The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Donald is always breaking new ground and there's always a first time for everything, this polling is before any public congressional investigations and bombshell testimony. A public impeachment investigation and a senate trial on TV might change those polling numbers a lot. Oh yeah, there's that Mueller report too that I'm sure will be rolled into the mix. Remember the congress has yet to hold real public hearings and I'm sure people are gonna wonder where the senate investigations are when the house starts dropping shit on Trump.

Donald is gonna take the GOP with him when he goes down anyway, if they continue to support him as public evidence grows the more damage will be done. I think this might cost Mitch his republican senate majority no matter what, and even his own senate seat if things get bad enough and with Trump they will. Donald still has a nuclear war and the murder of millions left in him, he'll need a big distraction soon. What do you think China might do if Donald uses nukes in North Korea a few hundred miles from their capital city and tens of millions of it's citizens are covered in fall out? Anybody want a suitcase nuke in their future? If you think the USA can get away with nuking somebody in today's world, think again, it won't be a freebie.

resident Donald Trump isn't exactly popular right now. In fact, a new poll shows that more people seem to support impeaching him than approve of the job he's doing.

The survey from Public Policy Polling—a Democratic polling company that also does public polls—pegged Trump's approval rating at just 40 percent, while 57 percent disapproved. Forty-six percent of voters, meanwhile, supported impeaching Trump, while just 44 percent are opposed, according to the poll.

The survey polled 760 registered voters from January 19 through 21. It had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.6 percentage points.

The survey also pitted Trump against hypothetical Democratic opponents for the 2020 election to see where things stood. Trump trailed all seven likely Democratic candidates that the company used: former Vice President Joe Biden (53 percent to 41 percent), Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders (51 percent to 41 percent), California Senator Kamala Harris (48 percent to 41 percent), former Texas Representative Beto O’Rourke (47 percent to 41 percent), Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren (48 percent to 42 percent), New Jersey Senator Cory Booker (47 percent to 42 percent) and New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (47 percent to 42 percent).

"It really doesn’t matter which Democratic hopeful you test against him right now," said Dean Debnam, president of Public Policy Polling, in a statement. "Voters prefer any of them over Trump at halftime of his Presidency." And while many voters seem to support the idea, it would be a tall task to remove Trump from office through impeachment since Republicans control the Senate, which would have to vote to convict him of the charges. But Democrats could move to begin impeachment proceedings in the House. Trump himself brought this up over the weekend, maintaining that impeachment would hurt the stock market.

He tweeted on Saturday: "The Economy is one of the best in our history, with unemployment at a 50 year low, and the Stock Market ready to again break a record (set by us many times) - & all you heard yesterday, based on a phony story, was Impeachment. You want to see a Stock Market Crash, Impeach Trump!"

In the tweet, Trump appeared to be referencing an article from BuzzFeed News that said Trump directed his former lawyer Michael Cohen to lie to Congress, according to two unnamed federal law enforcement officials. A spokesman for special counsel Robert Mueller disputed aspects of the story (without going into much detail), but BuzzFeed says it stands by its reporting.
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Here's a high crime, or a regular one at the very least, one of many... I can smell the smoke of the constitution burning while Mitch McConnell warms his hands on the fire.
Michael Cohen postpones House testimony, citing 'threats against his family'

(CNN)President Donald Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen announced he is postponing his public congressional testimony that was scheduled for February 7, citing "ongoing threats against his family" from the President and his attorney Rudy Giuliani.
Cohen made a smart move in refusing to testify after Trump's threats, he will eventually, after he makes Trump own it. Another article of impeachment, criminal charge and eventual lawsuit. It lends credibility to Cohen's testimony and increases public interest.
Speier on Trump and Cohen: Feels like 'The Godfather'
Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) responds to President Donald Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen postponing his public congressional testimony, saying the alleged threats from Trump against his family makes her feel like she is in one of "The Godfather" films. #CNN #News
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you know he's going to try to pardon himself and his whole family for anything they've done up to that time.......right before he leaves office.....i almost hope it works. it might be more satisfying to watch him become a world-wide pariah. he'd end up on a compound full of his most faithful followers, with his family, with no money, no golf, no press coverage, no one reading his tweets...
he could spend his final days building a wall around his compound, to keep out the fake news reporters that aren't there
you know he's going to try to pardon himself and his whole family for anything they've done up to that time.......right before he leaves office.....i almost hope it works. it might be more satisfying to watch him become a world-wide pariah. he'd end up on a compound full of his most faithful followers, with his family, with no money, no golf, no press coverage, no one reading his tweets...
he could spend his final days building a wall around his compound, to keep out the fake news reporters that aren't there
Big beautiful orange walls
you know he's going to try to pardon himself and his whole family for anything they've done up to that time.......right before he leaves office.....i almost hope it works. it might be more satisfying to watch him become a world-wide pariah. he'd end up on a compound full of his most faithful followers, with his family, with no money, no golf, no press coverage, no one reading his tweets...
he could spend his final days building a wall around his compound, to keep out the fake news reporters that aren't there
Maybe he'll go out like Jim Jones and take his followers with him, they've already drunk the Koolaid.

our Commerce secretary, a trump appointee, doesn't understand why 800,000 government employs don't want to get loans to help get through the shut down....perhaps he will offer them all interest free loans, from his 700 million dollar net worth....
jesus wept tears of blood.....this is the kind of person trump puts in charge of the countries welfare....which is why most of us will soon be ON welfare.....

our Commerce secretary, a trump appointee, doesn't understand why 800,000 government employs don't want to get loans to help get through the shut down....perhaps he will offer them all interest free loans, from his 700 million dollar net worth....
jesus wept tears of blood.....this is the kind of person trump puts in charge of the countries welfare....which is why most of us will soon be ON welfare.....
From what I've been reading old Wilbur might die in jail and his millions won't be of much use, except to bury him in style. The last I heard, they don't put luggage racks on hearses...
The State Of The State Of The Union
Nobody knows if we're going to have a State of the Union address. Here's how we got here...
FBI arrests longtime Trump associate Roger Stone
Roger Stone has been indicted by a grand jury on charges brought by special counsel Robert Mueller, who alleges that the longtime Donald Trump associate sought stolen emails from WikiLeaks that could damage Trump's opponents at the direction of "a senior Trump Campaign official." #CNN #News
FBI arrests longtime Trump associate Roger Stone
Roger Stone has been indicted by a grand jury on charges brought by special counsel Robert Mueller, who alleges that the longtime Donald Trump associate sought stolen emails from WikiLeaks that could damage Trump's opponents at the direction of "a senior Trump Campaign official." #CNN #News

Ah, those big, beautiful walls closing in to pop the pus filled orange skin bag that is Trump.
go the fuck away, stupid troll.....if you sincerely want a second term from this fucking moron, you're too goddamn stupid to even fucking acknowledge.....ignored on your first stupid ass post.....
Lol here we go with the name calling and anger. We can go fact for fact but you’ve already ignored me. Trump is the great white hope.
Lol here we go with the name calling and anger. We can go fact for fact but you’ve already ignored me. Trump is the great white hope.
More like the death of the great white hope, Trump is destroying the right at record speed. Puerto Rico will be the 51st state in 3 years after the GOP gets wiped out in 2020. If Donald is still around in 2020 it will be even worse for the right and if the senate votes not guilty in a slam dunk impeachment trial even Mitch McConnell's seat will be up for grabs. The republicans are fucked even in Dixie from here on out, Donald is leading them after all and he has completely fucked up anything he's had control over. Who but an idiot bankrupts a casino and loses their family fortune? Who but an idiot would vote for such a person...