I have said it many times here and once again for your benefit; I volunteered for the army when I was 18 and was rejected due to poor eyesight.
It would have been a great experience for me, just as it was for my father, and it would have taught the obnoxious young punk that I was some badly needed discipline and direction.
If you go back and carefully read my posts you will find that I never, ever denigrate those who serve. I'm tough on the organization (all of them, as needed), I'm highly critical of the people and motives who send them into harm's way and I'm even harsh on those in uniform who dishonor themselves and their country... but never, ever do I disrespect those wearing the uniform, doing their job as best they can- or those who ever did. That holds true even if I disagree with their political stance, party affiliation or point of view.
If you can find any exception, feel free to call me on it.