What did you accomplish today?

Me too. Especially when pickled or fermented.

Fermented you say?

A traditional dish of the Yupik people of southwest Alaska, Stinkheads are fermented fish heads, most often King salmon. It was once customary to place the fish heads and guts in a barell, bury it in the ground and leave them to ferment, before consuming them. In modern times plastic bags and recipients started being used, but due to the high danger of Botulism, stinkheads are now buried stright in the dirt, in special burial pits. After a few weeks, when the salmon heads are all rotten, Stinkheads are ready to be eaten.

Fermented you say?

A traditional dish of the Yupik people of southwest Alaska, Stinkheads are fermented fish heads, most often King salmon. It was once customary to place the fish heads and guts in a barell, bury it in the ground and leave them to ferment, before consuming them. In modern times plastic bags and recipients started being used, but due to the high danger of Botulism, stinkheads are now buried stright in the dirt, in special burial pits. After a few weeks, when the salmon heads are all rotten, Stinkheads are ready to be eaten.

i'm willing to try a lot of things, but i'll have to take a pass on the stinkheads.
i dated a korean girl who's 500 year old grandpa made kimchi in a couple of big ceramic crocks that were not buried, but sat in a covered pit in the backyard. you lifted that lid and it was like a rotten cabbage was trying to screw your nose, and was using vinegar as lube.
it wasn't actually bad once you got it in your mouth, but i had to hold my breath to get it there.
not sure what it tasted like, it was so hot it made all the nerves in your mouth go into a coma.
Fermented you say?

A traditional dish of the Yupik people of southwest Alaska, Stinkheads are fermented fish heads, most often King salmon. It was once customary to place the fish heads and guts in a barell, bury it in the ground and leave them to ferment, before consuming them. In modern times plastic bags and recipients started being used, but due to the high danger of Botulism, stinkheads are now buried stright in the dirt, in special burial pits. After a few weeks, when the salmon heads are all rotten, Stinkheads are ready to be eaten.

I've never eaten fermented meat, but I've eaten lutefisk which was a thing where I grew up in WA.

Normally I just eat those pickled sausages from the gas station though because they're shaped like my other favorite food.
hate cole slaw, love cooked cabbage....little salt and pepper, little celery seed, let it cook on low all day...throw in a pot of soup beans and some cornbread and you have enough natural gas to cook tomorrows dinner
Brassicas are good for your mitochondria. 8)
Brassicas and Their Various Organosulfur Compounds
Sulforaphane, an organosulfur compound found in broccoli (especially the sprouts), cabbage, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower, inhibited mitochondrial permeability and reduced oxidative stress by increasing glutathione activity in rats.

In inhabitants of a Chinese farming community, where airborne pollution is high and liver cancer incidence is elevated, drinking a sulforaphane-rich broccoli sprout drink was also able to increase the urinary excretion of those airborne pollutants.

Broccoli sprouts reduced oxidative stress in type 2 diabetics, as shown in a double blind placebo-controlled trial.

Organosulfur compounds from all kinds of brassicas have the potential to reduce or counteract the carcinogens derived from high-heat cooking.

Eating brassicas along with a carcinogen salad prevented the absorption of said carcinogens.
I think that happens when you don't have a wife....or maybe the excess $ hangs out with the rainbow colored unicorn , I'm not sure because I have never seen either.
P.S. I don't Tyler has a wife but I've had one for thirty years and I ain't never seen excess$.

Nope, no wife. I've had two already, and just needed a break. The second one still takes a nice chunk of my ass via child support. I may go for number three in a couple of years, I'm often on the lookout for the next ex-Mrs. Durden...
Nope, no wife. I've had two already, and just needed a break. The second one still takes a nice chunk of my ass via child support. I may go for number three in a couple of years, I'm often on the lookout for the next ex-Mrs. Durden...

3rd time is the charm, i'm on my 3rd now, longest marriage in the record books for me.....

shhh don't tell my wife...
Nope, no wife. I've had two already, and just needed a break. The second one still takes a nice chunk of my ass via child support. I may go for number three in a couple of years, I'm often on the lookout for the next ex-Mrs. Durden...

Hahaha , next please..... I married the same one twice. She was a sweet girl the first time and a crazy bitch the second, but for the kids sake and all that jazz. She is a much different person today, but we have different bedrooms and different lives. It's all good though because she is disabled now and has a lot of health issues and to tell you the truth I will be lost without her..... and I hope i never have to live a minute without her. She's still a crazy bitch at times but she is my crazy bitch all the time. Hahaha next please...
Good to hear. Besides, if the next one doesn't work out my lawyer said the third divorce is free (buy two, get one free) ;)

you have a lawyer like that too...

eh i'm surprised she puts up with me, i asked her one time how come she hasn't shot me yet, she just grinned and said don't give her any ideas.....classic

i always tell her she isn't the meanest woman in the world but she definetly in the top 2, mother nature being number 1
I've never eaten fermented meat, but I've eaten lutefisk which was a thing where I grew up in WA.

Normally I just eat those pickled sausages from the gas station though because they're shaped like my other favorite food.
FUCK i hate lutefisk. i lived right next door to a Lutheran church that had monthly lutefisk dinners....i'd have to go out for the night , it stunk like the bottom of the outhouse at the biggest whore house in 1860 kansas city....