What did you accomplish today?

I'm going with this one as a nod to the bear, what do you think?

works for me
No way, that’s one thing I don’t do! The bitches make the tamales.

Wait... so I guess that means I should be making them?! Fuck me running... let me go start on the masa
LOL god I miss really good tamales. Masa light as a feather and just the right ratio to tasty filling, about 2 good bites. I could never get them right. I guess I don't have the tamale gene. I wonder with Crispr.....
LOL god I miss really good tamales. Masa light as a feather and just the right ratio to tasty filling, about 2 good bites. I could never get them right. I guess I don't have the tamale gene. I wonder with Crispr.....
Mother in law(aka crazy ass women) is making tamales today. I told her I want some with salsa verde and queso. She said ok so I’m golden! Can’t wait
That’s not even meant to be a hashtag old man. Or a pound sign. I think I meant “number 3” but don’t take my word for it. I’ve been drinking already.

Mrs you know who is gonna be upset when she gets home.
I figured it out!

Your liver is an old pro and can anticipate and hold off two beers. The third is the "got a third hand, bitch?" beer.

Distributed denial of sobriety.
where the fuck do you live? in the middle of the damn pacific ocean? it's 11 am and you're getting up to see to the animals? by 11 they've gotten out, been to town, watched a movie, and come back......i've already gotten around the outside of a half a pot of coffee, and you're just making some?....are the animals nocturnal?

texas, the big state in the south.....i've been up since 7am this morning working with things around the house first....it's what happens when you have animals. Wake up with water, 3 S's, then off to the outside, come back in make coffee before the Mrs's wakes up. I've been running like the wind this morning getting ready for the rains coming....make sure everyone is safe and sound.....then half cup coffee...feeding time for cattle and horses inspection of pins to make sure no critters getting in......then i'm off to work...where i'm at now.....had my first full cup when i announced it, working on the second now......

we're laid back around here....if u haven't noticed...lol
texas, the big state in the south.....i've been up since 7am this morning working with things around the house first....it's what happens when you have animals. Wake up with water, 3 S's, then off to the outside, come back in make coffee before the Mrs's wakes up. I've been running like the wind this morning getting ready for the rains coming....make sure everyone is safe and sound.....then half cup coffee...feeding time for cattle and horses inspection of pins to make sure no critters getting in......then i'm off to work...where i'm at now.....had my first full cup when i announced it, working on the second now......

we're laid back around here....if u haven't noticed...lol
It's POURING rain here, flash floods ahead sigh......
This is the winter of my discontent! I must continue to clean fucking seeds. I also need to go buy some christmas stamps for the fucking seeds, fucking cannabis
I just harvested Bob’s “the sauce” it’s such a great one that I can’t let it go.

Even ^ that’s a lie, I for the record, don’t grow anymore. Someone even told me I only grow dix!
texas, the big state in the south.....i've been up since 7am this morning working with things around the house first....it's what happens when you have animals. Wake up with water, 3 S's, then off to the outside, come back in make coffee before the Mrs's wakes up. I've been running like the wind this morning getting ready for the rains coming....make sure everyone is safe and sound.....then half cup coffee...feeding time for cattle and horses inspection of pins to make sure no critters getting in......then i'm off to work...where i'm at now.....had my first full cup when i announced it, working on the second now......

we're laid back around here....if u haven't noticed...lol

Thought about @BudmanTX the other day.
Saw a picture of one of our earthquake damaged roads & the caption said:
"Alaska is splitting in half so Texas can be the Third largest state"