meaning to to many religions.
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Its not about them leaving Israel.

The world gave the Jews some land, that we took away from the Palestinians. Instead of getting on with their neighbours they decided that the Palestinians are worthless (which Jews think anyone who is not a Jew is, after all they are Gods chosen people) and treated them like 2nd class citizens and stealing even more of their land to claim as there own. Talk about segregation they have roads that only Jewish people can use.
The UN has been complaining about the Jews and the treatment of the Palestinians for over a decade but due to America's love affair with serving the Jewish state (like a slave I might add) are powerless to do much.

What happened to the Jews during the 2nd WW was horrific, Its also educational that it was not just Germany and the Germanic area that had a problem with the religion. France voluntarily turned on and over their Jews and Russia was also killing them off.
What happened to them was horrid but perhaps giving a religion its own small state in such a holy area for different religions was a bad idea in hindsight.

The Jews simply want all of the area for themselves.

What they are doing to the Palestinians is what Hitler did to the Jews. No rights to land, segregation, condemnation etc. Ok they have not introduced labour camps yet but history has a tendency to repeat.
Mostly agree that Israel is an aggressive, pugnacious military led government. Mostly agree that the US should stop military aid to Israel.


This equating the Nazi Germany's policies toward and treatment of Jews with Israel's treatment of Palestinians is getting pretty old. How long has this line of propaganda been used? My guess that its relatively new. The two are not even close and the people of Israel would not support the kinds of policies Nazis had toward Jewish people applied to Palestinians. Not even close to the same. Even saying so tars the speaker as a low life jew hater.
Mostly agree that Israel is an aggressive, pugnacious military led government. Mostly agree that the US should stop military aid to Israel.


This equating the Nazi Germany's policies toward and treatment of Jews with Israel's treatment of Palestinians is getting pretty old. How long has this line of propaganda been used? My guess that its relatively new. The two are not even close and the people of Israel would not support the kinds of policies Nazis had toward Jewish people applied to Palestinians. Not even close to the same. Even saying so tars the speaker as a low life jew hater.
I'm by no means anti-Semitism.

Are you suggesting that the UN is full of Jew haters to?

The Jews are supporting the kind of thing the Germanic people did. They are forcing Palestinians out of their homes and suburbs, they are segregating. They are forcing the Palestinians to live in enclaves. All things the Germanic states and the Russians did indeed do.
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Its not about them leaving Israel.

The world gave the Jews some land, that we took away from the Palestinians. Instead of getting on with their neighbours they decided that the Palestinians are worthless (which Jews think anyone who is not a Jew is, after all they are Gods chosen people) and treated them like 2nd class citizens and stealing even more of their land to claim as there own. Talk about segregation they have roads that only Jewish people can use. Gated communities that only Jews can live in
The UN has been complaining about the Jews and the treatment of the Palestinians for over a decade but due to America's love affair with serving the Jewish state (like a slave I might add) are powerless to do much.

What happened to the Jews during the 2nd WW was horrific, Its also educational that it was not just Germany and the Germanic area that had a problem with the religion. France voluntarily turned on and over their Jews and Russia was also killing them off.
What happened to them was horrid but perhaps giving a religion its own small state in such a holy area for different religions was a bad idea in hindsight.

The Jews simply want all of the area for themselves.

What they are doing to the Palestinians is what Hitler did to the Jews. No rights to land, segregation, condemnation etc. Ok they have not introduced labour camps yet but history has a tendency to repeat.

Jerusalem should not be the capital of any religious state. It has to much meaning to to many religions.
I support the right for Israel to exist as a Jewish state and establish whatever capital they want. They are under no obligation to negotiate with anyone that does not acknowledge their right to exist and they were foolish to try and do so for so long. The conflict has been at an impasse for decades and will remain so. Those are my opinions and I don't expect we will come to agreement on this. :peace:
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I support the right for Israel to exist as a Jewish state and establish whatever capital they want. They are under no obligation to negotiate with anyone that does not acknowledge their right to exist and they were foolish to try and do so for so long. The conflict has been at an impasse for decades and will remain so. Those are my opinions and I don't expect we will not come to agreement on this. :peace:

Nope we wont. Your are probably Jewish or a Christian servant. Which one?
Each of the last 5 presidents, while running to be president, wanted the "Jewish" vote and ran on the U.S. moving our embassy to Jerusalem.....

Russia recognized that fact and moved their Embassy their a year or two ago......

Israel has every right to claim any city within their boarders as their capital........

Bottom line though is, the Palestinians will NEVER want a peace agreement as long as Israel exists, so fuck them all and they can either stay or leave, if they don't like it. I see Israel pounding them into submission over this issue in the months to come.......
Each of the last 5 presidents, while running to be president, wanted the "Jewish" vote and ran on the U.S. moving our embassy to Jerusalem.....

Russia recognized that fact and moved their Embassy their a year or two ago......

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Tel-Aviv, Israel. Address: 120, Rehov Hayarkon, Tel-Aviv, 63573, Israel: Phone: +972 3 522-6733, 522-6736, 522-6737, 522-6744: Fax:
I'm by no means anti-Semitism.

Are you suggesting that the UN is full of Jew haters to?

The Jews are supporting the kind of thing the Germanic people did. They are forcing Palestinians out of their homes and suburbs, they are segregating. They are forcing the Palestinians to live in enclaves. All things the Germanic states and the Russians did indeed do.
The depredations of Nazi Germany in no way compares to Israel's treatment of Palestinians. Sure, you can find acts that both did. You can find common acts among all people engaged in violent conflict. Not the same in entirety, not even close.

The UN's policies concern specific actions by Israel against the Palestinians. Have they said what you said about Nazi Germany being like Israel? I think not.

What's going on in Jerusalem regarding evictions and movement of Palestinians is abominable. Still not the same as what Nazi Germany did.

I said equating the two makes you a low life Jew hater. I didn't say you were anti-Semitic. Come to think of it, perhaps I did. I'm sorry this hurts your feelings. On second thought, no I'm not.
The depredations of Nazi Germany in no way compares to Israel's treatment of Palestinians. Sure, you can find acts that both did. You can find common acts among all people engaged in violent conflict. Not the same in entirety, not even close.

The UN's policies concern specific actions by Israel against the Palestinians. Have they said what you said about Nazi Germany being like Israel? I think not.

What's going on in Jerusalem regarding evictions and movement of Palestinians is abominable. Still not the same as what Nazi Germany did.

I said equating the two makes you a low life Jew hater. I didn't say you were anti-Semitic. Come to think of it, perhaps I did. I'm sorry this hurts your feelings. On second thought, no I'm not.
The Nazis ENDED with concentration camps and gas Chambers, but they started with exactly the same tactics the Israeli State is using right now.

Look up the origin of the term 'ghetto' if you don't believe me.

You're a strange bird; you claim to be liberal while defending right wing authoritarian crimes against humanity.

It does not one damned thing for your credibility.
70 years and they haven't figured out how to get along.


Why do we need to support that?
They don't need to get along. They don't get along. They likely won't get along. So support them getting along all you want, it isn't happening anytime soon.
Was Obama lying

I support the right for Israel to exist as a Jewish state and establish whatever capital they want. They are under no obligation to negotiate with anyone that does not acknowledge their right to exist and they were foolish to try and do so for so long. The conflict has been at an impasse for decades and will remain so. Those are my opinions and I don't expect we will come to agreement on this. :peace:

what is it like to suck trump's dick?
The Nazis ENDED with concentration camps and gas Chambers, but they started with exactly the same tactics the Israeli State is using right now.

Look up the origin of the term 'ghetto' if you don't believe me.

You're a strange bird; you claim to be liberal while defending right wing authoritarian crimes against humanity.

It does not one damned thing for your credibility.
Really, tty. The Israelis are going to be operating concentration camps and gas chambers in in the Israeli State? Which propaganda site did you get that from?

Yes, Israel is a military led government and has done all sorts of bad acts against Palestinians. It's a quagmire that the US has partnered with Israel to create. It's really, really bad. A simple review of the actions and policies of the Nazi government will show the important differences, including the exclusion, arrest and planned extermination of Jews. The propaganda tactic that you bought in to is a lie that is based upon the principle of telling as big a lie as possible and repeating it until people believe it is true.

I oppose and point out what is easily seen as manipulative propaganda. What with your professed belief in many fake conspiracy theories you can add the lie that Nazis treated Jews like Isreael treats Palestinians to the list. Maybe somebody can explain why this lie is being promoted. I don't understand the purpose of this lie but it is obviously a lie and don't like it one bit.