Intellectual Dark Web

So? Islam is fucking disgusting and she's absolutely correct. Any doctrine which is anti-gay rights, anti-free speech, anti-women's rights, anti-science, and seeks to control the world with religious law is fucking TERRIBLE.

Maybe you should have your genitals mutilated and tell me how you feel about it.... you might understand her position a little better?
What size is your trailer and does it have its own bathroom?
Tonight is the first time I've heard this term, so I looked it up. There's quite a few people on the list I've heard of, and have at least, some good ideas.

Some folks I've never heard of, and some folks I don't overly agree with but an interesting page to start learning from.

View attachment 4259906
What size is your trailer and does it have its own bathroom?
What do you use to keep that KKK outfit as white as possible?
If you could go back in time to the mid to late 1930's would you prefer to live in Berlin?
Anti Islam is so 2000 what do you think is the next hate?
What size is your trailer and does it have its own bathroom?

What size is your trailer and does it have its own bathroom?
What do you use to keep that KKK outfit as white as possible?
If you could go back in time to the mid to late 1930's would you prefer to live in Berlin?
Anti Islam is so 2000 what do you think is the next hate?
How dare you insult this man

He is a disciple of the most brilliant intellectual thought leaders of our time
What size is your trailer and does it have its own bathroom?

What size is your trailer and does it have its own bathroom?
What do you use to keep that KKK outfit as white as possible?
If you could go back in time to the mid to late 1930's would you prefer to live in Berlin?
Anti Islam is so 2000 what do you think is the next hate?
Anti-Islam is forever because it's a terrible ideology that explicitly states to kill non-believers, apostates, gays and subjugates women.Christianity is almost as bad, but at least it's gone through reform, which is possible when the bible is touted as the inspired word of god written through man (it's still bullshit, but at least it's modifiable). Islam is touted as the direct word of god and is not open to change or interpretation.

Summed up, all religion is inherently bad but Islam holds the current "title belt" for being the shittiest.

I bet my house and acreage is bigger than yours... :)
Not that you'd understand, but IQ testing was designed to reduce racism and increase the pull of meritocracy.

It doesn't matter what race you are, if you test high in IQ it was an indication that you could perform at a level that might not be indicative of your socioeconomic status, and it was the left that presented this in this manner. In other words, it was a way to get people who couldn't afford or didn't have the opportunity to go to post secondary schools a path to increasing their socioeconomic status.It's also why S.A.T.'s were invented.... I suppose they're racist too?

Now, the left is so obsessed with claiming there are no biological differences between people (when there fucking CLEARLY is) they ignore the science being done that shows it's true.

It's that simple.
Anti-Islam is forever because it's a terrible ideology that explicitly states to kill non-believers, apostates, gays and subjugates women.Christianity is almost as bad, but at least it's gone through reform, which is possible when the bible is touted as the inspired word of god written through man (it's still bullshit, but at least it's modifiable). Islam is touted as the direct word of god and is not open to change or interpretation.

Summed up, all religion is inherently bad but Islam holds the current "title belt" for being the shittiest.

I bet my house and acreage is bigger than yours... :)
All of history’s worst atrocities - the holocaust, genocide of the natives, chattel slavery- all committed by Christians

Also, your hero says birth control is destroying western civilization, makeup is an invitation to sexual harassment, it’s ok to deny service to gay people, and more. So don’t pretend you’re on the side of women or gay people
All of history’s worst atrocities - the holocaust, genocide of the natives, chattel slavery- all committed by Christians

So because Christianity was bad in the past, Islam gets a pass now? Do you hear the idiocy coming out of your mouth? They're both bad.... and Muslims have been killing each other and others, for 1400 years so I'm not sure what you're babbling about. You also forgot about the Islamic conquest of India... that was what... 80,000,000 people killed?

Also, your hero says birth control is destroying western civilization, makeup is an invitation to sexual harassment, it’s ok to deny service to gay people, and more. So don’t pretend you’re on the side of women or gay people

None of that was said. He said birth control allowed women to go out into the workforce in greater numbers because they could control pregnancy. He didn't say anything like what you just stated. Do you know how supply and demand work? When you double the number of available workers..... what do you think happens to their value?

He didn't say makeup was "inviting" sexual harassment, he said he believed that it could increase the likelihood of it happening. You can increase the chances of something happening without wanting it to happen. If you take drugs you're more likely to become addicted to them, does that mean you take them with the intention of getting addicted? No, only an idiot (you) would think that.

About gay people and baking cakes, at first he said he wasn't sure if people should be forced to bake cakes for anyone (although he said it doesn't make it right to decline the service), but when asked another question which make him reconsider what he said, he immediately changed his mind and corrected himself. The nerve, right? Changing your statement based on a different perspective, how fucking dare he be rational and open to new evidence.

You know this, but keep spouting lies. That makes you dumb.
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See, I point out your logical inconsistency in your own arguments and you have no rebuke. Just the same tired, boring extreme leftist nonsense.

what's nonsense?

everyone knows charles murray is a white supremacist he attends the same white power conferences as david duke and phillipe rushton and others. his racist pseudoscience book is endorsed by the fucking klan leader.

and sam harris CHOOSES to promote it too.

that's damning

Charles Murray isn't a white supremacist

he literally burned crosses
the left is so obsessed with claiming there are no biological differences between people (when there fucking CLEARLY is) they ignore the science being done that shows it's true.

yes we get it

you have swallowed the junk pseudoscience of white supremacists that insists that black people are just naturally dumb, you repeat that junk pseudoscience, then you cry when people i out what a racist you are

it's pathetic
If Murray burned a cross that's grossly unacceptable obviously. The KKK is shit, just like your rationale.
Yeah, all they want to do is exterminate Jews and gays and subjugate women. You imbecile.

so christians didn;t commit the holocaust, chattel slavery, and the genocide of the natives?

muslim people never committed such atrocities

Another lie. No one said that, you're an idiot.

Interviewer: "Do you feel like a serious woman who does not want sexual harassment in the workplace, do you feel like if she wears makeup in the workplace, she is...somewhat being hypocritical?"

Peterson: "yeah, I do think that"

Cry like a bitch? You think stating that women and gay people should be treated with respect is "whining like a little bitch?" You're an asshole and a dumb piece of shit.

maybe you should try treating women and gay people with respect then, instead of telling them they are hypocrites if they wear makeup and expect not to be sexually harassed. or ya know, just serve gay people like any other person

peterson just did a speaking tour with literal nazi sebastian gorka and white supremacist donald trump junior, who said that if women can't handle sexual harassment they should get a new job
You think racial differences only apply to our bodies and not minds?

yes, we get it

you have stupidly swallowed the junk pseudoscience of a cross burner who is praised and endorsed by david duke

you think black people are just naturally dumber than whites and you also cry when you get called a racist

sad to see weak, insecure whites get radicalized by youtube videos. but here you are
so christians didn;t commit the holocaust, chattel slavery, and the genocide of the natives?

muslim people never committed such atrocities

Of course Christians have committed attrocities, I'm an atheist I think all religions are fucking stupid as shit and the world would be better off without them.

Interviewer: "Do you feel like a serious woman who does not want sexual harassment in the workplace, do you feel like if she wears makeup in the workplace, she is...somewhat being hypocritical?"

Peterson: "yeah, I do think that"

you're forgetting the rest of the quote again, you troglodyte.

maybe you should try treating women and gay people with respect then, instead of telling them they are hypocrites if they wear makeup and expect not to be sexually harassed. or ya know, just serve gay people like any other person

peterson just did a speaking tour with literal nazi sebastian gorka and white supremacist donald trump junior, who said that if women can't handle sexual harassment they should get a new job

Gorka is not a Nazi - as I've already debunked. He wears a medal given to his father in 1979 for "resisting the dictatorship".... it was given to him by Hungarian Exiles. Not Nazi's or allies of Nazi's. He was not a Nazi and neither is his son. lol

Donald Trump and his son are both complete fucking idiots. What is your point?
Of course Christians have committed attrocities, I'm an atheist I think all religions are fucking stupid as shit and the world would be better off without them.

yet you only ever mention how much you hate muslim people

because you're a bigot and the youtube videos that radicalized you never tell you to preach hate against white christians (for obvious reasons)

Donald Trump and his son are both complete fucking idiots. What is your point?

it's pretty straightforward if you're not a radicalized idiot

you claim to be against islam because they are not nice to women. yet this peterson guy you idolize does speaking tours with some of the most vile misogynists around, and you expect people to believe you're against misogyny

you're arguing in bad faith, and it is obvious

you're a two face
Wrong again, you must be going for some kind of stupidity world record. I don't hate muslims, I hate their ideology that promotes killing jews, gays, non-believers, and subjugating women. You apparently are set on defending these practices while claiming to be "progressive" - clearly you are confused. Christianity gets no pass from me, but apparently Islam gets a pass from you.

Catholic priests are reprehensible for protecting child molesters, Mormons are just gullible idiots...the list goes on and on....

You are a radicalized idiot. You're so far off the political spectrum it's ridiculous.

Peterson is not anti-women - as stated he only doesn't know how men and women should work together because they've only been doing it for 40 years out of our entire history. When you cherry pick things, you can make anything anyone says look bad.

Your hyperbole never ceases to impress... too bad you're a misguided moron who barely has the mental capacity to swing a hammer let alone entertain complex ideas.
Men and women never worked together before 1979?
Men and women never worked together before 1979?
Are you suggesting that men and women have always worked side-by-side in their jobs and tasks since society has existed?

Men and women working together is still a "new" development in our modern society, and it's a good thing - but to claim we have everything figured out and we have perfected how we should behave is naive and arrogant.

Differences in people, genders, races etc, can be used for nefarious means or they can be used to better understand ourselves. You don't want anyone to explore the differences because you fear the information will be used for nefarious means, which it will be by some people. That's still not a good reason to stop exploring the differences between us. However, we need to be cognoscente of how the data is used and what it can lead to.

You don't understand this, and you'd rather not have scientific experimentation and testing done so you don't have to deal with your cognitive dissonance and falsely held beliefs. You are a coward.
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I hate their ideology that promotes killing jews, gays, non-believers, and subjugating women.

are you describing christians?

because muslim people never did the holocaust

You apparently are set on defending these practices

i defend killing jews?

am i the one calling women who wear makeup but don't want to be sexually harassed "hypocrites"?

You are a radicalized idiot. You're so far off the political spectrum it's ridiculous.

says the guy reciting racist pseudoscience from a cross burner

Peterson is not anti-women

he says women wo wear makeup but dont want to be sexually harassed are hypocrites. he is apparently on some sort of crusade against birth control. he does speaking tours with a guy who says women who cant handle sexual harassment need to find a new job.

are you saying men and women have only worked together since 1979?
You're wrong.

Men and women did different jobs almost exclusively until the 20th century. There was some overlap, but not much.

are you describing christians?

because muslim people never did the holocaust

You're right Muslims killed 80,000,000 Indians, not 6,000,000 Jews. You don't seem to give a fuck about India though because then you'd have to admit that Muslims have done terrible atrocities as well. What about Yemen? Kuwait? Syria? Afghanistan?Why does that pea-brain of yours think that by showing Christians have done shitty things, it means that Muslims haven't? DERPPPPPPPPP.....

i defend killing jews?

Yep, you're defending Islam. Fun fact; a LOT of Muslims are anti-Semitic.It's very prevalent in the middle east. You're quite content to defend an ideology that wants gays killed, wants non-believers killed, wants women to have guardians and be covered from head to toe, and wants sharia law to be the defacto law of the world.What the fuck is wrong with you?

says the guy reciting racist pseudoscience from a cross burner

You don't fucking get it. Science doesn't care about your beliefs, as long as there's not false data put in. The terrible experiments done on Jews in the holocaust have been extraordinarily helpful in the treatment of things like hypothermia. The data is not invalidated because the people gather it were monsters. Even if Charles Murray was a white supremacist, which he isn't, it still wouldn't invalidate his data unless he was skewing results which there isn't any evidence of.

he says women wo wear makeup but dont want to be sexually harassed are hypocrites. he is apparently on some sort of crusade against birth control. he does speaking tours with a guy who says women who cant handle sexual harassment need to find a new job.

More 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon nonsense. People agreeing with you doesn't mean you share their views dummy.

Charles Mason loved the beetles; but that doesn't mean the Beetles endorse his views.

You just keep making logical fallacies in your arguments. It'd be kind of funny if it wasn't an indicator of your deep lack of understanding of basic logic.
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