McCains Funeral

You complain about conflicts over natural resources as you use the natural resource we have conflicts over. You support these conflicts by your natural resource usage.
How does this even begin to justify wholesale murder of innocents by the hundreds of thousands? The destruction of the entire country? The rise of terrorists in the power vacuum we created?

We could have just bought the oil.

Why don't YOU justify Desert Storm?

P.S. I see you liked this post, Buckwit. So clearly you're a warmongering neoliberal tool, in addition to your other charms.
Yeah, Rolli used to have a anniversary date in his sig until I started using the info to figure out your post per day count and his ineptitude w/ web stuff. HE gave me the information, I just used it (and then had him remove the posts that embarrassed both him and you).

Says the person that can't figure out https certification for a server as a web admin. ;)

I already said that you are not smarter than a 4th grader, you don't have to continue to prove it! :lol:

You really don't know what you are talking about. It's called an SSL certificate, and that is handled by the server admin, which I have nothing to do with. Look up at the URL for this forum, it does say https now, so tunneling protocol is being used.

BTW I was programming computers when you were still sucking your thumb, and I remember very well when EtherNet was invented, so yeah, I know all about "web stuff."

My mom is a rarity for an elderly person, she doesn't take prescriptions. But, I'll entertain your question anyway.

If the owner of anything can't decide how they will use it, and other people can, should we still call the "owner" the owner?

Let's try that out. A person comes along and tells you to make them a sandwich, and says "look buddy I know you've got some bread and sandwich stuff somewhere inside your property, so get on it right now" Would you be okay with them using a gun to force you to make them a sandwich or should you be able to decline their invitation to interact ?

I'd like extra swiss cheese on my sandwich please.

1. Yes they still own.
2. No you can decline making the sandwich.

But we’re not really talking sandwiches, which if someone were hungry and ASKED I’d share..

What are we really talking about, Rob?

If you knew their family and who they are you’d know this was true.. next time you’re near a Vitamin Shoppe go inside and ask how many prescriptions the shoppers take.

There are whole communities that believe in holistic and/or old medicine ways.

Just go to Canal St and find yourself a pharmacy..
I already said that you are not smarter than a 4th grader, you don't have to continue to prove it! :lol:
You really don't know what you are talking about. It's called an SSL certificate, and that is handled by the server admin, which I have nothing to do with. Look up at the URL for this forum, it does say https now, so tunneling protocol is being used.
BTW I was programming computers when you were still sucking your thumb, and I remember very well when EtherNet was invented, so yeah, I know all about "web stuff."
Pretty proud for something implemented just 10 days ago when the forum is ~12 years old:
Requested at least 7 years ago:

with a 6 month server certificate?


It only took you 12 years to install a 6 month certificate.
This is why I refer to it as "web stuff" to you.
I try to use nomenclature the person the post is for will understand.

Because it only took the site 12 years to implement it. ;)
Last edited:
Pretty proud for something just implemented just 10 days ago when the forum is ~12 years old:
View attachment 4134815
Requested at least 7 years ago:

View attachment 4134816
with a 6 month server certificate?

View attachment 4134839

It only took you 12 years to install a 6 month certificate.
This is why I refer to it as "web stuff" to you.
I try to use nomenclature the person the post is for will understand.

Because it only took the site 12 years to implement it. ;)
don't you have some dog piss to drink?
speaking of years of ineptitude, how old are you?
You know better than that Buckold.
Answering a question (well 4 actually) with another question that has nothing to do with the derailing topic. ;)

You need to up your trolling skills to not be so transparent. ;)
You know better than that Buckold.
Answering a question (well 4 actually) with another question that has nothing to do with the derailing topic. ;)

You need to up your trolling skills to not be so transparent. ;)
condemn hitler's nazi germany
You should get a shtick that works.
This one just makes you look more like what you are asking me to condemn. ;)

i like my nazis well done. indiscriminate firebombing usually does the trick
