What did you accomplish today?

I was out taking pictures of shit and disturbed a wasp nest in a door jamb, inches from my face, and they swarmed out. I had a wasps on my head and one fly right into my ear, idk how I didn't get stung, but I did box my own ear swatting at them. I also screamed like a little girl and ran while flailing my arms, which resulted in me throwing my phone a good 30ft and It bouncing off the side of my garage. I then made sure none of my neighbors saw before going back to spray em. With the yard clean up I'm planning on doing, I'm sure it's not my first encounter, those bastards love old cars and piles of parts.
I was out taking pictures of shit and disturbed a wasp nest in a door jamb, inches from my face, and they swarmed out. I had a wasps on my head and one fly right into my ear, idk how I didn't get stung, but I did box my own ear swatting at them. I also screamed like a little girl and ran while flailing my arms, which resulted in me throwing my phone a good 30ft and It bouncing off the side of my garage. I then made sure none of my neighbors saw before going back to spray em. With the yard clean up I'm planning on doing, I'm sure it's not my first encounter, those bastards love old cars and piles of parts.
Glad the wasp didn't sting you hun, you've had enough recently.
I was out taking pictures of shit and disturbed a wasp nest in a door jamb, inches from my face, and they swarmed out. I had a wasps on my head and one fly right into my ear, idk how I didn't get stung, but I did box my own ear swatting at them. I also screamed like a little girl and ran while flailing my arms, which resulted in me throwing my phone a good 30ft and It bouncing off the side of my garage. I then made sure none of my neighbors saw before going back to spray em. With the yard clean up I'm planning on doing, I'm sure it's not my first encounter, those bastards love old cars and piles of parts.

I got stung three separate times last year working on old trucks, once I opened the door and reached in to get something off the seat and it was in the door jamb the next one was on the door I opened the door carefully and it was at the jamb but didn't see it on the door, the last time it out of the frame rails while I was under the truck.... fuck fuck fuck, those were some aggressive wasp.
I got stung three separate times last year working on old trucks, once I opened the door and reached in to get something off the seat and it was in the door jamb the next one was on the door I opened the door carefully and it was at the jamb but didn't see it on the door, the last time it out of the frame rails while I was under the truck.... fuck fuck fuck, those were some aggressive wasp.
Wasp are good for a garden.
I've never been bothered by them in the garden, or anywhere else for that matter. Every time I've been stung was because I've disturbed a nest. Even when I know they're around me I the garden hunting for bugs I go about my weeding and picking. They'll hover if I disturb them, but then go right back to hunting. I still think they're fucking assholes, but I give them a pass occasionally now, because I'm kinda rabid when someone fucks with my house, so I get it.
I went to the dollar store to buy coat hangers. And bought a bunch of food. Holy shit they have a ton of cheap food there.

I've never been bothered by them in the garden, or anywhere else for that matter. Every time I've been stung was because I've disturbed a nest. Even when I know they're around me I the garden hunting for bugs I go about my weeding and picking. They'll hover if I disturb them, but then go right back to hunting. I still think they're fucking assholes, but I give them a pass occasionally now, because I'm kinda rabid when someone fucks with my house, so I get it.
I let spiders be as well. They don't hurt anything and actually cut down on pest like flies.

I was on the roof of a factory working and looked up and saw three wasp nest. The smallest was about three foot wide. It was a weird feeling.
The store that surprised me was Aldi. I hadn't been in one for a while and they had really cheap large avocados and the best seedless watermelon in town.
First time I went to Aldis, when I got up to the register I noticed the cashier was sitting down, so I commented how nice it was of the company to allow them to sit down while they rang stuff up. The woman didn't say anything, just gave me a dirty look. When she was ringing my friend up after me, the next register over needed help so she rolled over there. She didn't have any legs and was on a raised seat wheelchair. :oops: I felt like such an ass. Then of course my friend had to bust my balls about saying it right in front of her, then they both laughed about it. DOH.:wall:

They're generic root beer is petty good, similar to A&W.
The store that surprised me was Aldi. I hadn't been in one for a while and they had really cheap large avocados and the best seedless watermelon in town.

We have 2 Aldi's within 5 miles of us but I've only been in there once. I was ill prepared not realizing you need a quarter and your own bags. It was a very awkward experience. Haven't been back since lol. My wife goes there. They have good generic cookies and shit.
the local chain around Fargo is Hornbachers, way back when i was a kid they had a "warehouse" store, no baggers, no bags, they sold big heavy duty boxes for 50 cents each if you didn't have any. Groceries were a lot cheaper, but you had to pack em and haul em yourself.
wish we had someplace like that here now. one grocery store in a tourist town, and locals don't get a discount.....