What did you accomplish today?

prop them both up on the couch, feed them chicken soup, and let which ever one seems more capable help trim...or....feed them both a double dose of nyquil and get some shit done while they're temporarily comatose
Thanks Roger if only it were that simple. I would not even bother whining. Both are life threatening and requiring surgery, the question is how much and who for both of them.
ouch, if its that serious take em both to the appropriate physician (a mistake could be embarrassing), and figure out how to pay for it later...like the rest of us do....
Luckily both kid and dog are insured out the wazoo. The problem is the lifestyle health questionnaire I'm having their putative surgeons fill out. It's hard to find a qualified and dedicated surgeon who is so good at his job he punches out on time and leaves his job behind him.

Luckily both kid and dog are insured out the wazoo. The problem is the lifestyle health questionnaire I'm having their putative surgeons fill out. It's hard to find a qualified and dedicated surgeon who is so good at his job he punches out on time and leaves his job behind him.

Those questionnaires are important, too ... they allow us to serve the doctors better.
Luckily both kid and dog are insured out the wazoo. The problem is the lifestyle health questionnaire I'm having their putative surgeons fill out. It's hard to find a qualified and dedicated surgeon who is so good at his job he punches out on time and leaves his job behind him.

you know, that's something i've thought about myself, dedication is good, but i want my surgeon to be relaxed, to have enjoyed their weekend...i don't want a wound up, tired, coffee wired workaholic vibrating around inside me.....
playing with deer hair

it looks like my fat ass neighbors underwear blew off the clothesline....but it works, and the duck's don't seem to mind

Reminds me of when a friend's dog jumped the fence and came back with a neighbour's scuddies, I swear they could have been used as a parachute for a toddler.

Fecking huge things, they were.

Not much will be achieved today, the freezer escapades last week did more damage than first thought and my planned MRI and report from neurosurgeon may be sooner rather than later as there's definitely disk damage, can feel the pressure on the nerves.

Oh well, shit happens. Always knew it had to get worse before it can get better so if I've accelerated that then it can't be a bad thing in the long term, more short term pain equals more long term gain, as they say.
It's worse than that, "personal" is 1 female plant or 3g. Who would grow a plant for 3g? I mean, even an amateur like me with a shit setup has a smaller cola which will deliver that, never mind the ones close to the volume of a cola can.

No question they're female, stopped growing upwards and the arse is getting bigger, a definite sign of their gender.
I bought 3 dozen eggs, vinegar and pickling spices. Going to make a pile of pickled eggs. Anyone ever have soft boiled pickled eggs? I'm thinking about doing a dozen that way.

I love soft boiled eggs and I love pickled eggs.

I wonder what the texture of the yolk will be after a week in your pickling mix.

Hope it works out good. You should make cucumber salad while you’re pickling stuff, that nice crunch would go good with the soft egg I think.
Harvest week again (every other week, sigh). Cut down and trimmed 22 sog plants, moved 66 over (22 per tray) one tray in the rotation, staked and pruned 22, now I have to change out four 27 gallon reservoirs and plant 22 new clones. I'm SO sick of plant shit. Business is down since medical MJ came to town, so I'm only selling a little more than half of what I grow, so I've accumulated over four pounds of weed in the last few months. I think I'm gonna have to vacuum pack most of it. Had 3 wedding gigs this weekend, too tired to do anything more tonight. I also haven't even started the homework I was assigned from an expensive online real estate course, so I'm gonna have to cram that in before Tuesday. On top of this, my fridge died on Thursday right after I bought about $300 worth of expensive produce and groceries, I had to rush out to get many styrofoam coolers and huge bags of ice to try to salvage as much of it as I can. Every day I have to go get more ice and dump out the water in each cooler. I get a new fridge on Tuesday, so if I can keep from blowing my brains out until then, I should be okay. Fml...

I love our vacuum sealer. All of our dry trim gets put into those bags, they work really well.

Mostly it gets used when we buy bulk meat and want to freeze it but hey, it does the job for mj too.