What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
The paint is worn off where the buttons are, but luckily they inlaid the letters so in the right light I can still see what the buttons do.


Well-Known Member
My favorite time change story: Two of my buddies worked construction 25-30 years ago. All morning my friend TT had been bitching about the time change, how it had robbed him of an hour's sleep. At lunch him and LC road down a dirt road to burn one and a coon crossed the road in front of them. LC said, "that coon is all screwed up from the time change too."

That's pretty racist, but I understand it was a different time. We'll let the first one slide...


Well-Known Member
Put up a 4' x 4' x 80 inch tent in an area that had 82 inches of overhead clearance, avoiding shut off valves and copper tubing. A royal PITA, glad its done. Hung one light so far, the Timber 2 VL....transplanted a young seedling, helped a friend move also. Im beat up.

Tomorrow I'll add a 6" Lasko fan, a CMH to hang too. Humidifier is enroute.


Well-Known Member
I always get the "just text me..." If I want to talk to someone I'll just call, I don't text.
I always get asked to add my mobile # number on websites or certain transactions, never an option to just enter a reg phone number. I had a fancy smart phone, my first bill was almost $200 I brought that fucker back to Verizon soon after. Paid a huge fee but in the end? totally worth ditching it./


Well-Known Member
Damn, storm rolling in from the east, that is rare...they usually die off once they roll off the mountains. Wonder if it will snow...lol


Well-Known Member
I always get asked to add my mobile # number on websites or certain transactions, never an option to just enter a reg phone number. I had a fancy smart phone, my first bill was almost $200 I brought that fucker back to Verizon soon after. Paid a huge fee but in the end? totally worth ditching it./
I have a cheap flip phone I pay $15 up front a month. If I want to get on the web I have my laptop, I probably couldn't read anything on a phone anyway.