Well-Known Member
Gotta run!Rest assured, the next comp will be exactly called like that!
You should not complain so much about the rules.. better get you an LED for the next comp, so we can see if you are a grower or if everything is just blah blah. If you guys can grow only half as well as you can complain about the rules,
we have no chance anyway..!
Too much complaining could cause theDawg to lose the interest to host the contest.
We already have so few here in the LED area and I would rather see more contests than even less ..
Because of me also HPS vs. LED, for god's sake...!
You could look yourself for sponsors if you like winning prizes. That's all a lot of work and theDawg did it in his free times ... not to forget...without being able to win anything!
To address the comment above about getting a sponsor and winning prizes. I'm not looking for a prize or a sponsor. It's not about the win for me. I enjoy the competition when it is in progress, not the prize after the competition is over. I had more fun at the beginning when there were 35 competitors in my comp, than I did in flower which was boring to me.
I have to say I am surprised that I already received 4 votes in my comp.
I am humbled and honestly thought I would get no votes at all. Here's the link #1391
Maybe I'll start a "How To Germinate and grow a seedling in a solo cup" thread in Newbie Central for the many that crashed and burned out of the gate.