Are we just smarter animals faking morality because we wear clothes?


Well-Known Member
We can choose to he like our violent chimpanzee cousins or our more gentle gorilla brothers.

"Gorillas are Herbivores and snack on termites, ants, and termite larvae but gorillas DO NOT eat meat or the flesh of other animals.

Some believe that humans are essentially ‘Starchivores’."
Cherry pick all the info you want to suit your messed up infatuation. Truth of the matter is we are omnivores through and through.


Well-Known Member
Cherry pick all the info you want to suit your messed up infatuation. Truth of the matter is we are omnivores through and through.
Then why do 100% herbivores like we do get cholesterol problems from even moderate amounts of meat consumption, but true omnivores like raccoons and bears on a strict meat only don't? Why can true omnivores all eat raw meat and never worry about getting sick, but all herbivores can eat significant to moderate amounts of meat only when cooked?

No matter how much you deny, meat is primarily about pleasure.

"Not only is excessive protein consumption linked to a dramatic rise in cancer mortality, but middle-aged people who eat lots of proteins from animal sources — including meat, milk and cheese — are also more susceptible to early death in general, revealed the study published today in Cell Metabolism. Protein-lovers were 74 percent more likely to die of any cause within the study period than their more low-protein counterparts. They were also several times more likely to die of diabetes."

“The majority of Americans are eating about twice as much proteins as they should, and it seems that the best change would be to lower the daily intake of all proteins but especially animal-derived proteins,” Longo said. “But don’t get extreme in cutting out protein; you can go from protected to malnourished very quickly.”


Well-Known Member
I don't deny evolution but how it happened was purpose driven, not some random series of chemical reactions (abiogenesis) which then lead to random pairings(natural selection).

There's a collective intelligence, not god, who all worked together, who Buddhists call Bohdissvata who willingly choose to live in the cycles of rebirth, which science calls swarm intelligence, until all who wish to be free.

The fact is meat is no longer needed and only results in needless death, and is mostly done as pleasure, rather than survival.

Carbohydrates, protein, and fat are exactly the same whether they come from plants or animals. The only difference is how densely packed they are. Everything else from meat can be gotten from natural sources which include vitamins, minerals, and hormones, either from plants or manufactured by bacteria.

A whole food plant diet done correctly is almost impossible to get fat on, and doesn't lead to heart disease from too much cholesterol, nor diabetes, which most Americans now suffer.

So go ahead eat your meat, processed sugary twinkies, and chemical poisioned foods, then die a from amputated limbs caused by diabetes, a stroke or heart attack from clogged arteries, or cancer from preservatives and pesticides. That's your choice, but then don't bitch about how the evil white man did that to you, when the choice was all yours.

But in nature animals don't have that problem. We became the animals problem, who will once again thrive aftter we eventually exploit each other to extinction.
Creationist. Exactly what you denied one or two posts back.


Well-Known Member
Then why do 100% herbivores like we do get cholesterol problems from even moderate amounts of meat consumption, but true omnivores like raccoons and bears on a strict meat only don't? Why can true omnivores all eat raw meat and never worry about getting sick, but all herbivores can eat significant to moderate amounts of meat only when cooked?

No matter how much you deny, meat is primarily about pleasure.

"Not only is excessive protein consumption linked to a dramatic rise in cancer mortality, but middle-aged people who eat lots of proteins from animal sources — including meat, milk and cheese — are also more susceptible to early death in general, revealed the study published today in Cell Metabolism. Protein-lovers were 74 percent more likely to die of any cause within the study period than their more low-protein counterparts. They were also several times more likely to die of diabetes."

“The majority of Americans are eating about twice as much proteins as they should, and it seems that the best change would be to lower the daily intake of all proteins but especially animal-derived proteins,” Longo said. “But don’t get extreme in cutting out protein; you can go from protected to malnourished very quickly.”
Sugar and preservatives, not meat itself. That's the issue now a days. Our bodies aren't meant to process so much but I guess that science is beyond your comprehension.


Well-Known Member
Sugar and preservatives, not meat itself. That's the issue now a days. Our bodies aren't meant to process so much but I guess that science is beyond your comprehension.
Meat wasn't what made humans great, our exceptional foraging skills did. If meat is so great, why do herbivores like us live so long, but all carnivores live much less? Human population didn't explode due to hunting, but only after we developed agricultural to make foraging a field that much easier.

Humans also got preoccupied with psychodelics(psilocybin Stoned Ape Theory) which expanded the brain enough to produce our complex language as a means to explain our experience.

Not one carnivore has our mental prowess. If carnivorism was the key, several species who came along way before would've hunted us to extinction.

I eat about 80% carbs and completely reversed my diabetes. Currently my A1C level is 5.4, fasting is 77 and random of 155.. Down from 6.8 A1C, 135 fasting and random over 240. In under 6 months. I did that from reading medical books on how metabolism works, not cutting carbs and calorie restriction like my doctor suggested.

I science a lot, but I'm willing to read all perspectives too.


Well-Known Member
Meat wasn't what made humans great, our exceptional foraging skills did. If meat is so great, why do herbivores like us live so long, but all carnivores live much less? Human population didn't explode due to hunting, but only after we developed agricultural to make foraging a field that much easier.

Humans also got preoccupied with psychodelics(psilocybin Stoned Ape Theory) which expanded the brain enough to produce our complex language as a means to explain our experience.

Not one carnivore has our mental prowess. If carnivorism was the key, several species who came along way before would've hunted us to extinction.

I eat about 80% carbs and completely reversed my diabetes. Currently my A1C level is 5.4, fasting is 77 and random of 155.. Down from 6.8 A1C, 135 fasting and random over 240. In under 6 months. I did that from reading medical books on how metabolism works, not cutting carbs and calorie restriction like my doctor suggested.

I science a lot, but I'm willing to read all perspectives too.
logical fallacy
argument from consequences


Well-Known Member
I eat about 80% carbs and completely reversed my diabetes. Currently my A1C level is 5.4, fasting is 77 and random of 155.. Down from 6.8 A1C, 135 fasting and random over 240. In under 6 months. I did that from reading medical books on how metabolism works, not cutting carbs and calorie restriction like my doctor suggested.

I science a lot, but I'm willing to read all perspectives too.
I would like to hear more about it. Kindly elaborate on your findings. I once saw a video in which some doctor said, in short, if you do sudden workout like burst, your body's metabolism jump to a higher gear and remain there for like two days. I think 10 to 15 minutes work out. Haven't looked into it for a while. What do u say


Well-Known Member
I thought we wear clothes due to our lack of morality.
That's what the scam book known as the holy bible claims, which is a parasitic religion that plagarizes Egyptian, Babylonian, Zoroastrian, and Vedic concepts and parables that humans came up with hundreds to thousands of years prior.


Well-Known Member
I would like to hear more about it. Kindly elaborate on your findings. I once saw a video in which some doctor said, in short, if you do sudden workout like burst, your body's metabolism jump to a higher gear and remain there for like two days. I think 10 to 15 minutes work out. Haven't looked into it for a while. What do u say
I don't know about that. Burst just wore me out. What's more important is consistently working out.

Start out slow, even if it's only 5 minutes everyday on a stationary bike. The key is making physical activity a habit. Then slowly work your way to the maximum minimum of 45 minutes of any type of high intensity low impact cardio on the highest resistance like I do. Swimming is the best, but I just don't have the access.

It's not really that hard. You get to the point you can even write posts while what doesn't even feel like working out.


Well-Known Member
That's what the scam book known as the holy bible claims, which is a parasitic religion that plagarizes Egyptian, Babylonian, Zoroastrian, and Vedic concepts and parables that humans came up with hundreds to thousands of years prior.
So, then why do the Muslims insist on covering up?


Well-Known Member
I don't know about that. Burst just wore me out. What's more important is consistently working out.

Start out slow, even if it's only 5 minutes everyday on a stationary bike. The key is making physical activity a habit. Then slowly work your way to the maximum minimum of 45 minutes of any type of high intensity low impact cardio on the highest resistance like I do. Swimming is the best, but I just don't have the access.

It's not really that hard. You get to the point you can even write posts while what doesn't even feel like working out.
Well that i have tried and it works and is like 12/12 light the normal way to go. What that doc said that appealed me but never tried it, i mean how do i know that my metabolism stayed up for two days, But if we think of it this way, somewhere it makes sense, A cold start engine. Warm it up for 5 minutes. And shut it off. The whole thing will cool down slowly maybe in 6 to 10 hours.


Well-Known Member

Well that i have tried and it works and is like 12/12 light the normal way to go. What that doc said that appealed me but never tried it, i mean how do i know that my metabolism stayed up for two days, But if we think of it this way, somewhere it makes sense, A cold start engine. Warm it up for 5 minutes. And shut it off. The whole thing will cool down slowly maybe in 6 to 10 hours.
The only way to know is by testing your glucose response. The longer it takes to get below 100, the mote your metabolism is dysfunctional.

Exercise and not eating the wrong carbs in a little over 1 hour I'm back under 100. Bananas are a good food to test with. They contain lots of complex sugar and plenty of fiber, with a moderate amount of pectin.


Well-Known Member
if 100% of humans, were to be bad, introducing a religion will reduce that number to less than half. That fear of GOD,
the you add a police department for those who think hey, last time i robbed that, no god showed up to punish. Lets do it again. until they get caught by the police. Some humans will just wont do bad, because they will fear the consequence. Its like there was another Einstein before the real one, and he thought of this idea, it was so easy, and it also answers everything. Who made humans...god, who made stars....god who made planets and sky.... god. Whoever that was, who came up with this idea, was a genius. You all do it with your kids, when they dont obey, u say hey there is a monster under the bed, or in the closet, if you don't sleep, hees gonna come out. If u sleep, he will just go away.
Now thats the easy way. But also its just not that simple. The variations happened over time, Religion doesn't just keeps most people away from bad things, thats how it started. But now it serves global politics, it shapes economies, it starts wars, and what not. and there you will find evolution.


Well-Known Member
Ok, religion. Its just a virtual police :clap:
If that's what you feel, you're doing it wrong. Religion should only be used as a tool for realizing complete self actualization. The moment you feel the need to pressure others or you feel pressured, run away fast.

My religion works for me. If you don't want to, that's your choice. But if you're feeling lost and want some advice, I'll help in any way I can.

Religion doesn't work if you don't think it works. That's how pretty much anything works.


Well-Known Member
If that's what you feel, you're doing it wrong. Religion should only be used as a tool for realizing complete self actualization. The moment you feel the need to pressure others or you feel pressured, run away fast.

My religion works for me. If you don't want to, that's your choice. But if you're feeling lost and want some advice, I'll help in any way I can.

Religion doesn't work if you don't think it works. That's how pretty much anything works.
Well thats the thing. EVERY RELIGION WORKS. thats the juice, the exact point. I lived and worked with Muslims, Christins, Indians, and so many others, in UK, during my studies. And gues what, they pray and it gets answered.
But here is the thing. Every religion says its right, others are wrong. Its GOD is true GOD, others are wrong, yet it works for all of them. You see the contradiction?