
I've never been diagnosed but I'm pretty sure I've got some level of agoraphobia. I usually plan ahead when I'm going out to do stuff, rarely do I just go out spur of the moment, and I almost never go anywhere unless I'm driving, cause if I want to leave, I'm leaving. I also get a little anxious if I have to go anywhere there's lots of people. I don't do concerts/ sporting events or things like that anymore.

I guesses another fear is being diagnosed by a psychiatrist/ psychoanalyst. I'm pretty sure if I ever saw one and was honest with them, I'd be on a list somewhere.
ive had times in life where i was perfectly fine, no panic attacks no fear of leaving safe zone, i was able to live a full life, ive had times where i couldnt leave a certain radius out side of my comfort zone , to the point it was debilitating my life.
i like doing cbt therapy and exposure therapy when it starts up/gets bad
afraid of heights, but only if i'm on the outside of something. being in the empire state building is no problem, even going out on the deck, behind the fences and rails is ok, but put me 6 feet up on a ladder and i start to lock up...put me 20 feet up on a scaffolding and you may have to get me down with a rope.....
I don't like flying much. I don't like loud people or sounds, I don't like going out if I don't; have to. Oh yeah, crocodiles give me the heaby jeebies. They are the only animals I remember from when we went to the zoo when I was 5.
the town i live in is a tourist town. when it gets insanely busy, i've had little episodes where i have to get off the sidewalk, there are too many people too close to me, and they're all talking at the same time, it sounds like a million souls pleading to get out of hell, and another million little devils laughing at them.....
dunno wtf you call that......
the town i live in is a tourist town. when it gets insanely busy, i've had little episodes where i have to get off the sidewalk, there are too many people too close to me, and they're all talking at the same time, it sounds like a million souls pleading to get out of hell, and another million little devils laughing at them.....
dunno wtf you call that......

the town i live in is a tourist town. when it gets insanely busy, i've had little episodes where i have to get off the sidewalk, there are too many people too close to me, and they're all talking at the same time, it sounds like a million souls pleading to get out of hell, and another million little devils laughing at them.....
dunno wtf you call that......

Home, where the sidewalk is located.
A half dozen crosswalks within a few hundred feet... looks fun. But there is a pancake house, so you got that going for ya.
A shit, there are a dozen, you just can't see the signs.....every third or fourth sign you can see has a whole row of shops shooting back from the street, and that wall of trees at the end is just a curve, it goes on for another mile
oh, and that picture is at least 5 years old, that pancake house is now the local Bubba Gump's.
afraid of heights, but only if i'm on the outside of something. being in the empire state building is no problem, even going out on the deck, behind the fences and rails is ok, but put me 6 feet up on a ladder and i start to lock up...put me 20 feet up on a scaffolding and you may have to get me down with a rope.....
I worked an insulation job at a power plant with a fellow like that. We had to work 65 feet up. You could ride up inside, then walk across a plank to where we were working. He climbed up and down each day. He tried to cross the plank once, and froze up there. Got down and hugged it. I thought he was a goner.