mr sunshine
Well-Known Member
I got out of work and some guy calls me and tells me that a homeless guy living under a table behind his house found my phone. It's my mom's phone she lost it last week. He tells me to say i tracked it to his house because he doesn't want to be a rat.. I get the address and go, I'm completely lost, it' like 3 houses connected to one. I find this guy and confront him. He starts acting dumb, we start talking shit. Less then 30 seconds in I'm telling him I'm going to knock his ass out. I threaten to call the cops and he starts telling me to get away from him and starts running.. I chase his ass like 7 houses before he runs into a backyard. I'm not running into a backyard of his choosing in the middle of the night in the ghetto.. I walk back, fucken dude that initially called me text me this..
lmao, no wonder the dude I was chasing was so pissed... walked back, guy that had my phone was super nice. I gave him 5 bucks, the neighbor i guess ended up calling the cops. They came threw I explained the situation, They laughed.

The end