FUCKING HEY! Awesome post. Nice to see someone post a different thought on things. I agree with you 100% and I didn't have to die to feel this way.
Glad you mentioned Shrubber cause to him everything is god and dreams. I asked him on another thread to open his mind a bit and all he could come back with was "open yours".
For example: He says that it would be impossible to go FTL. Why? Because he can't open his mind. He can only think in the ways of the bible or science facts. HUMAN science facts. He doesn't think out of the box and can't come to the realization that an ancient alien civilization can do things that our "dreams" and imagination couldn't even comprehend. How farfetched is that? He says we base our assumptions off of nonsense. I hate to call someone a hypocrite, but then again who am I to talk.
I also mentioned that I'm open to his theories about the bible and dreams and wouldn't hesitate to agree that they could be true. That's because I have an open mind about everything. Close minded is not how I would describe myself but when I think about what he says....."people were only drawing what they dreamed on the cave walls", I have to say NO. As another member here wrote, dreams are pretty much about things you have seen IRL only to present themselves to us during sleep. Shrubs answer will probably be that god made them dream it. No problem. Maybe he would be right.
Hiding in plain sight is not so hard to believe when we can't even agree with each other on the simplest of matters. We are too busy arguing with each other to notice most of the things going on around us. We too easily dismiss or disregard warnings about things we should really be paying attention to. If we don't kill ourselves first, one day we will all wake up, maybe all at the same exact moment. We will finally see what really matters to all of us as human beings and take our next step on this whack ass journey that we think is evolution.
I hope it happens soon because I don't think I will be around too much longer to witness it
ps...you are a good guy Shrubbie and we love you