Well-Known Member
Unless you've scratched out the lense like I have.You always cry about the most stupid shit.
Next time you take out your phone, congratulations it just captured your face.
Unless you've scratched out the lense like I have.You always cry about the most stupid shit.
Next time you take out your phone, congratulations it just captured your face.
Ten pillow cases?You guys are such idiots. I was serious about the 60 watt fixture. Grow Lights for photomorphogenesis Research is my market. I do not need any more clients. I accidentally ran across this site doing some research. I come here when in the mood to exercise my eyes.
Although I like @ttystikk vertical grows. Which would work great with the inexpensive low wattage fixtures.
But for the most part most of the "experts" on this site are absolutely clueless. I cannot believe the level of the blind leading the blind here.
I kind of knew that, thanks anyhow for that piece of information. Truth is seeing anyone can set the rules here, I can stare are any UV light bulb and it will not damage my eyes. Yes, yes I can. 1000W UVA, stare at it all day. No problem, no eye damage.
Just don't turn it on. I never said what kind of light bulb. I never said the light bulb would even be turned on. Oh so you assumed it would be turned on? Why would you assume UV? If I'm the one staring at a light bulb I sure the fuck ain't gonna pick a UV bulb.
So just what was your point in pointing that out? Just to day something? Anything? Just to see your words in electronic ink? Do you figure if you keep saying things you may at some time sound intelligent? Not yet, keep trying.
Dr. Science MS
Mad Scientist (mad as in crazy, not angry)
Make sure you stick a needle in the microphone hole or it will get your one-of-a-kind voice print too.Unless you've scratched out the lense like I have.
You could do that? Are you the Cannabis Czar? Or are you just high and think you can?If you work for a cannabis-related company I would fire you straightaway
You could do that? Are you the cannabis Czar? Or are you just high and think you can?
COULD!!! With a see. Not a double you. Put down the pipe.I would do that, yes
COULD!!! With a see. Not a double you. Put down the pipe.
As I said, you will respond in some dumb and facile face saving way. LOL Narcissists are so easy to predict.It wasn't that witty the first time you said that. Still isn't. And I would never want to remove words from your already limited vocabulary. You should just get back to coloring with your bright colored crayons.
As I said, you will respond in some dumb and facile face saving way.
Okay. Put the tooth down.
Do you own a cannabis company? You know you can't just fire someone from just any cannabis company? You need the authority to fire someone. I have not been an employee since 1989 and not likely to ever be one again. Even though I spent my money on booze and women and then just wasted the rest.
I was always a damn good worker. I have very strong work ethics. When I washed dishes at Red Lobster in 1976, I was their best damn dishwasher and still proud of it.
It would be a bit presumptuous and judgmental to fire me based on this fucked up thread. I did not use my standard disclaimer which is: If any thing you read, written by me, offends you, add a smiley face to the end of the offending sentence and re-read. People often say I'm crazy. The voices in my head say I'm fine.
People need to put me down. Otherwise someone might hold them accountable for their bullshit. If you take this social media shit too seriously you probably weren't hugged enough as a child and not getting laid enough as an adult.
The way shit usually happens in science is someone will say "You know that's a real good argument, my position is mistaken". And they will change their mind and you never hear their old view on that subject ever again. That really happens. I cannot recall that happening in politics, religion, or on RolliTup. There was one guy that defended his incorrect position on a physics principle by calling his point of view "applied physics".
What it really comes down to is there are there kinds of people. Those that are good at math and those that aren't.
I put a lot of effort in to my education and I am not going to roll over and take shit from some fuckin' piss ant on RolliTup.
Then there was the twerp in this thread that found some really obscure definition of Specific Brightness. The problem was he did not understand it and did not realize it was nonsensical. Intensity is NOT the same a radiance (each has it own definition). That is a very basic principle of light and optical measurements.
All this bullshit and I still don't know what the fuck was meant when the verbally changed guy said "It's an issue of intensity, not of brightness." For fucks sake.
Of course.
Who wouldn't want to live in a world free of race hating people like you?
Except you, you don't count, race haters don't count.
I've always been more of an F1 spectator than anything, it takes more talent and control for that sort of racing, even with all of the computer enhancements over the years.
RIP Ayrton Sena
He has the be the best driver to date, even after death.
I'm more into NPR News than any other broadcast.
I judge cannabis contests in the state of Oregon btw
you come off as needy and insecureMy biggest indoor grow client was Ed Bass like 25 years ago.
The stick up my ass got cropped.
Still growing:
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