I'm so sorryTwo deaths really. One very quick and the other in slow motion that I hope never comes to a stop before I do

I'm so sorryTwo deaths really. One very quick and the other in slow motion that I hope never comes to a stop before I do
Two deaths really. One very quick and the other in slow motion that I hope never comes to a stop before I do.
Wild child in the 70's, lucky AF to be alive after all the stunts I pulled. I blame Eli Lilly, Rorer and Lemmon. Lost a few friends to the readily available cornucopia of prescription drugs available at the time.
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4 of them to ask questions regarding that?! Around here if a stolen car is found they don't bother to investigate.Life sure dose throw up some issues when ur already ducking and diving with a grow. Last week scaffolding went up on nextdoors house and then being told they are having a new roof - luckily work won’t be starting for 2 weeks. And last night some one stole my landrover (and burnt it out) so was woken up this morning by 4 fairly serious police offices knocking at my door and asking to come in to talk grilling me and my partner on where we were the night before. The whole time we are trying to hide bottles of clonex and other little in-sites (like my MacBook sticker bombed with free stickers from the seed sites), was hoping to flip my girls at the end of next week but I might see how the week goes first
4 of them to ask questions regarding that?! Around here if a stolen car is found they don't bother to investigate.
I HAD THE SAME PROBLEM oops caps sorry. they overprescribed me painkillers, they gave me 2 prescriptions a week instead of 1 for painkillers, diazepam. the best way to do it is like half a mill a day for 2 weeks, then another half a mill for two weeks and do it that way, when it came to the last 30 mg's i just went cold turkey to so it was unplesant, used that as a "no way am i doing that again". but at half to 1 mg every 2 weeks, you hardly notice it,im currently trying to kick the codien, 15 years on it and its brutal coming off it, tried the oxy thing but it never really got me hooked, pregabs morphine the lot, but the codien really got its teeth into me - it’s the New Year’s resolution so fingers crossed
I HAD THE SAME PROBLEM oops caps sorry. they overprescribed me painkillers, they gave me 2 prescriptions a week instead of 1 for painkillers, diazepam. the best way to do it is like half a mill a day for 2 weeks, then another half a mill for two weeks and do it that way, when it came to the last 30 mg's i just went cold turkey to so it was unplesant, used that as a "no way am i doing that again". but at half to 1 mg every 2 weeks, you hardly notice it,
if it helps, get smaller dosage pills, you think your taking more, but your tapering off. im still stuck at 11 mg of diazepam a day, but that stops me from buying them by the thousand. i was taking 10 x 10 mg tablets at a time, scoffing them down like sweets, id take that dosage every 4 hours. they were not as hard as the codeine to come off of. good luck and hope that helps
Aye fuck that i get you need it for pain but opioids are evil turn the nicest man into a shadow of himself in my experience respect for kicking that shit i know its not a easy ride ive never had that habit but i know plenty who haveI HAD THE SAME PROBLEM oops caps sorry. they overprescribed me painkillers, they gave me 2 prescriptions a week instead of 1 for painkillers, diazepam. the best way to do it is like half a mill a day for 2 weeks, then another half a mill for two weeks and do it that way, when it came to the last 30 mg's i just went cold turkey to so it was unplesant, used that as a "no way am i doing that again". but at half to 1 mg every 2 weeks, you hardly notice it,
if it helps, get smaller dosage pills, you think your taking more, but your tapering off. im still stuck at 11 mg of diazepam a day, but that stops me from buying them by the thousand. i was taking 10 x 10 mg tablets at a time, scoffing them down like sweets, id take that dosage every 4 hours. they were not as hard as the codeine to come off of. good luck and hope that helps
Good luck mate its shit theres no way to dress it up but you can do it might take time but you will get there if its what you want there is no easy fix hang in thereyeh I’ve been on 240mg + a day for years of codien got my self some 8mg and told the guy I get it off to stop dropping it round, I lasted about 5 days last year cold turkey and by the end felt like I wanted to shave the skin on my legs off, the 8mg have been helping a bit take the edge off, but the aches and pains from my bones is unreal, gotta go through it tho I guess
im currently trying to kick the codien, 15 years on it and its brutal coming off it, tried the oxy thing but it never really got me hooked, pregabs morphine the lot, but the codien really got its teeth into me - it’s the New Year’s resolution so fingers crossed
Codeine makes me itch all over and gives me hives so even tho it used to be easy to get I never developed a habit. Did a lot of really good coke back in the late 70s when I was a cab driver in Calgary but could go on a week long run and then not do any for weeks with no real withdrawal issues. Played around with heroin and no problems there either tho I never injected. Haven't done either for over 30 years but probably would if I knew it was clean stuff and didn't have fentanyl in it.
The only drug I ever got hooked on was alcohol. It does more damage than all the others combined but is still the easiest to get. Maybe not the only one as I'm still hooked on nicotine but that's slow motion suicide.
Haven't had a drink in 2 and a half years now after microdosing with magic mushrooms that has removed the worst of my over 40 year run with chronic depression after a near fatal hammer attack in my 20s. I just have no craving for the booze at all which is such a blessing.
Most people use and abuse drugs to deal with pain in their lives whether physical, mental, spiritual or a combination of those. Getting off them before dealing with the root cause makes the task so much harder. For me I was abusing alcohol to deal with the depression and PTSD symptoms like sleep paralysis nightmares that I still get once in a while when I'm under heavy stress. Happily for me my stress levels have greatly reduced since I hit retirement age and for the first time in my life am financially stable. Not well off by any means but the bills all get paid on time and there's enough left to eat decently and have some left over for hobbies etc. Having a loving and supporting spouse for 25 years this July is another reason that I probably never ate my shotgun during one of my booze addled fugue states.
Good luck getting off the codeine Ann. It's no fun having something controlling your life and so freeing when you finally become master of your own fate. Once the wife and I get off the damn cigs I'll finally have that feeling of being free myself I hope. I give thanks every day for getting off the booze.
yeh that’s why I wanna get off it, just hate my self and how it’s got such a grip over me and life, I’m hearing allot of good things about mushrooms and how they are helping with depression and addictions and stuff, I have a mountain about 10 mins from my place that apparently is “world famous” for the shrooms that grow there and it doesn't take much effort to get a good 2-300 caps
I was reading reviews and peoples results from using 'shrooms on Reddit at r/microdosing then ordered an oz of Penis Envy 'shrooms on a Black Friday sale a couple weeks before Xmas for only $99 Can. After some trial and error found that only 50mg was a good dose for me. I then made up a bunch of caps following Paul Stamets protocols with the 50mg 'shrooms, 100mg Vit B3 and 500mg Lion's Mane mushrooms. The B3 gave me such a flush that it felt like my ears were burning so I re-engineered them to only have 40mg B3 but the same levels of the other two ingredients.
I rarely use them now and even taking one in the morning makes me feel downright cheerful all day.
When I first got the 'shrooms I had some other offer by private message to get a sample box with a 3g chocolate bar, 3 - 1/8 oz packs of different 'shrooms, a pack of 10 - 300mg microdose caps for just paying the $20 shipping fee. Turned out it was legit and that New Year's Eve was going to eat half the chocolate bar and take a couple of those 300mg caps. Only ate 1/4 of the bar and 1 cap and glad that's all I took. Got pretty high and didn't really like the feeling all that much so haven't taken a macro dose since. When I was in my teens I did lots of acid, peyote and 'shrooms enough to be up talking to god all night and loved it but not so much now.
For anyone with mental health and/or addiction issues I think trying 'shrooms is well worth it. Like with anything else you use to as an attempt for serious medical use start low and go slow until you establish some dosing limits. If 50mg of 'shrooms can have such a profound effect on my mental health I don't see the need to use more or more often than what I'm doing now.
I just wish it would help with the procrastination issues I've had all my life. A few months ago I started getting ADHD meds from our nurse practitioner to see if that helped but other than helping deal with the fatigue issues my ass stays stuck to my chair in the mancave almost just as much. 3 different types so far. If I needed to lose weight they would be perfect for that but I need to gain some weight so I don't use them much. Very slow release so I dump the little beads into my mortar and pestle to grind them into dust then eat that with my morning coffee. The ones I have now are 10mg dextroamphetamine. Powdered they kick in 15 min later.
I am a person of excess, I think it’s half my problem, so the terms macro and micro dosing arnt something I’m used to, but hearing nothing but good things about the results
I got adhd and odd too and well all i know is ritalin is bad news ime i did it for a year never again i never tried the dextro or the rest meds wise ime too many side effects so i just stick to my weed now and the odd trip here and there and that does meI was reading reviews and peoples results from using 'shrooms on Reddit at r/microdosing then ordered an oz of Penis Envy 'shrooms on a Black Friday sale a couple weeks before Xmas for only $99 Can. After some trial and error found that only 50mg was a good dose for me. I then made up a bunch of caps following Paul Stamets protocols with the 50mg 'shrooms, 100mg Vit B3 and 500mg Lion's Mane mushrooms. The B3 gave me such a flush that it felt like my ears were burning so I re-engineered them to only have 40mg B3 but the same levels of the other two ingredients.
I rarely use them now and even taking one in the morning makes me feel downright cheerful all day.
When I first got the 'shrooms I had some other offer by private message to get a sample box with a 3g chocolate bar, 3 - 1/8 oz packs of different 'shrooms, a pack of 10 - 300mg microdose caps for just paying the $20 shipping fee. Turned out it was legit and that New Year's Eve was going to eat half the chocolate bar and take a couple of those 300mg caps. Only ate 1/4 of the bar and 1 cap and glad that's all I took. Got pretty high and didn't really like the feeling all that much so haven't taken a macro dose since. When I was in my teens I did lots of acid, peyote and 'shrooms enough to be up talking to god all night and loved it but not so much now.
For anyone with mental health and/or addiction issues I think trying 'shrooms is well worth it. Like with anything else you use to as an attempt for serious medical use start low and go slow until you establish some dosing limits. If 50mg of 'shrooms can have such a profound effect on my mental health I don't see the need to use more or more often than what I'm doing now.
I just wish it would help with the procrastination issues I've had all my life. A few months ago I started getting ADHD meds from our nurse practitioner to see if that helped but other than helping deal with the fatigue issues my ass stays stuck to my chair in the mancave almost just as much. 3 different types so far. If I needed to lose weight they would be perfect for that but I need to gain some weight so I don't use them much. Very slow release so I dump the little beads into my mortar and pestle to grind them into dust then eat that with my morning coffee. The ones I have now are 10mg dextroamphetamine. Powdered they kick in 15 min later.
I got adhd and odd too and well all i know is ritalin is bad news ime i did it for a year never again i never tried the dextro or the rest meds wise ime too many side effects so i just stick to my weed now and the odd trip here and there and that does me
I have PTSD and the medication they had me on I hated.I basically was told I likely had ADHD by the doc I had to take my youngest son to for the same thing 30 years ago. Then I saw a therapist trained in trauma here for two years ending 5 years ago and he diagnosed me with it and a couple more along with PTSD.
These meds I've been trying are generic ritalin/adderal type stuff and do perk me up but I can't seem to turn that into constructive motion so won't be asking for any more unless she has something else in the medicine chest she thinks might help.
Depression was always my worst problem and now that I pretty much have the worst of that gone just trying to get my mojo working. Inability to do things that need doing is a common problem with depression so that's probably still the issue. I will not try anti-depressants again tho and haven't tried those for about 15 years. The last ones I tried and can't remember what they are had me Ton the verge of suicide after my 3rd day. Dangerous shit.
I have PTSD and the medication they had me on I hated.