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Well-Known Member
I see, consider these two facts about mass and density.

1) lighter than air objects goes up

2) heavier than air objects stay on the ground

Where is 'gravity' in those two facts?

As promised above I've demonstrated mass and density.

Please demonstrate gravity.

(Note: Saying that it exists because you believe it does is not a demonstration of it)

The fact that you returned to earth is your demonstration.

Gravity is known to physics as the weakest of the attentive forces, but the one with the longest reach.

I invite you to do your own homework on the subject.


Well-Known Member
Most dense gas is radon. Least dense gas is hydrogen it has helium beat. Most dense metal is iridium. Least dense is lithium. Most dense liquid is mercury. Least dense is liquid hydrogen. Gravity pfft
Your argument is as logical as asking why chickens can't do calculus.


Well-Known Member

The fact that you returned to earth is your demonstration.

Gravity is known to physics as the weakest of the attentive forces, but the one with the longest reach.

I invite you to do your own homework on the subject.

My mass and density (weight) pulled me back down (as mentioned above lighter than air goes up heavier than air comes back down) thats disproved, anything else?

I assure you sure you I've done my "homework". In fact I've studied Newton in depth.. I'm not speaking of his math equations, I've studied his theological interpretations, unknown to most Newton was as much or more a theist, as a mathematician
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Well-Known Member
Interesting..! in another thread you said:

"So sit back and relax. Be a good consumerist drone, pay your mortgage and your taxes and your car payment and your utilities and your credit cards and don't worry your little head about anything except what we tell you to. When we tell you to."

And I completely agree! I would like to encourage you to use that same critical thinking when considering what those same lying powers have told you about gravity, space-time, ufo's, God, gods and literally all these related topics.

None of it is what we've been indoctrinated since childhood to believe.
I'm glad you're enjoying my posts!

I disagree with your assessment that we've been systematically lied to about the list of subjects you mention. What's happened instead is a process of discovery whereby old notions are reexamined in light of new evidence and either updated or replaced with more current thinking.

I'm a firm believer in gravity; it seems to work very consistently whether we insist on its existence or not.

I'm not a believer in human constructs of God, for similar reasons; the concept FAILS to explain any measurable phenomena.

Our understanding of space and time are evolving as our understanding of the underlying science grows. RIP Stephen Hawking...

UFOs are harder to pin down, due to a lack of publicly available evidence. Whether that's because there isn't any or because it's being kept from us is another legitimate line of inquiry.

That there ARE aliens out there is in my mind indisputable; the galaxy, let alone the universe, is so vast and full of available real estate that the notion of our uniqueness is laughable. The only question is how close they are and whether they have the necessary technology to come and spy on us.

I'm on record above in this thread as saying they have motive, even if only for reasons of self preservation.


Well-Known Member
My mass and density (weight) pulled me back down (as mentioned above lighter than air goes up heavier than air comes back down) thats disproved, anything else?

I assure you sure you I've done my "homework". In fact I've studied Newton in depth.. I'm not speaking of his math equations, I've studied his theological interpretations, unknown to most Newton was as much or more a theist, as a mathematician
Mass has attraction; the mass of your body is attracted to the mass of Earth. How was the theory of gravity disproven?

I'll meet God when I'm done here. Until then, I have work to do!

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
gravity seems to be a function of mass, so an object lighter than air has insufficient mass for it's gravity to make it remain on the ground, even though it's being caused artificially. same thing with planes, they artificially reduce their mass while propelling themselves at sufficient speed. reduce the speed, and gravity takes back over, quickly. cool off a hot air balloon, and gravity takes back over quickly. even birds use it, birds of prey climb high into the sky, find a target, and dive at it.
i see tons (haha) of proof of gravity


Well-Known Member
gravity seems to be a function of mass, so an object lighter than air has insufficient mass for it's gravity to make it remain on the ground, even though it's being caused artificially. same thing with planes, they artificially reduce their mass while propelling themselves at sufficient speed. reduce the speed, and gravity takes back over, quickly. cool off a hot air balloon, and gravity takes back over quickly. even birds use it, birds of prey climb high into the sky, find a target, and dive at it.
i see tons (haha) of proof of gravity
You see tons of proof of density displacement. The bird is more dense than air. Why are submerged objects like rocks easier to move than those on dry land? Density and buoyancy bro. Gravity is a bs theory the free masons came up with to impose the globe earth lie on the masses. Along with the heliocentric theory.
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Well-Known Member
Sometimes odd shit happens. I was just telling my wife the other night that I realized that just about everybody I know and all the people from my past had blue eyes.
I mean I literally stare when I see someone with brown eyes, it tweaks all the novelty centers in my brain as something different.


Well-Known Member
Your argument is as logical as asking why chickens can't do calculus.
liquids, gases and metals are the make up of our realm we call earth. They are all governed by the same law of physics. Radon, mercury and iridium are the most efficient gas liquid and metal at displacing density. Radon gas is in fact so dense it seeps deep into the ground. Where as helium rises because its displaced by every gas in the atmosphere except hydrogen. Even today's scientist admit that gravity is just a theory. they sugar coat it so they don't step on toes and say "technically" just a theory. Laws rarely change opposed to theories that change frequently as new evidence is discovered. What we are witnessing today is evidence being ignored to impose an agenda on what the establishment wants you to believe.
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Well-Known Member
gravity seems to be a function of mass, so an object lighter than air has insufficient mass for it's gravity to make it remain on the ground, even though it's being caused artificially. same thing with planes, they artificially reduce their mass while propelling themselves at sufficient speed. reduce the speed, and gravity takes back over, quickly. cool off a hot air balloon, and gravity takes back over quickly. even birds use it, birds of prey climb high into the sky, find a target, and dive at it.
i see tons (haha) of proof of gravity
An object lighter than air could only be a low density gas Shrub. Say goodbye gravity. The propulsion planes use is thrust. Look at the Apollo 11 photos. Do you see a crater of moon dust blasted out from jet engine thrust beneath the lunar module ? No because NASA is a fraud.
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Well-Known Member
FUCKING HEY! Awesome post. Nice to see someone post a different thought on things. I agree with you 100% and I didn't have to die to feel this way.

Glad you mentioned Shrubber cause to him everything is god and dreams. I asked him on another thread to open his mind a bit and all he could come back with was "open yours".

For example: He says that it would be impossible to go FTL. Why? Because he can't open his mind. He can only think in the ways of the bible or science facts. HUMAN science facts. He doesn't think out of the box and can't come to the realization that an ancient alien civilization can do things that our "dreams" and imagination couldn't even comprehend. How farfetched is that? He says we base our assumptions off of nonsense. I hate to call someone a hypocrite, but then again who am I to talk.

I also mentioned that I'm open to his theories about the bible and dreams and wouldn't hesitate to agree that they could be true. That's because I have an open mind about everything. Close minded is not how I would describe myself but when I think about what he says....."people were only drawing what they dreamed on the cave walls", I have to say NO. As another member here wrote, dreams are pretty much about things you have seen IRL only to present themselves to us during sleep. Shrubs answer will probably be that god made them dream it. No problem. Maybe he would be right.

Hiding in plain sight is not so hard to believe when we can't even agree with each other on the simplest of matters. We are too busy arguing with each other to notice most of the things going on around us. We too easily dismiss or disregard warnings about things we should really be paying attention to. If we don't kill ourselves first, one day we will all wake up, maybe all at the same exact moment. We will finally see what really matters to all of us as human beings and take our next step on this whack ass journey that we think is evolution.

I hope it happens soon because I don't think I will be around too much longer to witness it :blsmoke: are a good guy Shrubbie and we love you :bigjoint::peace:
I live the Truth.

I have had an experience that philosophical belief and religion have no place in. They can't wrap their heads around it. Shrubber can't wrap his head around it and I am fine with that too. If it hasn't happened to you then it does NOT apply to you. That's all there is to it.

There is a bias toward anyone and I mean anyone who has a piece of the puzzle that doesn't fit stereotypical religious/philosophical belief. It's their way or the highway and anything else just isn't p-e-r-m-i-s-s-a-b-l-e. Belief has an EGO. It creates less humanhood and brotherhood and sisterhood than we started with.

I am all for what works for you. All of you. Whatever it may be.
I am on a different path than you are. And that's all there is to it.


Well-Known Member
Of course not, because the lunar modules were equipped with rocket engines, not jet engines. You can see the moon dust being kicked up during the descent.

OK THEN... Rocket. The thrust from the ACME NASA rocket did not leave a crater under the module. You are ignorant which is different from stupid. You believe in some cheesy looking 48 year old US government propaganda? OK. Which is fine. You are a patriot and support your country no matter what. No shame in that.


Well-Known Member
OK THEN... Rocket. The thrust from the ACME NASA rocket did not leave a crater under the module. You are ignorant which is different from stupid. You believe in some cheesy looking 48 year old US government propaganda? OK. Which is fine. You are a patriot and support your country no matter what. No shame in that.
Craters are made by meteors, aka rocks, moving at high speeds.

Keep in mind that the moon's gravity is only 1/6th that of Earth, so only a relatively small amount of thrust is necessary.

I realize I'm not going to convince you because you've already come to a conclusion and are now engaged in the hunt for 'facts' to support it- in short, a massive case of confirmation bias.

Others will realize the support the above facts give to NASA's 'story' about landing on the Moon.


Well-Known Member
Craters are made by meteors, aka rocks, moving at high speeds.

Keep in mind that the moon's gravity is only 1/6th that of Earth, so only a relatively small amount of thrust is necessary.

I realize I'm not going to convince you because you've already come to a conclusion and are now engaged in the hunt for 'facts' to support it- in short, a massive case of confirmation bias.

Others will realize the support the above facts give to NASA's 'story' about landing on the Moon.
Yeah, plenty of boot prints in the fine moon dust but nothing from the ACME rocket thrust. Not a bit of dust in the gold foil landing pods either. The photos are staged and poorly done at that.


Well-Known Member
So aliens.

I'd be very surprised if they have visited Earth since the Age of Flight.

I'd be just as surprised if they haven't kept an eye on us at all.


Well-Known Member
Aliens would have to exist and originated from the deep ocean or Antarctica. The firmament can not penetrated. It reflects radio waves from terrestrial satellite dishes therefore it must be a solid barrier. Satellite tech has been around 70+ years. Alien proof is zilch. It's only for Hollywood sci fi movies. Where as flat earth proof is abundant. Density displacement dominates our realm. Metals, gases and liquids all abide by the same law of physics. Pseudo science uses a potpourri of complicated mathematical equations to explain away what our senses tells us. Like the earth spinning 1000 MPH. Gravity is just a theory. Density displacement is LAW.
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