What did you accomplish today?

Forgot, direct tv guy is here to upgrade our set up. Also took the dogs to the groomer, they should be done anytime now.

The new dishwasher

Looks weird with the old cabinets but that's getting upgraded too. Hopefully before years end.
I think next month we're gonna try and relandscape the backyard and put up a new fence all the way around.

Finally got drain cleaned to my satisfaction. Was 70% improved yesterday, but today I got a 50' x 1/2" auger and power fucked that sewer line.

Than ran multiple washing machine cleaning cycles.

By George, I think I've got it.

And I'm thinking about buying one of these.

plumbers charge $300 for a cam check around here, I'm thinking I can check shit myself.

As long as I recognize what I see.
Watered the garden. 20180623_053854.jpg Drove 100 miles round trip to work 5 hrs. Came home, replaced deadbolt and door handle.20180623_143624.jpg Checked on another garden.20180623_143950.jpg Went for a short walk. Debated calling neo.20180623_190220.jpg Figured he's probably too busy without his helper. Did the work myself.20180623_202848.jpg Made cupcakes for our lil solstice sweetie's 1st bday party, tomorrow.20180623_220023.jpg Took nightly bong rips.

Also like to add, I'm always impressed with the pride and craftsmanship that is shone in this thread. Some hard working peeps. It is inspiring.
Harvest week again (every other week, sigh). Cut down and trimmed 22 sog plants, moved 66 over (22 per tray) one tray in the rotation, staked and pruned 22, now I have to change out four 27 gallon reservoirs and plant 22 new clones. I'm SO sick of plant shit. Business is down since medical MJ came to town, so I'm only selling a little more than half of what I grow, so I've accumulated over four pounds of weed in the last few months. I think I'm gonna have to vacuum pack most of it. Had 3 wedding gigs this weekend, too tired to do anything more tonight. I also haven't even started the homework I was assigned from an expensive online real estate course, so I'm gonna have to cram that in before Tuesday. On top of this, my fridge died on Thursday right after I bought about $300 worth of expensive produce and groceries, I had to rush out to get many styrofoam coolers and huge bags of ice to try to salvage as much of it as I can. Every day I have to go get more ice and dump out the water in each cooler. I get a new fridge on Tuesday, so if I can keep from blowing my brains out until then, I should be okay. Fml...
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Learned a language in a day, impressive..
lol, no no... a few sentences. Its a start!
i was able to visit the Getty Villa today, the museum hold all of his antiquity collection. We did the Plato LA guided tour. The highlighted sculpture is a Jeff koons. ITs a play on PLATo, play doh.... Its now on sale for 20 million. I liked it, I thought it was really cool!
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View attachment 4155227
lol, no no... a few sentences. Its a start!
i was able to visit the Getty Villa today, the museum hold all of his antiquity collection. We did the Plato LA guided tour. The highlighted sculpture is a Jeff koons. ITs a play on PLATo, play doh.... Its now on sale for 20 million. I liked it, I thought it was really cool!

Have any more ladies molested you at the airport?
View attachment 4155227
lol, no no... a few sentences. Its a start!
i was able to visit the Getty Villa today, the museum hold all of his antiquity collection. We did the Plato LA guided tour. The highlighted sculpture is a Jeff koons. ITs a play on PLATo, play doh.... Its now on sale for 20 million. I liked it, I thought it was really cool!
i know you're an artist, and so am i. but to me, that's not art. making a big weird thing doesn't make it art. art speaks to you, sometimes intellectually, sometimes emotionally, but it always speaks....a big pile of playdoh does not speak to me.....i know art is both subjective and objective, so it can be art to others...but not to me.
i know you're an artist, and so am i. but to me, that's not art. making a big weird thing doesn't make it art. art speaks to you, sometimes intellectually, sometimes emotionally, but it always speaks....a big pile of playdoh does not speak to me.....i know art is both subjective and objective, so it can be art to others...but not to me.
i totally agree with your view points. But this is one piece you have to see live. Seeing it on a computer screen or in a book does it no justice. You have to see it live to do it justice.
The strange think about Koonies work is, a lot of his stuff you Have to see live, or it just doesn't work.... plain and simple. So keep an open mind about art my friend, and stay positive.
i totally agree with your view points. But this is one piece you have to see live. Seeing it on a computer screen or in a book does it no justice. You have to see it live to do it justice.
The strange think about Koonies work is, a lot of his stuff you Have to see live, or it just doesn't work.... plain and simple. So keep an open mind about art my friend, and stay positive.

I suppose situation, atmosphere, and so on will play a part which cannot be conveyed by a mere picture, but in all honesty I think I've laid more artistic logs, and with more colour differences, after a night of good food and beer.

His one might be bigger, but quantity dies not always equal quality.

Oh, if the "attendees" are allowed to interact with it and create their own "art" then maybe there is some redeeming aspect, otherwise it's just the moment Jabba the Hut found out he wasn't suited for the paint mixing counter at Home Depot.
I suppose situation, atmosphere, and so on will play a part which cannot be conveyed by a mere picture, but in all honesty I think I've laid more artistic logs, and with more colour differences, after a night of good food and beer.

His one might be bigger, but quantity dies not always equal quality.

Oh, if the "attendees" are allowed to interact with it and create their own "art" then maybe there is some redeeming aspect, otherwise it's just the moment Jabba the Hut found out he wasn't suited for the paint mixing counter at Home Depot.
now see, if they would have named it that, or something like "Jabba learns he isn't going to be an artist".....then it might be worth a million...but 20?...come on....
now see, if they would have named it that, or something like "Jabba learns he isn't going to be an artist".....then it might be worth a million...but 20?...come on....
The technical complexities of this work are immense. It took 7 years and a factory full of highly skilled employees to make this piece. This is not a solid piece of work. All the little color pieces of play doh are separately built and placed together. A genius move for relocating, shipping and display. As the dossier pointed out, if there were an earthquake the entire piece would fall apart. The texture in person is so real, just like real play doh, it has a certain feel of dryness and moisture, the moisture cracks look so damn real. Jeff s inspiration for making it was his young sons joy of creating a play doh sculpture in similar appearance to this one. the innocent pride and overwhelming joy his son had making the play doh piece and showing it to his father .Simple but profound. Its conceptual and technically brilliant.
The technical complexities of this work are immense. It took 7 years and a factory full of highly skilled employees to make this piece. This is not a solid piece of work. All the little color pieces of play doh are separately built and placed together. A genius move for relocating, shipping and display. As the dossier pointed out, if there were an earthquake the entire piece would fall apart. The texture in person is so real, just like real play doh, it has a certain feel of dryness and moisture, the moisture cracks look so damn real. Jeff s inspiration for making it was his young sons joy of creating a play doh sculpture in similar appearance to this one. the innocent pride and overwhelming joy his son had making the play doh piece and showing it to his father .Simple but profound. Its conceptual and technically brilliant.
conceptual art usually escapes me. i suppose it's because my "concept" of reality is very different from most other peoples, and what impresses me are usually things that other people overlook. sometimes i get abstract art, and sometimes i don't....Jackson Pollock's work just looks like splatters of paint to me....i like Francis Bacon, Damien Hirst, Edvard Munch, Lautrec, Rodin,......too many others to name, but i think you can see which way i lean
I cleaned my grow today. Only thing I actually miss about hydro, it was clean, maybe a spill here and there, but it evaporates! Dirt gets everywhere and stays there. Then I fed all my veg plants, house smells like fish now. Half heartedly been working on training plants the last couple hours. I haven't been as diligent with training the last couple grows and it has shown at harvest. I'm gonna try manifolding a few clones I just started. I want to see how it compares to tying over then training a taller plant, which is what I do now. Back to more plant amputation and bondage. :fire: