Random Jabber Jibber thread

I got out of work and some guy calls me and tells me that a homeless guy living under a table behind his house found my phone. It's my mom's phone she lost it last week. He tells me to say i tracked it to his house because he doesn't want to be a rat.. I get the address and go, I'm completely lost, it' like 3 houses connected to one. I find this guy and confront him. He starts acting dumb, we start talking shit. Less then 30 seconds in I'm telling him I'm going to knock his ass out. I threaten to call the cops and he starts telling me to get away from him and starts running.. I chase his ass like 7 houses before he runs into a backyard. I'm not running into a backyard of his choosing in the middle of the night in the ghetto.. I walk back, fucken dude that initially called me text me this..2018-02-15 23.34.33.pnglmao, no wonder the dude I was chasing was so pissed... walked back, guy that had my phone was super nice. I gave him 5 bucks, the neighbor i guess ended up calling the cops. They came threw I explained the situation, They laughed.

The end​
I love it when you try to help a friend and they don't think your helping enough and get an attitude. My ability to deal with other people's BS is pretty fucking low right now, so they can help themselves until they check the attitude.

About 15 years ago a bunch of domesticated turkeys from the farm nearby got loose and they ended up breeding with the wild turkeys thay live in the woods around my house. We had some weird colored turkeys running around for a few years because they were all white. Just had a few come through, you can tell the ones that have the domesticated turkey genes , they are some meaty turkeys. Even some the smaller hens are really plump. I've always wondered how being half domestic would effect the taste. It's probably a good thing they are in an area of woods that's all private property and no hunting. These are the type of birds most people go looking for.