Well-Known Member
No one said HONOR was easyThey kill and bury you and maybe your family for that sometimes.
No one said HONOR was easyThey kill and bury you and maybe your family for that sometimes.
You aren't a cop. Cops don't turn in dirty cops because they know they couldn't depend on backup. It's a coercive corrupt system.
What you say here is completely untrue. It is a common arguing point among klansmen and nazis. So, naturally, I'm assuming you are one of them.
You should know about having a small penis then!
Is that a ladys 6 inches
Or a mans 6 inches
Cause if you ask most girls what they think six inches is
dude.You can’t stop making new shit up to support your misguided cause can you?
Now we are both nazi’s according to you guys. And for only disagreeing with you.
Sure you aren’t a Nazi or a clansmen? Because you sound more like one than those you accuse.
Sorry. I am assuming you are sounding like one.
Your arguments are sad dude.
But you're not a cop because it takes a special personality to be that kind of piece of shit. Your just a regular pos.If i was a cop and knew there was a piece of shit
I would turn him in
Its called HONOR And duty
Look at the assertion he made: "Black people are shot at proportionally higher rates than white people because they commit more crimes." This in spite of what we see on the news, which show us unarmed men being gunned down. This in spite of protests from the black community and BLM movement who very much say otherwise. @nxsov180db didn't make his argument up. It is a very common talking point in the right wing echo chamber (talk radio, FOX, etc.) and it's been around for at least 20 years. I don't think nxsov is a robe wearing klansman nor do I imagine he drove the car that ran over the counter-protester in Charlottesville but the racist dog whistle was loud and clear in his claim.
Disproving the argument was easy. The data was easily available to show the argument is false. The data shows that a very small number of police shootings of black people have anything to do with them committing a crime. Yet the right wing, a political group made by racists for racists continues to make this claim. By doing so they invalidate and diminish the voices from NAACP and BLM.
This is the problem with dead end thinking like racism, antisemitism, bigoted religious views and some left wing cynicism -- starting from a false assumption, the dead ender looks for information that agrees with the assumption and ends questioning at that point. They never challenge the conclusion when it matches their bias, they accept it and only challenge a conclusion when it disagrees with their belief.
I'm dead certain that nxsov will disagree with me when I say that I've proven that black people are not shot by cops at higher rates because they commit more crimes. There is another reason why black people are shot at higher rates than white people. I wouldn't mind it if nxsov proves me wrong either.
So you don't listen to the news and go through original sources for information? How then can one find answers? What exactly is wrong with being intellectual? Do you know how stupid headed your post was?Seems all you know about any of this is what is on tv.
There is a much bigger picture than your argument over statistics. Many things go unreported.
People are allowed their own beliefs. We can argue and present information in the hope they change but you just act superior and cast vicious insults instead.
Then return to your original agenda.
And all I was saying was you are labeling people horrible things just for their written opinion. Which you coerced into argument with your bullshit.
I sure don’t need you to repeat news or statistics. You are just an armchair intellectual. You have not experienced any of what you are asserting. You are a tourist.
maybe you should start worrying about white people who keep killing themselves with guns instead.Sad, sad that so many inner city youth think that the "gangsta" lifestyle is cool as opposed to getting an education and doing something constructive with their lives.
maybe you should start worrying about white people who keep killing themselves with guns instead.
the most common use of a gun in the united states is to kill a white male.
Look up how many guns have been . manufactured in the last oh 20 years not america's short history
Statistically if what you say is true for the number of guns sold
Every white male would be dead?
That doesnt answer my questionwhy would every white male be dead?
when guns are used to fire projectiles at people with the intention of killing them, as is the purpose of a gun, white males are the most likely to find themselves dead in a pool of blood.
i just laugh.
sorry, i don't speak retard. try rephrasing your question in a language i'll understandThat doesnt answer my question
Thats what i figuredsorry, i don't speak retard. try rephrasing your question in a language i'll understand