Aussie Growers Thread

29 fuck me i woulda helped him off the job fuckin shit cunt... Not unusual for sheds i work in to get over 45's then chuck in a welder and its fun
when i dide stell fixing it was around tjere that decking shit thaynwhere using was black i was puring with sweet i only lasted 3 days but still i dident bitch after a day i new i wasent gunna hack it but i grinded on i was pretty dirty on my self tho but my brother in law whi got me the job said i lusted alot longer then he thought i would i dont know how he doas it 6 days and some times thay dont even have lunch or take a break thay just keep pumping it no wonder hes strong tho lol
when i dide stell fixing it was around tjere that decking shit thaynwhere using was black i was puring with sweet i only lasted 3 days but still i dident bitch after a day i new i wasent gunna hack it but i grinded on i was pretty dirty on my self tho but my brother in law whi got me the job said i lusted alot longer then he thought i would i dont know how he doas it 6 days and some times thay dont even have lunch or take a break thay just keep pumping it no wonder hes strong tho lol
Working suck gigs ill be the first cunt to tell ya... But there's things i want in life that ya just gotta work for.... Lol ya get to a stage in life when you start considering what life will be like after "work" and i aint being one of them old cunts that cant even turn the ac on in summer...
yup. short term pain for long term gain. actually kind of the other way around but I dont want my twilight years being fucking miserable so I put the hours in now. I've clocked around 130 hours work in the last 10 working days and Im one of those guys that fuckin hates his day job but you just gotta get in there and make some coin while youre able to. it doesnt get easier the longer you do it sadly
Working suck gigs ill be the first cunt to tell ya... But there's things i want in life that ya just gotta work for.... Lol ya get to a stage in life when you start considering what life will be like after "work" and i aint being one of them old cunts that cant even turn the ac on in summer...
agreed i hate being poor and never aving money to do stuff i def wanna be able 2 have ac and food n shit
Procrastinating about it won’t get it done bro if your not careful life just slips by before you notice and there’s no second chances in life. You don’t want to end up regretting shit because you didn’t try hard enough.
true i think once i get my license it will all change if i put in the effort im doing this thing where i get free lessons just gotta go hand tje form in next week
i need 2 find a hobby other then weed i think might get back into guitar
guitar is good for the soul. Ive got a big fuggin amplifier and a few guitars and its a big help keeping the mind on track. dont get so involved in it you dont get a job though mate (unless you're a fucking wizard on the guitar and can do it for a living - wish I could do that)
i need 2 find a hobby other then weed i think might get back into guitar
Good idea! I need to stop smoking as well and sort my shit out.. Have been smoking daily for 2.5 years/working very casually as a kitchen hand and its time to pass a drug test and get back into my trade haha.

Best bet is to eat well, sleep well, drink lots of water, no coffee, no dairy, no porn, no cigarette's, get stoned ONCE a week, limit phone usage, no tv (I hate TV), write a plan, walk for 30 mins daily, sit outside and meditate 15 mins a day, hold yourself accountable and most of all keep fighting as this is likely the biggest mental effort you'll have to overcome then its easy street and routine!

Sorry just talking to myself, like always ;)
I did 6 years in the pilbra (north west wa) working on all heavy diesel gear that loves to radiate heat and burn/cut you up/fuck with your head. I miss that shit, time to get back into it really. Funny how anything can become like normal though and doesn't bother you
I did 6 years in the pilbra (north west wa) working on all heavy diesel gear that loves to radiate heat and burn/cut you up/fuck with your head. I miss that shit, time to get back into it really. Funny how anything can become like normal though and doesn't bother you
I've got scars from burns and cuts all over from those places. It was a shit of a job. But, it allowed me some decent play money after bills were dealt with.
guitar is good for the soul. Ive got a big fuggin amplifier and a few guitars and its a big help keeping the mind on track. dont get so involved in it you dont get a job though mate (unless you're a fucking wizard on the guitar and can do it for a living - wish I could do that)
Guitars are great for ppl with adhd and ocd aswell... Hand eye co-ordination and patience... Wish i could play more than i get the time to these days...
I did 6 years in the pilbra (north west wa) working on all heavy diesel gear that loves to radiate heat and burn/cut you up/fuck with your head. I miss that shit, time to get back into it really. Funny how anything can become like normal though and doesn't bother you
True i spent me first few years as a diesel mechanic got offered something better and took it... Miss the smell of it tho... its up there with dope, pussy and 2 stroke...:-P:-P