What did you accomplish today?

I've seen enough ride workers & carnies to know I don't want anything to do with something put together/operated by a tweaking meff head.
when i got divorced i wanted to get away for a while, so i found a job with a small carnival for the summer. travelled all over the midwest.
the head ride guy looked like a 1930s tough guy, big redheaded irishman, was tougher than hell, but he drank a liter of cheap vodka a day. every day...that was 20 years ago, i'm sure he's dead of cirrhosis, if a ride didn't fall on him first
I will review the official offer letter tomorrow and make the official decision tomorrow. It’s hard to refuse my own private office with a window. Windows in my profession are almost impossible to come by. Most of the time we are hidden away in dark dungeons.

Just take it. I remember getting my first office with a window and a door. The view was only 4 floors up over a parking lot, but it made all the difference in the world. The door was even more precious - I got more than twice as much done getting to shut out all the fucktards, not having to be distracted, and finding my zone. I'd have taken a salary cut to get that office. My boss loved it even more, I made a shit ton of money for that dude...
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What kind of skating?


Brutal day. Migraine for over 24 hrs., finally started feeling better so I stepped out into the driveway with a drink.

Then I hear a swishing sound and see a girl laying on the road. Ran in to grab phone and ran out to her. I thought she fell out of a moving car.

Got there and there's a busted up
bicycle by a tree. She had an obvious broken leg, lacerations, scratches everywhere and was crying. I called 911 for help, asked her to move her feet while we waited for help, located her cell phone and glasses and assisted the crew in getting her on the stretcher. I hope she makes it, but she looked like she was going into shock.

Ugly ending of a long day.
No helmet, not a good idea at night.

A second paramedic vehicle arrived to assist, guy asks if it's OK to park in driveway until they get her to the hospital and return.

Whatever it takes, guys.
I made sure they took her glasses and phone, handed to the girl paramedic. I promised the injured girl I wouldn't let them leave without them.
Brutal day. Migraine for over 24 hrs., finally started feeling better so I stepped out into the driveway with a drink.

Then I hear a swishing sound and see a girl laying on the road. Ran in to grab phone and ran out to her. I thought she fell out of a moving car.

Got there and there's a busted up
bicycle by a tree. She had an obvious broken leg, lacerations, scratches everywhere and was crying. I called 911 for help, asked her to move her feet while we waited for help, located her cell phone and glasses and assisted the crew in getting her on the stretcher. I hope she makes it, but she looked like she was going into shock.

Ugly ending of a long day.
View attachment 4163344
No helmet, not a good idea at night.

A second paramedic vehicle arrived to assist, guy asks if it's OK to park in driveway until they get her to the hospital and return.

Whatever it takes, guys.
View attachment 4163353
I made sure they took her glasses and phone, handed to the girl paramedic. I promised the injured girl I wouldn't let them leave without them.

I assume she was hit by a car? That sucks, one of my worst fears. Always stupid to not wear a helmet. She's lucky she landed outside of your place, and that you came out when you did. So you don't simply fix things around the house, you fix people, as well. Good man...
I assume she was hit by a car? That sucks, one of my worst fears. Always stupid to not wear a helmet. She's lucky she landed outside of your place, and that you came out when you did. So you don't simply fix things around the house, you fix people, as well. Good man...
No, she had ZERO brakes on her bike it turns out. Came down steep hill by my house and shot across road into tree. She was wearing steel toe shoes to somehow brake bike.

She had left the local old folks assisted living home where she works to bike home. At midnight with no brakes.

Her phone kept ringing while she was down. She asked me to answer it but I told her that would be a terrible idea right now and that she needed medical attention first.

The other paramedic just came back to get his truck. Broken ribs, internal injuries, broken femur, concussion, deep laceration on her broken leg, etc. She was stable when they left hospital and getting X rays of everything.

Serious condition in hospital.

Cops from adjacent town came for her bike. Our cops only work a few hours a day. (not that I'm complaining :wink:.)