2 dead in school shooting in KY

Open this thread on a gun forum see what you get :)
That's the whole point. Why is that every gun safety course I've taken says to lock guns up but a lot of gun owners think its ok to.leave them laying around?

That's the problem. I didn't mean for this to be a bashing thread.

Regaurdless what a parent thinks of thier kids they need to realize guns need to be locked up.

I'm sure on a gun forum this wouldn't fly. That's the point and the problem. We can't just keep saying guns don't kill people, people kill people.

We have to change and lock them up. Be responsible. As a whole. If not the decision may be made for us.
That's the whole point. Why is that every gun safety course I've taken says to lock guns up but a lot of gun owners think its ok to.leave them laying around?

That's the problem. I didn't mean for this to be a bashing thread.

Regaurdless what a parent thinks of thier kids they need to realize guns need to be locked up.

I'm sure on a gun forum this wouldn't fly. That's the point and the problem. We can't just keep saying guns don't kill people, people kill people.

We have to change and lock them up. Be responsible. As a whole. If not the decision may be made for us.
Well said.

They preach safety but ignore the lesson.
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just wondering if you had a flash sign or just didnt feel the need to own anymore?

I'm imagining owning/using illegal guns for criminal use/protection may put signs up
quicker/slower than a fine cherished collection from yesteryear stored, fired safely occasionally.

I've known thugs that have come to the same conclusion as you but I never knew a responsible
owner/collector/shooter to come to the same ends.

I know you're not a thug anymore silly, you cool now, no judgements, just convo.

I wasn’t sure what you were asking. I still shoot. Everyone here has a collection. But just at targets for fun.

None of the collectors I know would ever give up even one. Some of their gun safes are pretty elaborate.

Personally I would rather mountain bike, kayak or play guitar.

And I’m a bit of a thug for life I think.
Like i said if my kid starts having mental problems ill lock them up

And im sure i would get bashed just the same for not locking them on a gun forum as well

But atm there is nary a worry sorry my kids know what guns do
They are just tools like a nail gun

Follow the rules and no one gets hurt.

The only times it is a TRUE ACCIDENT is if something like the sear breaks and the gun goes off

The rest of the time they where NEGLIGENT DISCHARGES, due to not following the rules. FACT.

My kids know when they can and cant be horsing around.

Not my fault no one can trust their own kids

Or see the signs of a possible emotional problem

I pay attention to my kids lol
Very true
Just like the parents are responsible for that little pos shooting other kids im sure they where the greatest parents ever right?:)
They are just tools like a nail gun

Follow the rules and no one gets hurt.

The only times it is a TRUE ACCIDENT is if something like the sear breaks and the gun goes off

The rest of the time they where NEGLIGENT DISCHARGES, due to not following the rules. FACT.

My kids know when they can and cant be horsing around.

Not my fault no one can trust their own kids

Or see the signs of a possible emotional problem

I pay attention to my kids lol
Famous last words Mr Menendez.