What did you accomplish today?

nice bird....at least it isn't crudely drawn pudenda

It's not the typical restroom wall art, someone here likes to draw insects on the wall with a sharpie, very realistic insects. Also lots of penis art in the library, makes me wonder if Bobby Z works here, except for all the fantastic nature pics that definitely didn't come from here. Anyway that bird is now living behind a partition.
It's not the typical restroom wall art, someone here likes to draw insects on the wall with a sharpie, very realistic insects. Also lots of penis art in the library, makes me wonder if Bobby Z works here, except for all the fantastic nature pics that definitely didn't come from here. Anyway that bird is now living behind a partition.
He did move up to teaching art at the college level.
Still digging through my basement. Came across a couple boxes of my father's 33 1/2 and 45 records. This stuff covers blues, rock and doo wop from the late 50s into the 70s, plus some random ones from the 30s and 40s i think we're my grandparents, one dating back to 1912. I need to get a record player, there's a bunch puff early blues I've never heard of. There's a few records just marked test printings. I always remember my father talking about having a record station recording of the Beatles from when they first came to Boston and played live on the air. He used to hang around a couple stations during the early 60s, up until he went to Nam in 67, i believe. If any of those are that.... holy shit, my money problems are done. Think of it, one of one live recording of the Beatles in 64/65! But my life's never that easy.

Going through all this stuff is a mixed bag of emotions. I keep having all these happy memories come back to me, then get all pissed and depressed at the fact I NEED to sell all this stuff. I'm fairly certain I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown. I keep trying to figure out how to fix this situation and I can't. I keep coming back to just walk away.. and that's not an option. I've, literally, had a headache for the last 4 days. I'm starting to hope .....
Still digging through my basement. Came across a couple boxes of my father's 33 1/2 and 45 records. This stuff covers blues, rock and doo wop from the late 50s into the 70s, plus some random ones from the 30s and 40s i think we're my grandparents, one dating back to 1912. I need to get a record player, there's a bunch puff early blues I've never heard of. There's a few records just marked test printings. I always remember my father talking about having a record station recording of the Beatles from when they first came to Boston and played live on the air. He used to hang around a couple stations during the early 60s, up until he went to Nam in 67, i believe. If any of those are that.... holy shit, my money problems are done. Think of it, one of one live recording of the Beatles in 64/65! But my life's never that easy.

Going through all this stuff is a mixed bag of emotions. I keep having all these happy memories come back to me, then get all pissed and depressed at the fact I NEED to sell all this stuff. I'm fairly certain I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown. I keep trying to figure out how to fix this situation and I can't. I keep coming back to just walk away.. and that's not an option. I've, literally, had a headache for the last 4 days. I'm starting to hope .....

Hang in there man....
Still digging through my basement. Came across a couple boxes of my father's 33 1/2 and 45 records. This stuff covers blues, rock and doo wop from the late 50s into the 70s, plus some random ones from the 30s and 40s i think we're my grandparents, one dating back to 1912. I need to get a record player, there's a bunch puff early blues I've never heard of. There's a few records just marked test printings. I always remember my father talking about having a record station recording of the Beatles from when they first came to Boston and played live on the air. He used to hang around a couple stations during the early 60s, up until he went to Nam in 67, i believe. If any of those are that.... holy shit, my money problems are done. Think of it, one of one live recording of the Beatles in 64/65! But my life's never that easy.

Going through all this stuff is a mixed bag of emotions. I keep having all these happy memories come back to me, then get all pissed and depressed at the fact I NEED to sell all this stuff. I'm fairly certain I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown. I keep trying to figure out how to fix this situation and I can't. I keep coming back to just walk away.. and that's not an option. I've, literally, had a headache for the last 4 days. I'm starting to hope .....

Chin up dude
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It's not as bad as it sounds, it was a cool 98 degrees outside most of the day.

I found a mantis when I was loading up my truck with all the tree limbs I pruned and gently put it back in the bushes near where I was working.
I miss my mantis from last year. She was starving and dying by my door and she graced my grow through most of the winter. They have ugly table manners though.
Still digging through my basement. Came across a couple boxes of my father's 33 1/2 and 45 records. This stuff covers blues, rock and doo wop from the late 50s into the 70s, plus some random ones from the 30s and 40s i think we're my grandparents, one dating back to 1912. I need to get a record player, there's a bunch puff early blues I've never heard of. There's a few records just marked test printings. I always remember my father talking about having a record station recording of the Beatles from when they first came to Boston and played live on the air. He used to hang around a couple stations during the early 60s, up until he went to Nam in 67, i believe. If any of those are that.... holy shit, my money problems are done. Think of it, one of one live recording of the Beatles in 64/65! But my life's never that easy.

Going through all this stuff is a mixed bag of emotions. I keep having all these happy memories come back to me, then get all pissed and depressed at the fact I NEED to sell all this stuff. I'm fairly certain I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown. I keep trying to figure out how to fix this situation and I can't. I keep coming back to just walk away.. and that's not an option. I've, literally, had a headache for the last 4 days. I'm starting to hope .....

ohhh man I want some of that 70s vinyl
ohhh man I want some of that 70s vinyl

I have some 70's rubber that needs to be replaced before the vinyl can be rotated.

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Original belts for your turntable are long gone. You are talking about a 25 – 40 years old belt. I look forward to serving you.". BASIC INSTALLATION: Most belts are easily replaceable. The belt is pla...
I have some 70's rubber that needs to be replaced before the vinyl can be rotated.

Buy It Now
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Original belts for your turntable are long gone. You are talking about a 25 – 40 years old belt. I look forward to serving you.". BASIC INSTALLATION: Most belts are easily replaceable. The belt is pla...

Radio Shack used to carry the belts a few years ago along with VCR drive belts. I even managed to find a belt for my CED player there, I say a few years ago because that was the last time I have been in one.
I've got a bunch of it if you're interested. I'd honestly just give it all to you if I ever head out your way, I can't imagine what the shipping would be on all of it.
My old turntable was tossed many many years ago

Not long ago I took my collection, a 24" stack of 1960's +, to a dealer for sale.

$145.00 for them all.:(

Dude said he was only buying them all because he specifical wanted the KISS albums.:P

The shop is in a college town. Maybe some of today's youth will
have a chance of growing up with good music.:bigjoint:
ohhh man I want some of that 70s vinyl
It'll probably end up on eBay if I can't find a local buyer. I'll try to remember to post up a list of what I got once I figure it out, gonna take me awhile, there's 6 crates full plus a couple smaller boxes. There's a few I'm keeping for sentimental reasons, like his Link Wray album, once I find it. Rumble was his favorite.

My collection wasn't huge, but I gave it to the wife's uncle after my last turntable had died. {the bank robber in the family} When he died, we went through his stuff, but they were gone.
It'll probably end up on eBay if I can't find a local buyer. I'll try to remember to post up a list of what I got once I figure it out, gonna take me awhile, there's 6 crates full plus a couple smaller boxes. There's a few I'm keeping for sentimental reasons, like his Link Wray album, once I find it. Rumble was his favorite.

We bought a sideboard in an antique shop a couple of months ago. The owner had a large section of old records. He was stocking Blues for Allah and a few other Dead LP's when we were there. He posts all his stuff on E-bay too. With about 150% of the in store price.