McCains Funeral

Right! So you say that 75 percent of what you eat is fruit ...

so you are what you eat!

Why would anyone pay any attention to what you have to say? :confused:


It's really hilarious how lefties are all peaceniks, but when you mention "fuck Trump" they're your hero, even war criminals. But true crusaders against war corruption like Snowden and women like
Chelsea Manning are villified. It took real courage to do what she did especially considering how those like her are treated in the military.

Something really messed up is happening when hippie stoners who previously were burning their draft cards now celebrate a "war hero".

"News worthy events, involving people, usually do not happen by accident. They are planned deliberately to accomplish a purpose, to influence our ideas and actions." Edward Bernays.

Out of your hatred you'll allow the pigs to take over and wonder too late, "how is the pig different than the human?"
He's never posted anything about pot

I'm not really into OG Kush like strains, especially GSC, extreme paranoia. Blueberry or purples are more my thing, giving a dreamy sensual awareness.

DWC is the way to go. Super simple huge growth bang for the buck.

Flushing isn't bullshit.

Proper curing is key. Otherwise even expertly grown bud becomes worthless with no smell short mild effects.

Producing weed isn't exactly rocket science.


I have mentioned it before but you were too quick to post, TLDR, and having reading comprehension issues to notice.
When I go out it's to spend time in nature like at the beach or a nature walk in the woods. Also I enjoy eating out at various whole food plant based restaurants where I'm very likely to run into dorks like you, and there isn't a single neo-nazi in sight.

Unlike you, I think people can speak whatever they want no matter how vile to me or anyone else, the moment you go violent thug animal whether neo-nazi or antifa, you deserve getting your ass beat by the blue smurfs. And that's when I laugh at both sides when they get dragged away yellin, "help! Smurf brutality!"
Well, actually, white supremacists are very earnest about their demonstrations. To the point where they drive cars into crowds of people in anger. I'm just wondering, it being that they are your kind, what it is they are demonstrating FOR?
Well, actually, white supremacists are very earnest about their demonstrations. To the point where they drive cars into crowds of people in anger. I'm just wondering, it being that they are your kind, what it is they are demonstrating FOR?

I guess I'm the only one there who plays ping pong and prays to Buddha? I thought their thing was Thor and Woden? Those "gods" aren't enligtened, violent, and encourage cruelty to animals, plus the whole human sacrifice stuff. No thanks.
I'm not really into OG Kush like strains, especially GSC, extreme paranoia. Blueberry or purples are more my thing, giving a dreamy sensual awareness.

DWC is the way to go. Super simple huge growth bang for the buck.

Flushing isn't bullshit.

Proper curing is key. Otherwise even expertly grown bud becomes worthless with no smell short mild effects.

Producing weed isn't exactly rocket science.


I have mentioned it before but you were too quick to post, TLDR, and having reading comprehension issues to notice.
And purps. Lols
I'll take the OG over any purples, to each his own! :peace:
GCS nearly sent me to the hospital with paranoia.I kept falling asleep and waking up for over four hours, unable to know if I was awake or high. It was a nightmare. I've done Durban poison alone and it was nothing like that, just like 20 shots of expresso. Not enjoyable but it had to be the og part which always bring out annoying random thoughts.

I think enough as it is. I want a calm mind. If I want the effects of og I can do the suicide mission of pissing off my wife and get the same head pounding for free.
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GCS nearly sent me to the hospital with paranoia.I kept falling asleep and waking up for over four hours, unable to know if I was awake or high. It was a nightmare. I've done Durban poison alone and it was nothing like that, just like 20 shots of expresso. Not enjoyable but it had to be the og part which always bring out annoying random thoughts.

I think enough as it is. I want a calm mind. If I want the effects of og I can do the suicide mission of pissing off my wife and get the same head pounding for free.
For me, I like just about all strains if they were harvested correctly. Early harvested stuff is no good for me, produce too much anxiety.
For me, I like just about all strains if they were harvested correctly. Early harvested stuff is no good for me, produce too much anxiety.

I don't get anxiety. It's more like bad thoughts or crazy if I turn off the tv I turn off my life kind of stuff.

Purples are the only weed which give a floaty feeling and everthing looks and sounds 3d. By which I mean sounds cause visual streaks of color. You ever get that? Synesthesia?
I don't get anxiety. It's more like bad thoughts or crazy if I turn off the tv I turn off my life kind of stuff.

Purples are the only weed which give a floaty feeling and everthing looks and sounds 3d. By which I mean sounds cause visual streaks of color. You ever get that? Synesthesia?
Nope, sounds pretty cool.
I think that its telling that McCain asked the Democrat that beat him in his presidential bid to give his eulogy. And I think it's hilarious that tRUmp is not wanted at the funeral. I would love to see a video of the orange turd when he got the news that Obama was giving the eulogy and he was asked to not attend LOL, I can picture the tantrum the babyman threw.

is hillary going?
I'm not really into OG Kush like strains, especially GSC, extreme paranoia. Blueberry or purples are more my thing, giving a dreamy sensual awareness.

DWC is the way to go. Super simple huge growth bang for the buck.

Flushing isn't bullshit.

Proper curing is key. Otherwise even expertly grown bud becomes worthless with no smell short mild effects.

Producing weed isn't exactly rocket science.


I have mentioned it before but you were too quick to post, TLDR, and having reading comprehension issues to notice.

drain to waste is definitely the way to're spot on about the can actually cure your way to better weed.
When McCain was in the Hanoi Hilton he got a lot of pilots killed and shot down. How? He gave the North Vietnamese classified data on U.S. fighter jets such as speed, altitude and other capabilities so they could better hone in on them with anti aircraft artillery and surface to air missiles. He exchanged intel for preferable treatment. Not a hero in my opinion.
Prove what you claim.
I guess I'm the only one there who plays ping pong and prays to Buddha? I thought their thing was Thor and Woden? Those "gods" aren't enligtened, violent, and encourage cruelty to animals, plus the whole human sacrifice stuff. No thanks.
So you white supremacist guys drive cars into people because Thor? Why all the hate towards Hispanic people? What did they ever do to Thor?
So you white supremacist guys drive cars into people because Thor? Why all the hate towards Hispanic people? What did they ever do to Thor?

No clue. Thor is a copy of Sakra who's the Buddhist version of Indra.Sakra was a mediator for the 33 asuras who stopped their conflict with the devas using minimal violence and no loss of life. Sakra and the Buddha also had many converations about morality.None of them mentioned stuff like burning crosses though.