Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

Settling into the summer routine here in southern Oregon. Sun, sun and more sun. According to the Accuweather long range forecast, there is no rain forecast until showers August 12. I know all about long range forecasts but this might just be true.
Warm day here today. At 1315 it's partly cloudy, 94F with 64% humidity. Forecast high/low of 94/73F with 60% chance of rain today, and 80% tonight. 10 day high/low of 94/72F with 10 days of possible rain.

And I ran the sprinklers last night and this morning.
Cool and raining hard on and off today. Thunderstorms were occasionally severe, got a bit of pea gravel sized hail on several occasions. Dropped into the 50s during and after the storms.

Forecast is for 90s first part of next week, then coming to 80s, storms expected.
Well looks like we are going to dodge a bullet in S. Oregon. The long range forecast has eliminated the chance for rain August 12 and now August 27 is the first likely day. Whew!!!!
Beautiful Wisconsin Morning here today! Sunrise just after 5am. Got a serious line of storms through here last night. .50 to .75 inches of rain in an hour. Garden is a machine now, so it sucked the water in as if nothing happened. Still would love a week of no rain, just to really make my crops work and grow.

Today will be hot, with highs near 90° and dew points near 70°. 25%-30% chance of rain in SE Wisconsin.
I worked in the garden this morning. It was kind of sort of, but not really hot. At 1645 it's partly cloudy, 78F with 85% humidity. Forecast high/low of 88/72F with 40% chance of rain tonight. {that was 60% an hour ago}. 10 day high/low of 91/71F with only 8 days of possible rain.

It's really hard to know what to wish for. My Ass Cheese f2 took a nose dive into the dirt last week, and had a few spots of rot. A week of sunshine would do her good. Yet I set out a new plant in the next hole over, and it could use a spot of rain. I ask the Gods for help often, but I don't want to piss them off with two separate weather requests, 5 yards apart.
We had pretty bad thunderstorms Tuesday night. 3 inches of rain and gusty winds. Knocked over a lot of my young sweet corn. I saw this morning that the sun had pulled most of it back up.
We had a bad thunderstorm at the house a couple three hours ago. The wife called to let me know she was unplugging the cordless phones. She called back a few minutes later to say the lightning had knocked out the power. She call and they came out. Had to change the transformer. When she got juice, she realized it had also got the modem. Crazy thing is this one is only about 5 weeks old. Our old one got hit by lightning. No cost to us, but the phone company repair crews don't work on Sunday, so it will be Monday at the earliest before we are back online. I'm kind of glad I'm working tomorrow.

At 1610 it's partly cloudy, 80F with 64% humidity. Forecast high/low of 86/70F with 20% chance of rain tonight. 10 day high/low of 91/71F with 9 days of possible rain.
Also had a good rainy night last night. I got in just after midnight, and it rained on me as I was getting home. A couple of times during the night when I woke, it was still raining. I did not go to the garden before work, so not sure how much we got.
We had some thunderclouds roll in yesterday, no rain. But they're back today and we got some decent rain, which is unusual...generally these July showers amount to just enough rain to spike the humidity. Hope we get some more, the pumpkin patch is loving it.
A small amendment to yesterday's weather report. The lightning got the control box for the pump as well. The BIL always has a spare, and he came over and got it installed so the wife wouldn't have to go the night without water. I was 0100 getting out of here, so that was a huge help. The boxes are only 105 bucks, but we are going to try replacing the start compositor and see if that will do it. BIL knows of a little place down near East Point that sells them, but that is a long ass drive. So we are looking online to see what we can find.

At 1000 it's mostly cloudy, 83F with 79% humidity. Forecast high/low of 87/72F with 80% chance of thunderstorms today. 10 day high/low of 93/72F with 7 days of possible rain. I haven't been able to get back to my new transplants, so a light shower on all three patches would come in handy.

The wife is coming into town so we can have lunch and she can use my WiFi. The shit is addictive. Hard to get by without it.
Just 90s here. Dry, the Forest Service outlawed any kind of campfires in Rocky Mountain National Park and I'm sure the State agencies are following suit. Of course Colorado is already on fire, huge blazes in the Southwest.

It's getting to be the new normal- except that it isn't; we're trading one kind of landscape- forest- for another, semi arid scrub.
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Just 90s here. Dry, the First Service outlawed any kind of campfires in Rocky Mountain National Park and I'm sure the State agencies are following suit. Of course Colorado is already on fire, huge blazes in the Southwest.

It's getting to be the new normal- except that it isn't; we're trading one kind of landscape- forest- for another, semi arid scrub.
One of my Tampa cousins have relocated to the mountains above Colorado Springs. His Mamma is worried about the bears and mountain lions {when it comes to her two little grandsons}. I told her she should worry about the fires.
One of my Tampa cousins have relocated to the mountains above Colorado Springs. His Mamma is worried about the bears and mountain lions {when it comes to her two little grandsons}. I told her she should worry about the fires.
Much of the area has already burned and is therefore pretty safe from wildfire.

Burned forests are full of animals that don't have access to the habitat they need, so they get hungry.

Don't leave toddlers unattended, especially in the mountains.

I guess I see both sides of this one.
Huge hail is also a THING in Colorado Springs. My niece had her garden wiped out recently by hail and in the past has had to replacr her roof due to the hail. The only thing that happens in s. Oregon is wildfire which is again rearing it's head.
Much of the area has already burned and is therefore pretty safe from wildfire.

Burned forests are full of animals that don't have access to the habitat they need, so they get hungry.

Don't leave toddlers unattended, especially in the mountains.

I guess I see both sides of this one.
Too many people living where they didn't used to live. The mountains don't care in the long run about fires and such. They have their own timeline. Folks who have spent their life savings for a little A-frame {in the mountains, but close enough to drive into town to work everyday} are another matter.