What did you accomplish today?

Real mashed potatoes, (no box) and real gravy made from steak juice. We normally have a veggie too, but just been eating terrible since christmas. Back on track for the New Year.
Got a new phone and didn't set new alarm, so just realized tonight I haven't taken blood pressure med for 3 days. Between that, and food lately, I'm surprised I've not stroked out yet.
Now I'm considering how tasty taters would be with my left over prime rib. But then I'd have to make gravy. I'll pour another glass of wine and consider it.
I almost skipped gravy, but realized the meat needed to rest 10 min anyway so started a quick roux. Then the steak juice was so fatty had to cook in more flour before adding milk, still only 15min, and so worth it.
Of course I've been buying Sara Lee for 3 months as too lazy to bake bread.
LOL I love both chowda's but I'm from CA it's allowed to be chowda ecumenical
Surely you've had clam chowder in Monterrey? My family has a vineyard outside of Carmel, last time I was there I ate some of the best chowder and drank some of the dankest wine I've had in a long time.

Edit: drank, not drink... I need English lessons.
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