Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

It was warm this morning. I got in a few miles of walking early, then worked in the garden for a bit. At 1720 it's partly cloudy, 89F with 56% humidity. Forecast high/low of 95/74F with 20% chance of rain tonight. 10 day high/low of 94/73F with 9 days of possible rain.
We got a good rain here in town. Some sharp lighting. It's mostly gone now. At 1420 it's raining, 77F with 80% humidity. Forecast high/low of 83/74F with 60% chance of thunderstorms today and 50% tonight. 10 day high/low of 91/74F with 10 days of possible rain. Maybe Dog Days are not over after all.
Finally some relief in SE Wisconsin. A dry cold front moved through, and with it drier air and high pressure. Beautiful day tomorrow with highs near 80 and north winds off Lake Michigan.

Why there are few places nicer than Wisconsin in July and August.
We got a little rain late this afternoon. Cooled things off. At 1855 it's light rain, 76F with 96% humidity. Forecast high/low of 90/74F with 80% chance of rain tonight. 10 day high/low of 93/73F with 10 days of possible rain. This next little stretch is the heart of Dog Days. Chances are 50% or better for the next week {according to the local TV weather}
Yesterday's rain and cool weather is already a fond memory. Today was mid 80s and tomorrow is forecast to be in the upper 90s.

But it's a dry heat... lol
Yesterday's rain and cool weather is already a fond memory. Today was mid 80s and tomorrow is forecast to be in the upper 90s.

But it's a dry heat... lol
The posters from the emerald triangle could tell you about dry heat but I haven't seen them around lately. Here we've been having a steady diet of 100 and yesterday a freak thunderstorm blew in and started upwards of 70 wildfires.
The awesome weather streak continues. Growers of all crops in Wisconsin dream of long stretches of weather like this after a wet spring. Our soil loves it, and we have near perfect soil here. Last serious rain was the evening of July 4. So watering is required here now. Highs during the day near 80 away from Lake Michigan. Lows got down to mid 60s last night.
Cheers from Wisconsin this morning, everyone!!
I slept in and didn't spend a lot of time in the garden this morning. But the clouds were already starting to build. We had 3/4 of an inch yesterday afternoon and evening. I had planned on a couple hours of night hiking, but it was too wet, even for me.

At 1720 it's fair, 91F {HI of 101F} with 64% humidity. Forecast high/low of 91/75F with 10% chance of rain tonight. 10 day high/low of 94/72F with 9 days of possible rain.
It got hot again today, upper 90s. It's not supposed to get colder than 65 overnight. Climate change might force me to finally break down and get AC.
It got hot again today, upper 90s. It's not supposed to get colder than 65 overnight. Climate change might force me to finally break down and get AC.
Our temps have been pretty normal, low 90's. But with thunderstorms most everyday. We;ve had two wet summers in a row, so this might be the new thing
We're getting extremely dry winters happening more regularly. Not a great trend.
We didn't have a drop of rain in September or October last year. It rained almost every day in June, and didn't really slow down much in July. Rain stopped about mid August. It got real dry in a hurry.
You guys don't know dry until you come west. 8% humidity and near 100.
True. We still have a dew most nights, even when it's not raining. If the RH gets down below 50% it's real dry for here. But where I'm at is sand. Any ground water is gone in a few days when the rain stops. I can turn on the soakers or sprinklers in the garden. In the bush is another matter.

While I tend my herb plants once a week, I can't carry enough water for all of them. When it's raining regular I use 3-4 gallons per 15 plant patch, just to deliver the food. In dry weather they may get 1-2 gallons per plant per week. And some patches are harder to get to than others, so it is not uncommon for me to lose budding plants. Most years a few of them will cash.