Buddha's Liberal Diplomacy thread.


Well-Known Member
Let's see what we have in common. No fighting over differences, please.

Cause we obviously disagree with #1 we will skip it.

Question #2

Do you think the government has a responsibility to provide access to education to anyone who wants it?


An educated populace is better than an uneducated one. No matter what our differences are, we can't challenge others, and even ourselves without a proper foundation.

Everyone should have equal access to education, beyond the current high school diploma. If you have the means to do something, getting an advantage shouldn't be a burden too. Paying student loans doesn't solve getting ahead when you lose wages getting that then supposed advange it was meant to provide. That gives rich families an edge who pretty much get their education for free, which is unfair.

Therefore many don't go to school. Because in the short term you make more money, but in the long run less.

But we can't choose any education, like a degree in "underwater basket weaving" as my grandmother called it. Instead companies or government would hire you, with an agreed salary before taking on a degree of your own. That way you and the one you work for aren't wasting your time, and you're trained for a job, rather than you risking choosing wrongly what others will want.

Like what used to happen in Japan, cradle to death jobs. I know we have a long way to go before that becomes a reality.

But that should at least be our goal?

What's question #1?


How do you feel about the government controlling private business practices?

Businesses should be responsible for themselves. Some will fail, some will succeed. That is just life.

That doesn't seem very liberal. So I thought to skip it since no diplomacy can be reached.

If we can come to agreement on #2 then on to #3.
How do you feel about the government controlling private business practices?

Businesses should be responsible for themselves. Some will fail, some will succeed. That is just life.

That doesn't seem very liberal. So I thought to skip it since no diplomacy can be reached.

If we can come to agreement on #2 then on to #3.
If the government controls it, it's no longer private, right? I'm not sure what you mean by "control"
@Fogdog Somehow my liberalism isn't correct. I really want to know what liberal views I think are liberal but you think are all right wing no matter what. I'm willing to go over them one by one until we find my error. No troll. Honest.
If the government controls it, it's no longer private, right? I'm not sure what you mean by "control"

That's what the question asked. To determine liberal or conservative, I'm guessing. I didn't write it.

The other two answers are:

I believe government must help out to give everyone a fair shake.


Some government involvement is necessary, but less is more.

My question is, it's impossible to be 100% liberal or conservative. But according to every test on the issues I score ectremely liberal far left. So I want to know why all tests say I am. Am I fooling the tests?

Here's where the whole test starts.

According to Thomas Jefferson an educated populous was more successful than an uneducated one, He was the first proponent of publicly funded schooling for children and young adults.

I agree that the US should have an economically responsible education program for CITIZENS K through 12. By 12th grade young people should have a firm grasp on reality and their own abilities.

I do not believe that the FEDERAL Government should pay for college. State's, maybe. I believe that government subsidized loans are responsible for the inflated college tuition costs. I believe that the college administrations are bloated pigs stealing from the federal government by way of these subsidized student loans.

Ultimately it is a parents responsibility for their child's development. If someone is not educated enough to understand that, we have a major social issues.
Looks about right, exept I'm a socialist too. So a Socialist Civil Libertarian. Which in no way makes me alt_right whatever.

I don't understand what alt right thing i said. It's alt right to have an open market for post general education? I thought it would be more libertarian to have less government over all. How can you be both a libertarian and a socialist? Unless the population density was extremely low. Honest question. Not antagonizing.
I don't understand what alt right thing i said. It's alt right to have an open market for post general education? I thought it would be more libertarian to have less government over all. How can you be both a libertarian and a socialist? Unless the population density was extremely low. Honest question. Not antagonizing.

No, fogdog, unclebuck, and the rest of team sjw. You're not on team sjw, so you're alright. Suds I like too.

@Herb & Suds then how am I supposed to respond to shit like don't drive cars into people? Yeah, I go bananas over that. So I'll apologise to you, but I won't to them.
No, fogdog, unclebuck, and the rest of team sjw. You're not on team sjw, so you're alright. Suds I like too.

@Herb & Suds then how am I supposed to respond to shit like don't drive cars into people? Yeah, I go bananas over that. So I'll apologise to you, but I won't to them.
Responses vary but initially rebuking it and saying it is wrong on any level is a start ...why is that difficult?
That's what the question asked. To determine liberal or conservative, I'm guessing. I didn't write it.

The other two answers are:

I believe government must help out to give everyone a fair shake.


Some government involvement is necessary, but less is more.

My question is, it's impossible to be 100% liberal or conservative. But according to every test on the issues I score ectremely liberal far left. So I want to know why all tests say I am. Am I fooling the tests?

Here's where the whole test starts.

The people claiming you're not progressive based on the issues are the same people who support centrist ideals while claiming to be more progressive. They supported Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Democratic primary. They support the only 4 Democratic Senators in contested elections this midterm season..

They're not progressive, they're centrist/moderate, and they know how bad that sounds so they lie

I just took the quiz and scored 'extremely liberal', based on the issues.
Responses vary but initially rebuking it and saying it is wrong on any level is a start ...why is that difficult?

Cause they say it over and over even if my post is pinky liberal over the top do gooder. And after I said that too. It gets old. So I lash out.
How can you be both a libertarian and a socialist?

Didn't see that part, sorry.

"libertarian socialist or anarcho-syndicalist or communist anarchist, in the tradition of, say, Bakunin and Kropotkin and others. They had in mind a highly organized form of society, but a society that was organized on the basis of organic units, organic communities. And generally, they meant by that the workplace and the neighborhood, and from those two basic units there could derive through federal arrangements a highly integrated kind of social organization which might be national or even international in scope. And these decisions could be made over a substantial range, but by delegates who are always part of the organic community from which they come, to which they return, and in which, in fact, they live." Noam Chomsky.
Not surprising..... I'm conservative when it comes to economics, military, and immigration, but more liberal when it comes to healthcare, religion, human\corporation rights....
Economics, military, and immigration?

What does that mean? Do you support supply side economics? Do you support the idea of upholding 900 military bases around the globe that costs us $100 billion annually to run? How would you reconcile that with a "conservative" viewpoint on economics which suggests less government? Do you believe Trump should build the wall?