What did you accomplish today?

I use Alaska fish fertilizer in the jug (5-1-1) and hose-end spray bottle (2-2-2).
They are both awesome!
Just be aware that they lower PH significantly.
I wasn't impressed with the Alaska, I still have half a gallon I've been sitting on for quite awhile I use for a quick N boost every now and then It's ok, but i noticed the ph issues when using it as a direct fertilizer. Also, it's hot processed, which takes some goodness away from the final product.
I wasn't impressed with the Alaska, I still have half a gallon I've been sitting on for quite awhile I use for a quick N boost every now and then It's ok, but i noticed the ph issues when using it as a direct fertilizer. Also, it's hot processed, which takes some goodness away from the final product.
I've never used it regularly, but an occasional amino acid boost really hits the spot.
The hose-end bottles were super-cheap -- around $2 each.
I think they were cheap because it's a "non-standard" batch (someone fucked up).
Stinks *really* bad and lingers for several hours.
But the lawn & shrubberies love it. :hump:
If they had made you a mod this would not have happened!

Under my rule, punishment for downtime would have been severe and respected.

Lmao forgot about this post. Was in line getting registration stickers for my trailers and lol'd which made everyone turn to look at me with a how dare you lol in the DMV, scowl.

Psssh if they saw my bill they'd be laughing AT me
The DMV trolled me. They sent mail saying I could renew my license online or by mail! They then said that we were going to the Real ID driver's licenses so if I wanted one I had to come in.

:clap: Well played DMV :finger:
The DMV trolled me. They sent mail saying I could renew my license online or by mail! They then said that we were going to the Real ID driver's licenses so if I wanted one I had to come in.

:clap: Well played DMV :finger:
Yeah, I have to do this soon for a "starred" DL. Otherwise, no star, no admit to Federal/Airport. Can't find birth c. so 4 page affidavit to get copy ($25 per) from CA. Then more ID in person to DMV. PITA.
Looks like I am on the mend, surgeon said wound was healing too good so he opened it up a little more so we can keep packing and draining it. The infectious disease doctor said my blood and numbers look good and I can finish out the antibiotics I have but I should not need any refills or other antibiotics as long as things stay the same. Starting to feel normal again, hoping when I finish the antibiotics my blood pressure gets back to normal (has been low for me 103 over 70 or so, normally 125 over 75 or so) and these light headed spells disappear, doctors don't seem to think they are anything to worry about but when you stand up and feel a little faint it makes me concerned :D Best yet once I finish the antibiotics I would be allowed out in the sun again, had to avoid that for the past 2 weeks as apparently I could get 3rd degree burns from just 10 minutes in the sun from some of the meds they have me on.

Happily things are looking up, turning 50 has been a shitty year for me, first I broke my elbow, then the appendix burst with follow up infection and when they removed that they found I have a hernia that needs to be repaired, 3 surgeries in one year are 3 more then I want :D