Do you count flowering from 12/12 switch or when you see pistil hairs?

Following a week by week chart is gonna get you nothing but fried plants. Let the plants tell you how long they have left not a fertilizer bottle or calendar. Nute companies have no idea what you're growing so how could they tell you how long and at what strength to feed?

Hahahahaha so just what does a newbie follow? Everything are guidelines to start....if one reads anything besides the back of the bottle, they should know to start their ferts at half strength and tweak it by how the plants respond, doing it this way shouldn't burn your plants.

I totally don't get the statement fert companies have no idea what your growing?
The days of I'm growing tomatoes "wink wink " are long gone thank god!
many fertilizers are designed just for cannabis, so I'm guessing you mean Sativa and indica? That's not really a big factor at start....granted different strains start to show after different amounts of time, environment changes can make the same strain react different, so a lot of it is a judgement call.
So I'd say its a little of both, with final harvest being decided by trichomes, I don't really go by pistils, because at times I have a lotta breeze flowing through there, or they brush the sides of the tent, both things will change pistil color.
So for me flower time is a combination of things, and why I am calculating it....
If its for feeding purpose I go by when I flipped, if its for harvest I go by thrichomes.
Oh, and I start by count from the light change.
Happy Growing peoples ✌
Hahahahaha so just what does a newbie follow? Everything are guidelines to start....if one reads anything besides the back of the bottle, they should know to start their ferts at half strength and tweak it by how the plants respond, doing it this way shouldn't burn your plants.

I totally don't get the statement fert companies have no idea what your growing?
The days of I'm growing tomatoes "wink wink " are long gone thank god!
many fertilizers are designed just for cannabis, so I'm guessing you mean Sativa and indica? That's not really a big factor at start....granted different strains start to show after different amounts of time, environment changes can make the same strain react different, so a lot of it is a judgement call.
So I'd say its a little of both, with final harvest being decided by trichomes, I don't really go by pistils, because at times I have a lotta breeze flowing through there, or they sides of the tent, both things will change pistil color.
So for me flower time is a combination of things, and why I am calculating it....
If its for feeding purpose I go by when I flipped, if its for harvest I go by thrichomes.
Oh, and I start by count from the light change.
Happy Growing peoples ✌
I think the point is, even the same strain of a seed grow will require different needs, so learning the plants needs instead fof following a schedule is the best practice. But yup you gotta start somewhere. I really don't base anything on time but it's more of a curiosity of how long it took to finish, and I count from flip :).
i count from when the plant actually starts to flower, when it starts growing pistils, i dont count preflowers, and i only count as a general guide instead of a definitive deadline. after 6 weeks i start to look at my trichs. counting weeks and days tends to get my excited and i end up harvesting earlier than i should.
Ima like, hey are there any flowers on this plant yet? no? no signs of sex yet?
then its not fucking flowering yet. no matter what room its in, how much sun it gets, if it doesnt have sex showing its not showing sex yet.
I grow till the plant tells me its done, then I look at the tag I wrote the breeder estimate on , if they match he gets an addaboy.
Yea, I know that dude, just wondering how people count there flowering, like from 12/12 or when they see pistils.

Thanks for input tho, appreciate it.

Who cares? Unless you need specific week counts for thing's like @Canna Bus growing method. It doesn't matter.
Hell, I don't keep track. The strain is done, when it's done, by my method of growing.

Now knowing what done is. Is far more important...
Switched my Green Crack gals to 12/12 on Dec 3.

The breeder says 54 days to flower, which would be Jan 27 if I start counting from the day I went 12/12.

I'm quite sure my gals will need another 2 to 3 weeks to finish.

So, I start to count from when you can clearly see the young buds forming.....which will be close to the 54 days stated by the breeder

Sounds about right time wise, for me it takes two weeks to show pistils at bud sites and then a futher 7 to get to harvest or close. Overall 9-10 weeks from start of 12/12.

Thanks for sharing :-)

Thx for discussing. The more I can learn the better that’s for sure...I guess each strain would be different by a bit in terms of when pistils start showing.

With critical + stating at 45-50 days your 9-10 weeks from switch makes perfect sense. My technique puts me at 8-9 weeks to start seriously looking for harvesting clues. Then I can gauge when to start my first flush. Which would actually put me in line with your 9-10 week schedule.
Who cares? Unless you need specific week counts for thing's like @Canna Bus growing method. It doesn't matter.
Hell, I don't keep track. The strain is done, when it's done, by my method of growing.

Now knowing what done is. Is far more important...
Imo...Having guidelines is the best options no matter how you spin it. It’s more of a fail safe/guide to ensure efficiency.

To each his own...but I do believe giving newer growers ideas and guidelines is important. I’m still new to this and always leanrning more each day even if I think I know enough. There’s alway more to learn and I’m glad to share my experiences with fellow growers.
I try to run perpetual, if it takes 9-10 weeks from start of 12/12 and i run a plant a week it gives me a good indication of how many pots i will have in flowering and what space is needed. Otherwise i wouldnt care too much except maybe to find quicker flowering strains. :-)
Hahahahaha so just what does a newbie follow? Everything are guidelines to start....if one reads anything besides the back of the bottle, they should know to start their ferts at half strength and tweak it by how the plants respond, doing it this way shouldn't burn your plants.

I totally don't get the statement fert companies have no idea what your growing?
The days of I'm growing tomatoes "wink wink " are long gone thank god!
many fertilizers are designed just for cannabis, so I'm guessing you mean Sativa and indica? That's not really a big factor at start....granted different strains start to show after different amounts of time, environment changes can make the same strain react different, so a lot of it is a judgement call.
So I'd say its a little of both, with final harvest being decided by trichomes, I don't really go by pistils, because at times I have a lotta breeze flowing through there, or they brush the sides of the tent, both things will change pistil color.
So for me flower time is a combination of things, and why I am calculating it....
If its for feeding purpose I go by when I flipped, if its for harvest I go by thrichomes.
Oh, and I start by count from the light change.
Happy Growing peoples ✌
You're gonna start a post with HAHAHAHA, then talk about "cannabis specific nutes"? If your nutes are cannabis specific why do you need to reduce the recommended amount stated on your bottle? If they're custom made why so many different ratio's? They're designed for it, like kushy kush right bro? See the contradiction in your statement? Follow the weeks not the strength,They're designed for it but theres a thousand different ratio sort through. What chart would you recommend for Malawi Gold is it the same as an autoflower?

Here's some breaking news for you, it's a plant it requires the same elements other plants use. 35 bottles, pixie dust, voodoo, or animal sacrifice not needed. Let me guess, thats what the guy at the hydro store told you? I bet you were told to flush too right, bro? Did they sell you a magic cannabis specific elixir for great taste and white ash to go with your cannabis specific nutes? How about some molasses to make em sticky sweet?

A plant may be done when its done, but many fertilizers go by week count, and stopping so long before harvest.... Hence reason for needing to knowing how long you have left in flower.
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It does as there’s so many factors for when they start flowering. It best just to know when they’re done flowering

True as long as you know the strain you are growing... I was thinking more for new growers or a new strain someone is growing they really don’t know the plant and how it performs so always good to have a guide to at least go off of - worst case...but def want to get to ur level to just know when to harvest by the way the plant looks.

Also not saying trichs shouldn’t be checked as I used the dates to guide me as to when to start looking...
True as long as you know the strain you are growing... I was thinking more for new growers or a new strain someone is growing they really don’t know the plant and how it performs so always good to have a guide to at least go off of - worst case...but def want to get to ur level to just know when to harvest by the way the plant looks.

Also not saying trichs shouldn’t be checked as I used the dates to guide me as to when to start looking...
Environment is key, that’s lighting and a host of other controls I can take the same exact plant and you and I grow them out even though they’re a clone and exactly the same mine and yours will differ a great deal. The guidelines on breeder pacts are just the same. Phenos can change the game from plant to plant it’s better to focus the effort on properly identifying the different stages your plants in what it needs and doesn’t need rather on when true flowering begins.
You're gonna start a post with HAHAHAHA, then talk about "cannabis specific nutes"? If your nutes are cannabis specific why do you need to reduce the recommended amount stated on your bottle?

Not really understanding why your getting so brash with the guy, I didn't read everything above but I also believe that most of the nute charts are just guidelines. I don't follow any of them and I don't shop at the hydro store either.

Nutrient companies don't exactly have your best interest in mind when they are telling you to use 1600ppm in mid to late flower. I've run several plants side by side, some at 800-1200 and some at 1600 (like nute companies and the guy at the hydro shop will tell you to do) throughout flower and the ones at 800-1200ppm are always happier plants.

Why follow general hydroponics guide to use twice the amount of nutrients and get less yield but spend more?
Environment is key, that’s lighting and a host of other controls I can take the same exact plant and you and I grow them out even though they’re a clone and exactly the same mine and yours will differ a great deal. The guidelines on breeder pacts are just the same. Phenos can change the game from plant to plant it’s better to focus the effort on properly identifying the different stages your plants in what it needs and doesn’t need rather on when true flowering begins. environment is pretty dialed in now. 73-75F and 45-60% rH (during seedling and veg) with lights on and 64-66F and 45-55% rH lights off. If I take the warm air humidifier out rH can drop to low 40s during flowering...

More factors to discuss but those are major ones. Just glad to be growing and having my own personal supply. environment is pretty dialed in now. 73-75F and 45-60% rH (during seedling and veg) with lights on and 64-66F and 45-55% rH lights off. If I take the warm air humidifier out rH can drop to low 40s during flowering...

More factors to discuss but those are major ones. Just glad to be growing and having my own personal supply.

Refreshing to see a positive attitude, too many come here claiming decades of grow experience but they dont know their ass from their head. Its quite simple to grow if you follow the basics and over time you'll learn a lot here :-)
I try to run perpetual, if it takes 9-10 weeks from start of 12/12 and i run a plant a week it gives me a good indication of how many pots i will have in flowering and what space is needed. Otherwise i wouldnt care too much except maybe to find quicker flowering strains. :-)
Your running clones right? I may try that once I get away from the tote grows.
Your running clones right? I may try that once I get away from the tote grows.

No seed, 4 weeks veg then to flower and allow 14 days for flower to initiate.

I just fucked my first flowering plants as temps were 10°c on lights out like a freaking noob. Still dialling hopefully connect soon. Just turned the heating up, next ones into flowwer in a week this time no noobie mistakes :-)