Following a week by week chart is gonna get you nothing but fried plants. Let the plants tell you how long they have left not a fertilizer bottle or calendar. Nute companies have no idea what you're growing so how could they tell you how long and at what strength to feed?
Hahahahaha so just what does a newbie follow? Everything are guidelines to start....if one reads anything besides the back of the bottle, they should know to start their ferts at half strength and tweak it by how the plants respond, doing it this way shouldn't burn your plants.
I totally don't get the statement fert companies have no idea what your growing?
The days of I'm growing tomatoes "wink wink " are long gone thank god!
many fertilizers are designed just for cannabis, so I'm guessing you mean Sativa and indica? That's not really a big factor at start....granted different strains start to show after different amounts of time, environment changes can make the same strain react different, so a lot of it is a judgement call.
So I'd say its a little of both, with final harvest being decided by trichomes, I don't really go by pistils, because at times I have a lotta breeze flowing through there, or they brush the sides of the tent, both things will change pistil color.
So for me flower time is a combination of things, and why I am calculating it....
If its for feeding purpose I go by when I flipped, if its for harvest I go by thrichomes.
Oh, and I start by count from the light change.
Happy Growing peoples ✌