Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

This is the kind of weather that would make me cry and hide under a blanket waiting for the Mold Monster....
Does it do this all the way through flower for you?
Last year it stopped raining in mid to late August. Too late for all my early flowering strains. The old strains that are used to this local don't flower until later, and they miss most of the rain. All the shit/skunk rotted last year, and most of the Poly Shunk 1 f2's look like they are going to rot before they finish. Not sure about some of the other new strains. Will have to wait and see.

I planted some CP1, Too Slo and CPDA's late to cross with the shit/skunk stuff. They are tall and lanky, and slow as hell, so that might fix it.
Haven't had any rain here for a good while. We've been in triple digits for a week now with at least another week to go, and as of yesterday there's a raging wildfire pretty close by...suspected arson, but at least they caught the guy. Look up Cranston fire. Several homes lost, entire communities evacuated. Yep, it's definitely that time of the year...again.
Stay safe.
I must be the last person alive who hasn't watched the series but I do know that motor home based labs are common.
Mamma bought an old travel trailer from the Sheriff's Office. They had taken it from folks making meth in a semi trailer and were living in the travel trailer. We all called it the Crack Shack. Real nice, but a big oak came down on it at the creek camp.
No rain yesterday, but we had a strong storm while I was leaving for work. At 1735 it's partly cloudy, 78F with 95% humidity. Forecast high/low of 89/73F with 20% chance of rain tonight. 10 day high/low of 91/71F with 9 days of possible rain.
Another fire season...
The Carr fire knocked out power to my whole town, and is about to consume Redding.
Thoughts and prayers to anyone near a wildfire...
A lady who used to work here with me lives near Mt Shasta. Not sure which town, but I saw fire up that way this morning.
I think everything west of the sac river, in a nutshell...
I heard the fire chief say yesterday they were not fighting fire, just trying to get the people out.
Wow. I wonder how many climate change sceptics are evacuating?

Colorado went through this some 4 or 5 years ago, over a million acres and thousands of homes burned up and down the Front Range.

How long must this continue before we start taking what we've done to the planet seriously enough to force change?
Wow. I wonder how many climate change sceptics are evacuating?

Colorado went through this some 4 or 5 years ago, over a million acres and thousands of homes burned up and down the Front Range.

How long must this continue before we start taking what we've done to the planet seriously enough to force change?
Greece, Japan and Sweden all had record highs and wildfires this past week.
Greece, Japan and Sweden all had record highs and wildfires this past week.
There are out of control wildfires above the Arctic circle this summer.

America is doing the very thing that Winston Churchill was credited with saying about us;

'Americans can be trusted to do the right thing- after all other alternatives have been tried and exhausted.'
It's been warm today. At 1335 it's partly cloudy, 93F with 59% humidity. Forecast high/low of 93/73F with 20% chance of rain today. 10 day high/low of 93/70F with 8 days of possible rain. 70 is pretty cool for this time of year.
We've had several days of thunderstorms here in NoCo. Yesterday a tornado watch, though I don't believe anything serious developed. Today there's scattered hail in the area and it rained here.

All this is keeping the grass watered and the temperatures in the 70s, so I'm not complaining!
We had huge thunderstorms yesterday and again today. I dumped almost 3 inches last night. Haven't checked it today. At 1800 it's fair, 87F with 75% humidity. Forecast high/low of 90/73F with 40% chance of rain tonight. 10 day high/low of 92/71F with 10 days of possible rain.

{There was a case of West Nile confirmed in Panama City today}
We had huge thunderstorms yesterday and again today. I dumped almost 3 inches last night. Haven't checked it today. At 1800 it's fair, 87F with 75% humidity. Forecast high/low of 90/73F with 40% chance of rain tonight. 10 day high/low of 92/71F with 10 days of possible rain.

{There was a case of West Nile confirmed in Panama City today}
West Nile is pretty much endemic throughout America anymore. It's been in Colorado for over a decade.