McCains Funeral

holy shit, you even woke up the next day STILL obsessed with lou
I just like pointing out how much you don't like that I focus on Lou.
He was a better troll and it seems he severely bunched your panties in some way.

Did Lou touch you in your private place? ;)
Keep telling yourself that.
He was just better than you. ;)

You do realize that for you to be correct about that it means you are as obsessed w/ nazis.
we should be obsessed with stopping nazis like you

you have been obsessing over lou for 2 days non-stop now. didn;t he leave like a year ago?

pathetic, even for you
we should be obsessed with stopping nazis like you
you have been obsessing over lou for 2 days non-stop now. didn;t he leave like a year ago?
pathetic, even for you
Who is "we"?
I like fueling your envy of Lou by pointing out that he was a better troll.
Why not just admit it?
Hey suckpuppet. You pay your $14 dollars yet?


Who the fuck is this guy? :lol:

Suckpuppet? :clap: Great work window licker, did you think that one up by yourself?

Why would I pay in advance there goggle Bernie? You don’t get out much, do ya?

PS, send nudes
this is now your 40th post in a row over 2 days obsessing over lou
Again, your math does not point to you being anything close to someone that majored in math or is a candidate for actuary.
You're trolls. You already admitted it.
He was here for a year and you have been here for 12 years and he still proved to be a better troll. ;)
you wanna suck his cock don't ya
Is that why he left?
You made that proposition to him and rejected it?
2018 - 2010 = 12 years

I have better things to do than chronicling this site and picked an approximate age for the site.
I don't live here like you.
I just come for the entertainment value of you pointing out things like you failing for 18 years.
It's better when you do it yourself. ;)

It only took Lou a year to be better than you at it.
Use your actuary skills to figure out who's better at trolling. ;)
please don't shoot up any schools or mow down bystanders with a van just because you can't get laid, white

Ohh, geography isn’t your strongest either.

1.) I’m not American, school shootings is an American thing.
2.) I’m not an Islamic refugee, so no worries about using lorries or vans as a weapon.

Now that we’ve that cleared up we can get back on topic.
What colour/color is your underwear? :blsmoke:
Ohh, geography isn’t your strongest either.

1.) I’m not American, school shootings is an American thing.
2.) I’m not an Islamic refugee, so no worries about using lorries or vans as a weapon.

Now that we’ve that cleared up we can get back on topic.
What colour/color is your underwear? :blsmoke:
you're white and clearly can't get laid, shooting up schools and running down people with vans is what white males who can't get laid do