30,000 drones will be spying on you within 10 years.

i dont really see why the prototype would have a needle attachment rather than a camera etc... it seems like an awful lot of hassle to gather a DNA sample and youd have thought that it would be exhibited as a surveilence device with many practical applications (or so they would say). Seeing as there would have to be a human controlling this thing and probs a human launching it near the target (i dount they are durable or capable of flying large distances) it would be more cost efective to knock on the door and ask for a sample - after all we assume that a warrant has been obtained right? lol
So, if you think the USA will default, you don't understand macro-economics. We are not only the largest economy. At roughly $15 Trillion per year, it is the size of the next 3 combined, at $5 T, each. We are too big to fail at this point. The world economy would crash and we would still pick profit. China is seeing the writing on the wall, about now, as well.

If you think the USA can't default because it's too big to fail... forget macro-economics, you don't understand basic economics.

And yes, the world economy would collapse... what bearing does that have on your proclaimed inability for the USA to default? It doesn't.