Random life problems

I basically was told I likely had ADHD by the doc I had to take my youngest son to for the same thing 30 years ago. Then I saw a therapist trained in trauma here for two years ending 5 years ago and he diagnosed me with it and a couple more along with PTSD.

These meds I've been trying are generic ritalin/adderal type stuff and do perk me up but I can't seem to turn that into constructive motion so won't be asking for any more unless she has something else in the medicine chest she thinks might help.

Depression was always my worst problem and now that I pretty much have the worst of that gone just trying to get my mojo working. Inability to do things that need doing is a common problem with depression so that's probably still the issue. I will not try anti-depressants again tho and haven't tried those for about 15 years. The last ones I tried and can't remember what they are had me on the verge of suicide after my 3rd day. Dangerous shit.

I was diagnosed young but it was obvious i barely slept i was always on the go i wasnt slow in picking a fight and stuff i feel you on the depression bit that kinda goes hand in hand with it i refuse to use ssris i just get on with it you know yourself you have your ups and downs but fuck it im still here cant say the same for everyone like i know 19 people who chose to end it for whatever reason and ive seen the damage that shit does to people so that will never be me anyway i hope you find stability and stuff gets better for you man
I was diagnosed young but it was obvious i barely slept i was always on the go i wasnt slow in picking a fight and stuff i feel you on the depression bit that kinda goes hand in hand with it i refuse to use ssris i just get on with it you know yourself you have your ups and downs but fuck it im still here cant say the same for everyone like i know 19 people who chose to end it for whatever reason and ive seen the damage that shit does to people so that will never be me anyway i hope you find stability and stuff gets better for you man

I was always in trouble as a kid and the first in our little 2-grade school to ever get the strap in grade one. In those days physical punishment was the only way they had to deal with a wild child. ADHD wasn't even on the radar in 1960 on up.

When my son was being diagnosed they had a 13 question sheet about a kid's behaviour that I took home and got my mom to fill out. 11 of of the 13 got yes answers when all it took was 6 or 7 to show a kid had ADHD.

I never really suffered from depression until nearly beaten to death by a large man with a luckily smallish hammer, 16oz claw hammer, in my early 20s. Docs counted 32 blows to my head and both lower arms were black and blue from blocking blows as he knelt on my chest and pounded away like a man possessed. 2 days in the hospital with a concussion then open prescriptions for valium and demerol that along with booze I abused the hell out of until one night I almost blew my head off with my .303 but got on a crisis line where the guy convinced me to wait until the next day before doing anything drastic. That was about 1978. Thinking about what it would do to my mom and other family members if I took the easy way out have kept me from doing that since tho I have often come close.

I never had any personal friends take their own lives tho did lose a couple to overdoses over the years. Two of my closest old friends did die in the last decade but one was pancreatic cancer and one a heart attack.

Microdosing 'shrooms seems to have alleviated the worst of my depression so life is a lot better now in comparison.

I See How It Is GIFs | Tenor
I woke up to this from my brother from another mother - not all hero’s wear capes, everyone talks about mg, do u literally just weigh out that amount of mushrooms? Or do u have to prepare them in any way (dry them grind them the measure the powder) ? I’ve only ever eaten them by the handful IMG_0344.png
I woke up to this from my brother from another mother - not all hero’s wear capes, everyone talks about mg, do u literally just weigh out that amount of mushrooms? Or do u have to prepare them in any way (dry them grind them the measure the powder) ? I’ve only ever eaten them by the handful

I bought mine already dried so grind up what I need in a cheap coffee bean grinder. For 50 caps at 50mg/cap is 2.5g of 'shrooms. You pretty much need to bulk that up so you have enough stuff to pack all 50 caps equally to get 50mg in each cap as the '00' ones hold about 750mg of powder packed in tight.

I bought a milligram scale off Amazon for about $25 to weigh such tiny amounts and had to weigh 4 doses worth then divide it equally by eye to be confident that was getting a correct weight per dose. As close as correct as I could get. Could kind of eyeball it on a tiny lab spatula so after a bit just dipped it in for a dose. Making up the caps was easier in the long run.

I bought mine already dried so grind up what I need in a cheap coffee bean grinder. For 50 caps at 50mg/cap is 2.5g of 'shrooms. You pretty much need to bulk that up so you have enough stuff to pack all 50 caps equally to get 50mg in each cap as the '00' ones hold about 750mg of powder packed in tight.

I bought a milligram scale off Amazon for about $25 to weigh such tiny amounts and had to weigh 4 doses worth then divide it equally by eye to be confident that was getting a correct weight per dose. As close as correct as I could get. Could kind of eyeball it on a tiny lab spatula so after a bit just dipped it in for a dose. Making up the caps was easier in the long run.


sounds like a job for my other half, but now I know. Thank u for being such a help