I think I’m screwed

did we figure out a place to send homie some $$$? im broke af but i got you. you smoke or vape?
also, you are going to need a master overhaul kit for that tranny... IMO not worth your time and money. if i were you, i would part out that vehicle and then scrap it.
Hope to help <3, Cheers!
Yeah im still guessing cv joint
Part probably under 100
Approximately 1.5 hrs to put it in
If you stare at the sky a bunch

The leak if it was pre existing could just be a pan gasket
Or the axle might have whopper jawed (technical term) the seal where the other end goes into the tranny. You just have to make sure the trans case isn't cracked. How far away from home is it?
Here’s a picture of what I Can see on the right hand side
View attachment 4086601

But the horrible knocking and noise that feel the the wheel is going to fall off is on the left front side. I can’t see much on that side, but the car is parked along a shitty highway. I knew this issue on the right side was there though, and had been driving on it for a bit, this failure on the left side was something that happened mid drive about a mile from my house.

I’ll try to see if I can get to the right side when it isn’t the middle of rush hour traffic

I also seem to be hemmhoraging transmission fluid... this puddle is less than 24 hours old since I reparked the car here (a few feet away from an even larger puddle, lol, don’t want my car to get ticketed)
View attachment 4086602
That's not bad. Just a bad axle. That's what's popping and probably where the leak is at. If you were close enough it would be a simple fix. Axles are less than a 100 bucks a piece and a couple hours to put in.

You take a breaker bar and socket on the axle nut and put the breaker bar on the ground and start the car. Put it in gear and break it loose. Then take the wheel off. Unbolt the upper a arm and let it drop. Pop the axle out of the hub on the wheel side. Put a bar where the axle goes into the trans and give it a quick jerk and pop It out. Check the axle seals and replace if needed. Take new axle and do everything in reverse.
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That's not bad. Just a bad axle. That's what's popping and probably where the leak is at. If you were close enough it would be a simple fix. Axles are less than a 100 bucks a piece and a couple hours to put in.

You take a breaker bar and socket on the axle nut and put the breaker bar on the ground and start the car. Put it in gear and break it loose. Then take the wheel off. Unbolt the upper a arm and let it drop. Pop the axle out of the hub on the wheel side. Put a bar where the axle goes into the trans and give it a quick jerk and pop It out. Check the axle seals and replace if needed. Take new axle and do everything in reverse.
What? Haha I barely understood half of that

Lol I have No idea where to start. Like i said, if we think its worth getting looked at, I’ll have it looked at, but I don’t trust my life to my own repairs. I’d have to pay someone to look at it, or find someone to help out who knows what they’re doing, I’m not a mechanic by any means. I believe I’m smart enough to do it, but i don’t trust myself that much with the chance I hurt or kill myself or someone else in the case of a failure
What? Lol I have i idea where to start. Like i said, if we think it’s worth getting looked at, I’ll have it looked at, but I don’t trust my life to my own repairs. I’d have to pay someone to look at it, or find someone to help out who knows what they’re doing, I’m not a mechanic by any means. I believe I’m smart enough to do it, but i don’t trust myself that much with the chance I hurt or kill myself or someone else in the case of a failure
I can respect that.
Even jacking up a car is seriously dangerous. If not comfy than don't
I can respect that.
Even jacking up a car is seriously dangerous. If not comfy than don't
word, be careful
I can respect that.
Even jacking up a car is seriously dangerous. If not comfy than don't
Well I’ll try jacking the car up and try to get the tire off, it’s parked on a highway at the base of my neighborhood. It’s along the canyon floor and I live up a narrow street that snakes up the side of the canyon, which makes towing in and out of the neighborhood incredibly hard. And unfortunately, Being parked along highway 27 in Topanga canyon is not exactly a safe place to work on cars.