And you accuse me of posting for attention?
but the one little ducky with a feather on his backAnd you accuse me of posting for attention?
be kind to your web-footed friendsIm not starting these threads.
be kind to your web-footed friends
for a duck may be somebody's mother
Im not starting these threads.
Attention, attention!
Your attention, please.
Thank you, I like attention. That's why I shitpost all over politics with fake news.
Lol. I babbled something wrong about car assembling and apologized for it. I was partying for new years ffs.
The auto news report had all the real info that discredits the current media news.
You just choose to ignore or expand on information as it suits you.
but in all seriousness im gonna call doordash and say he called my neighbor an offensive ethnic slur and try to get him fired just for funsies
The auto news report had all the real info that discredits the current media news.
if you think about it it's really his fault for having the stickeryou must really be proud of youself..
that's a pretty scum bag move, just saying..
if you think about it it's really his fault for having the sticker
the maga sticker means he encourages lying, so like i said it really is his fault in the endreally? so you think someone should lose their job because they don't have the same politics as you? i think the guy's as big as an asshole as they come, but i'm not some scumbag who's going to lie and call someone's work and make up some bs story and say he said something he did not say in order to satisfy some thing within me..
why not be a man about it instead of having to lie, and just call them up and say he hurt my feelings by having a trump sticker on his car? why the need to lie?
just think what will happen if someone like buck ever got in charge of everything...really? so you think someone should lose their job because they don't have the same politics as you? i think the guy's as big as an asshole as they come, but i'm not some scumbag who's going to lie and call someone's work and make up some bs story and say he said something he did not say in order to satisfy some thing within me..
why not be a man about it instead of having to lie, and just call them up and say he hurt my feelings by having a trump sticker on his car? why the need to lie?
huh?just think what will happen if someone like buck ever got in charge of everything...
but dont question his methods otherwise he'll just call you a nazi and try to get you fired
just think what will happen if someone like buck ever got in charge of everything...
but dont question his methods otherwise he'll just call you a nazi and try to get you fired
racerboy is a good person and right to question me. i am happy to explain my line of thinking to him