Stress+Recovery time=Better yield & potency

Never ignored it always said that's how I'm growing just believe you can do different things with the plant why are you ignoring that

You're right, you've listened to everything that has been said. We're all wrong & you're right but we just don't understand you because we're not listening.

Read that over a couple times & really think about it. Is it more logical that everyone is wrong & you're right or that you've created a problem by not listening & being defensive.
I said that back around page 6 or 7 but you ignored me because you were too busy arguing. That's about when you started talking about the fan club as a way of deflecting everyone's opinion that contradicts yours. If we're a fan club we can be ignored because it's really just one voice. Doesn't matter that I'm new or don't know anyone in this thread; I must be a fanboy because I disagree with you. That's why I stopped commenting, there was no point as you ignored what was being said. I thought I'd chime in again because I felt obligated to after reading through this & the other ridiculous thread you started. I would seriously take a step back & come back to read this again from the other perspective.
Do you see how many people are commenting on here if u felt ignored to bad cause I still answered yo same question already in the thread
You're right, you've listened to everything that has been said. We're all wrong & you're right but we just don't understand you because we're not listening.

Read that over a couple times & really think about it. Is it more logical that everyone is wrong & you're right or that you've created a problem by not listening & being defensive.
My point y'all keep trying to talk down to me and I'm just laughing at how hard y'all keep trying and keep explaining y'all corny lil joke lmfao
So are u saying you do no pruning?
Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. Just depends. Some I veg a bit and will top or fim. Some are 12/12 from seed and I leave them be.

It depends on veg time. With short veg times topping and such don't really help the return.

Longer veg times work better with topping and such.

Here's the order of things to do.

First get good genetics. Next dial your grow room environment in. Then dial in your growing skills.

Then after you can produce happy healthy plants then start trying different grow techniques.

I think the first couple grows should be unmolested plants. Or at least one in the grow needs to be single cola. You need to learn the way the plant grows naturally to understand what the other training methods do. You need a base of reference.

If you can't grow a healthy plant then all these techniques and training methods aren't going to do anything.
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The increase in yield from prunning isn't a result of stress, it's the result of changing hormones by removing the apical dominance to cause a burst of growth.

Learn the proper botany & you won't get confused by using improper terminology.
That wasn't my question I know that he said a full canopy no chopping leaves so I was asking did he mean he keeps all fan leaves on plants to the end
My point y'all keep trying to talk down to me and I'm just laughing at how hard y'all keep trying and keep explaining y'all corny lil joke lmfao

Laugh all you want, you're hurting yourself by ignoring peoples experience because it doesn't fit your belief.

That sounds like a horrible way to learn, which unfortunately that ego is common with beginners like yourself. So common it's a cliché which is why no one is taking you serious.
That wasn't my question I know that he said a full canopy no chopping leaves so I was asking did he mean he keeps all fan leaves on plants to the end

Then you should have been specific & ask about leaf prunning, not make a general statement about "so you don't prune at all?"

Typically prunning relates to branches, leaf prunning is very rare in horticulture as it's counter productive to plant growth.
We prune, we top, etc.
But for the last time from me anyway
Its not to cause stress
It does cause stress unfortunately but we accept that stress.
To deal with apical dominance

I have told you that already .
But man Im worn out
I'm worn out keep telling y'all I know about all that my thread was talking about doing DIFFERENT techniques the plant I have in flowering now I have did all the optimal condition of a cannabis plant rh get to high and I accidentally split the stem but everything else is the same like u said everything is stress it's just the ones we deal with some don't trust in the extremes tactics
I'm done wasting time talking to someone that doesn't have the knowledge/terminology to understand the issue being discussed & who is too egotistical to listen to what they're telling him.

To be clear though, you aren't the victim here, you instigated this & brought it on yourself by your poor understand & poor communication.
Then you should have been specific & ask about leaf prunning, not make a general statement about "so you don't prune at all?"

Typically prunning relates to branches, leaf prunning is very rare in horticulture as it's counter productive to plant growth.
Ha there's no pleasing y'all sorry I don't speak proper English n break everything down for the slow ones for a riu website the question wasn't even for you
I'm done wasting time talking to someone that doesn't have the knowledge/terminology to understand the issue being discussed & who is too egotistical to listen to what they're telling him.

To be clear though, you aren't the victim here, you instigated this & brought it on yourself by your poor understand & poor communication.
U right not a victim don't want u to see me ass one y'all have still brought my thread souch attention and @PuffinPine gets a front row seat lol
Ha there's no pleasing y'all sorry I don't speak proper English n break everything down for the slow ones for a riu website the question wasn't even for you

No need to get defensive bud, just pointing out your use of improper terms which cause confusion because you aren't saying what you think you're saying.

That also reaffirms my view that you need to look at your actions instead of blaming & dismissing everyone else. If you aren't using proper english, then you have to make sure your explaining yourself clearly.

Not sure why you think this attention is good, I'd be embarrassed about being wrong. Like I said most growers come in egotistical, myself included. I cringe re-reading some of my early threads & they were no where near as bad as this.