Spida's Micro Grow


Well-Known Member
one thing is you may want to think about putting a strip os 1x1 or similar along the seems and screw the sides to it to help make it stronger. then the sides wont pull apart, ( thats from experience. lol)


Well-Known Member
Hahaha. I'll let my box builder do the talking for me. ;) I just sat and watched and held stuff when needed. Good thing he was helpin, I can't keep all those god damn numbers straight. Haha. And ya, it was put together quickly, and with like minimal money.

Bonz - The walls are so sturdy. I could kick it and it won't break. Amazingly. I didn't know Plywood could be so strong, but man "dayzer122" builds one mean cabinet. Haha. Its plenty fine for the sturdiness. Hey dayzer, we should get creative with finishing this. Have the door open, and a ramp that folds down, incase my plants decide to grow wheels and roll away for a smoke. Haha. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
hey spida you need to clear your mail box cant send messages now.
pics on the way now


Well-Known Member
Will do, give me a sec, going to do it now. and done. :) So bonz, how does the watering amount sound right now? Do you think 2-3 table spoons above seedling will work every morning/lunch time whichever I have time. And then about 1 before I go to sleep?


Well-Known Member
pre water soil... put seeds in.... water it carefully... that means dont let it pour down on the soil... slowly..


its 6 am and i am smokin my first spliff ^^


Well-Known Member
How am I gonna water it without letting it get on the soil DWR? Haha. And I did pre-moisten it, but the lights make the soil look like its drying up, so I'm giving them refreshers. :) How do you like the box update so far DWR? Btw, Happy smoking. :joint:


Well-Known Member
ya that sounds fine a couple times a day. you realy dont need the light on till they show green. it is doing nothing realy except costing money. i just used a spray bottle for a while with mine and seemed to work fine misting a couple times a day to keep it moist not soaked


Well-Known Member
Having the light on makes me feel better. Makes me feel like something is happening. :) Haha. Alright, I will water maybe 2 tablespoons in the morning, 1 tablespoon before bed? Sounds good?


Well-Known Member
sure it will change constantly though. hard to stick to a certain amount. start there.

you think the babies are afraid of the dark.......lol............or is it you.......lol


Well-Known Member
LMAO! I'm just saying 1-2 right now, because that seems to be whats keeping the square inch that the seed is in moist. So that's just what I'm going by, i'm not going by a certain amount, I'm going by how much it looks like it needs. And no, my girls are still little, they need their nightlight bonz! Haha. with the light on it just makes me feel like something is taking place, and that there is a hope of a pretty sexy lady in my sexy grow box. haha.


Well-Known Member
Haha. I figured 1-2 tablespoons isn't bad. The soil was looking dry, and felt dry to the touch, so I was thinking, eh might as well just give them a little drink. So I gave them a LITTLE drink. Haha. I'll just check to see how their doing and maybe give them half a tablespoon tonight if they look like they need it. I think the light was drying them out maybe? And thanks SICC. If you like the box, we will probably be making more sooner or later. I wanted to try building a stealth box eventually, so It looks like an actual real cabinet dresser, but is a grow box. Hehe. But that definitely will not be coming out of my money, will have to wait til someone wants one built. Haha. If you like it though, and the design, give rep to Dayzer he's the real genius helping me make this cabinet. Haha. And most might think, well 3/4" plywood isn't sturdy, well this guy could change your mind. This box is one sturdy bitch. And isn't even complete! Haha.


Well-Known Member
How am I gonna water it without letting it get on the soil DWR? Haha. And I did pre-moisten it, but the lights make the soil look like its drying up, so I'm giving them refreshers. :) How do you like the box update so far DWR? Btw, Happy smoking. :joint:
emmm, before u pot the seeds, or the sprouted seed in the dirt.. u water the earth.... so that u wont have to do it like 2 days...... so the roots will have time to set, and not be interupted by some water flow.. then u wont have to keep watering em with a tablespoon each 5 hours or so.... ^^

or whatever... thats all i mean :bigjoint:

Box, is looking smaller than i expected...... You'r not gona get much out of... unless u make a bigger box for flowering ?

looking sweet otherwise ^^ What u gona do about the air exchange in the box ?

Reflector ?


Well-Known Member
DWR - The box is 2.5 feet tall by 1.5ft x 1.5 ft. its a micro grow. And let's have some healthy competition. I say that I can double what you yielded on your grow, in one of my grows in the box. :) Let's see if I can do it. Hehe. Air exchange I have fans for. Pics are on the update. Reflection I'm going to paint the insides white, and possibly put up emergency blankets.

Smokey - I'll find something to take pics of later, but for now I have to go. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
DWR - The box is 2.5 feet tall by 1.5ft x 1.5 ft. its a micro grow. And let's have some healthy competition. I say that I can double what you yielded on your grow, in one of my grows in the box. :) Let's see if I can do it. Hehe. Air exchange I have fans for. Pics are on the update. Reflection I'm going to paint the insides white, and possibly put up emergency blankets.

Smokey - I'll find something to take pics of later, but for now I have to go. :leaf:

........ Ok, 1 plant.... 80 gramms..... :lol: wont be hard... but go for it man.

Lets let this count as an agreement to your statement :bigjoint:

If i can help just ask me.... I might give u false info now ... but u can ask :bigjoint:

jk dude ;)


Well-Known Member
DWR - I have 5 plants going right now, what I meant was I was going to try and top what you yielded in my whole box, not just one plant. Haha. Sorry that was misleading. I wanted to show, that a small box could still get great yields.

N00b - A micro grow is just a grow that is done in very small/restricted space. For example, not a big grow tent, or a 4x4x8 box. Keeping it small/stealthy. :) On ICMAG they had a competition who could get the most yield from growing out of a shotglass, and one guy got 7 or 8 grams out of a shotglass. Haha. That's what you call a SUPER micro grow.
