What did you accomplish today?

Irony... you just can't stop making it.

You know... if you really believe I'm a narcissist (as I do), then your inability to stop replying to me is sweet victory. Any attention is good attention for a narcissist. What's the DSM say about people who argue with people they believe are mentally ill?

Although I already enjoyed making you sound like a speaker at a Trump Stump on the border so much, I'm not sure what's left for me.

Did Kellyanne Conway write this for you?
.....snip..... I won't reply to you anymore......snip.....
In honor of the eclipse and our very own @ANC I killed a bottle of this SA cab yesterday. I love this stuff. Here is the empty with an honor guard.

A buddy did all his counters in butcher block and I thought it wasnt gonna work, but turned out very nice. Wood grain goes with anything I reckon.

I've been looking for a nice block top moveable island for the kitchen. My wife just has her mind set it wont match.

I'll find one she likes someday:-?
Consider making one, locate a hardwood store near you. Maple is fairly easy to find and be a lot cheaper than buying a completed one. Wifey would love a custom made by you, could be worth many impromptu BJs ;)
Consider making one, locate a hardwood store near you. Maple is fairly easy to find and be a lot cheaper than buying a completed one. Wifey would love a custom made by you, could be worth many impromptu BJs ;)
drill holes, glue pegs in the holes, glue them all together, run through a planer.
the pegs really help keep things together, especially if you drill the holes one size too small and hammer them together
drill holes, glue pegs in the holes, glue them all together, run through a planer.
the pegs really help keep things together, especially if you drill the holes one size too small and hammer them together
Yep, I made one for the ex that way 15 yrs ago, still in service. 24x36x4in. Weighs a ton and solid as hell. Materials cost less than $100. She loves it