Autoflower AK47 -- 1st Grow by myself


Well-Known Member
I like this grow alot i have some feminized Lowryder 2 x AK47 seeds i have from the joint doctor i cant wait to try them out.


Well-Known Member
So can buds be dry after 4 or 5 days? I mean, they have lost about 70 to 75% weight, (one big bud dried from 43 grams wet to around 10 already)...i dont think its too dry though because its in a dark closet where i left the door a little open and theirs a window right by that i always leave open. I was thinking about letting it cure now but my girlfriend suggested putting them in a paper bag for a week and then putting them in a jar to cure. So if any can comment, i'd appreciate it. Also, she said she found a seed! Can i plant it right away or do you have to wait to dry it? I remember reading something a thread and someone said you have to wait like 2 months? Can anybody clarify this?

Anyways, i got three girlies left to cut down and will probably cut the next two this week and leave the third till this weekend. I've smoked some of the really orange hairy bud and its pretty good. Smells and tastes sweet, not harsh at all, and am looking foward to what some of it will be like when it cures (i can't wait for it all to cure, i love to smoke!). This smoke reminds me of my friend and his okay weed. He got me some and told me " this will be like your buddies weed". It didnt smell that great and looked alright. I thought yeah right, 'his' will be the shit. and it is so much better. That stuff is 50 an 8th. If that is 50 an 8th, this could go for at least 60 or so, but i dont think im parting with it.


Well-Known Member
So can buds be dry after 4 or 5 days? I mean, they have lost about 70 to 75% weight, (one big bud dried from 43 grams wet to around 10 already)...i dont think its too dry though because its in a dark closet where i left the door a little open and theirs a window right by that i always leave open. I was thinking about letting it cure now but my girlfriend suggested putting them in a paper bag for a week and then putting them in a jar to cure. So if any can comment, i'd appreciate it. Also, she said she found a seed! Can i plant it right away or do you have to wait to dry it? I remember reading something a thread and someone said you have to wait like 2 months? Can anybody clarify this? Thanks guys

^^^ hey lunbox i think its possible check out this Rubermaid container that Panhead made.


New Member
give the seed a month before you try to germ. Wish you had some pics, I got some auto ak x an auto Mini thunderfuck seedlings going now, got 6 seedlings from a 10 pack and a couple already appear to be odd little mutants. Smoke is however supposed to be phenomenal so i will breed the best 2 down the road. I love auto strains but i always do a seed run my first run of any auto strain so i don't need to buy more seeds.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if I had a camera I would definitely have pics, but its some pretty good stuff. I dont think its as good as it should be because i didnt have a timer so they always had different light cycles, like on 15 hours, then 14, then 18 etc., etc., and its very hot. I also didnt give them many nutes, in the beginning i did but not for the last month or so. Still, i guess they were pretty forgiving.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if many people look at this since I don't have pictures up but i still have some updates...I've cut down two more plants and they are hanging in a dark closet right now. I hope to get a camera soon so i can show off my new grow here it is...


Well-Known Member
when is the earliest time the autoflowering males have produced good pollen sacks?? ur help will be appreciated!!


Well-Known Member
My grow is doing nicely just to let you know and ive been giving them some molasses to make them grow big. I've got some pictures and they are a little old but they are pictures nonetheless.
Howdy.. Just started my auto AK last night.. For your co2, you need a filter bottle. Molasses doesn't need to be used until later, starting around 4th week.
Herew's a pic of co2 gen, I've used 2 gens to 1 filter..



Active Member
hello everybody im a newbie wat sort of yeild wud i get off auto ak47 per plant usein 600wat light extracter fan inside a normal fan usein a wilma system thanks